Archive | 2021




Abstrak \n\xa0 \nPandemi Covid-19 yang sudah berlangsung selama lebih dari 1 tahun mengharuskan manusia hidup berdampingan dengan virus selama menjalankan aktivitasnya. Penggunaan masker adalah salah satu upaya meminimalisir penularan virus. Tingginya kebutuhan terhadap masker kedokteran menimbulkan kelangkaan di pasaran. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan alternatif untuk mengatasi kelangkaan tersebut dengan menggunakan masker kain yang dapat digunakan sehari-hari ditengah aktivitas menghadapi krisis kesehatan saat ini. Tujuan kegiatan KPM Tematik ini yaitu menstranfer keterampilan menjahit kepada ibu-ibu sekitar yang tergabung dalam anggota PKK Desa Manggis sekaligus mendukung program desa dalam kegiatan razia masker dengan memproduksi 100 pcs masker buat warga. Penerapan aktivitas dilaksanakan sepanjang 1 minggu meliputi survei posisi, analisis permasalahan, dialog penentuan agenda aktivitas dengan pihak desa serta mitra, sosialisasi aktivitas kepada calon sasaran binaan, aktivitas inti meliputi pembukaan, pelatihan, pendampingan serta peyerahan produk. Keberhasilan aktivitas ini terukur dari terciptanya keahlian partisipan sehingga sasaran pembuatan 100 masker tercapai. Reaksi partisipan pada aktivitas ini sangat baik ditandai dengan antusiasme perserta mencapai 100% kedatangan partisipan tiba tepat waktu sampai aktivitas ini berakhir. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diakhiri dengan penyerahan 100 pcs masker kepada perwakilan Pemerintah Desa Manggis untuk dibagikan kepada masyarakat. \nKata kunci: Pelatihan, Masker, dan Covid-19 \n\xa0 \nAbstract \n\xa0 \nThe Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for more than 1 year, requires humans to live side by side with the virus during their activities. The use of masks is an effort to minimize transmission of the virus. The high need for masks, especially medical masks, is causing scarcity in the market. For that, an alternative is needed to overcome this scarcity by using cloth masks that can be used daily in the midst of activities facing the current health crisis. The purpose of this Thematic KPM activity is to transfer sewing skills to local women who are members of the Manggis Village PKK as well as support the village program in mask raids by producing 100 pcs of masks for the community. The implementation of activities was carried out for 1 week including location surveys, problem analysis, discussions on determining activity schedules with villages and partners, socializing activities to targeted target candidates, core activities including opening, training, mentoring and product delivery. The success of this activity can be measured by the creation of participant skills so that the target of making 100 masks is achieved. The response of the participants in this activity was very good, marked by the enthusiasm of the participants, namely 100% of the attendance of the participants came on time until the activity ended. This community service activity ended with the handing over of 100 masks to the Head of Manggis Village to be distributed to the community when carrying out mask raids. \nKeyword: Training, Mask, and Covid-19

Volume 1
Pages 83-92
DOI 10.51158/ABDIKMAS.V1I2.488
Language English
Journal None

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