Plant Archives | 2021




In vivo salt checking of six potato somaclones was conducted in Genetics Lab, Genetic and Genetic Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Moshtohor 13736, Qaliuobia, Egypt under greenhouse conditions. Varied concentrations of saline solution (0, 20, 40, 60mM) were applied on potato. On mean basis, genotypes Diamant, and Spunta developed as the most salt tolerant genotypes with greatest plant height (48.6 cm), number of nodes (22.26), number of shoots plant-1 (3.47), leaf area (657.93 cm2); tubers No. plant-1 (5.66) and tuber weight plant-1 (38.65 g). Sante, and Lady Rosetta performed as moderately salt tolerant genotypes under salt stress. On the other hand Ditta, and Safrane was recorded as the most salt sensitive with minimum plant height (34.06 cm), number of nodes (18.53), number of shoots (2.93), leaf area (645.00 cm2), number of tubers (3.93) and tuber weight (19.10 mm). The results revealed that growth parameters of all varieties decreased as the salt stress level increased. The NaCl treatment generated an important loss of leaf greenness in treated plants, with significant decrease in chlorophyll content after salt treatment. This decrease was more significant in the two sensitive somaclones B, and E 21.5, and 27%. Protein content showed a significant decrease in all tissues of potato plants after salinity treatment, in the greenhouse conditions (Table 5). The highest decrease was noticed in sensitive somaclones B, and E 27.2, and 22.6% followed by moderate tolerant genotypes C, and D by 15.6, and 21.1% then tolerant somaclones recorded 19.1, and 12.6%. A high increase of the proline content was detected after salt addition in all somaclones ranged from 7.3 folds in somaclone F to 9.3 fold with somaclone B.

Volume 21
Pages 658-665
DOI 10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2021.V21.S1.100
Language English
Journal Plant Archives

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