Archive | 2021




OZET Gunumuzde internet kullaniminin yayginlasmasi, elektronik ticaretin gelisimine neden olmus, elektronik ticaretin gelisimi de beraberinde birtakim yenilikler getirmistir. Internet uzerinden yirmidort saat sureyle yapilan ulke ici ve ulkeler arasi mal ve hizmet alimlari, para transferinde klasik odeme araclarina alternatif bazi odeme araclarinin ortaya cikmasina sebep olmustur. Bu gelismeler sonucu dijital para ve kripto para kavramlari ortaya cikmis ve bu tarz paralarin kullanilmasi oldukca yayginlasmistir. Kripto paralar, acik kaynakli bir kod olarak uretilmis, tamamen dijital ve sifrelenmis para birimleridir. Kripto paralar, gelir getiren, alisverislerde ve cevirimici ortamlarda harcanabilen paralardir. Bu nedenle bir degisim araci olarak algilanmaya ve kullanilmaya baslanmislardir. Ancak bu paralarin cismani varligi olmayip esya niteligini tasiyip tasimadiklari konusunda tartisma vardir. Calismamizda, para, kripto para, Blockchain kavramlarina dair bilgi verildikten sonra, kripto paralarin esya niteliginde olup olmadigi konulari detayli sekilde incelenecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Para, Kripto para, Blockchain, Esya, Kripto Paranin Esya Niteligi ABSTRACT The widespread use of the internet today has led to the development of electronic commerce, and the development of electronic commerce has brought some innovations with it. Domestic and inter-country purchases of goods and services made over the internet have led to the emerge of some alternative payment instruments to the classical payment instruments in money transfer. As a result of these developments, the concepts of digital money and cryptomoney have emerged and the use of such money has become quite common. Cryptocurrencies are digital and encrypted currencies produced as an open-source code and they generate income and can be spent on shopping and online. For this reason, they have started to be perceived and used as a tool for change. Therefore, these coins do not have a corporeal existence and there is a debate as to whether they have the qualification of goods. In our study, after giving information about the concepts of money, cryptomoney and Blockchain, the issues of whether cryptocurrencies have the qualification of goods will be examined. Key Words: Money, Cripto money, Blockchain, Property, Property nature of cryptocurrency.

Volume 11
Pages 289-306
DOI 10.52273/SDUHFD..938420
Language English
Journal None

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