Archive | 2019

Transforming the teaching and learning culture in higher education from a DIY perspective



espanolEste articulo se basa en el proyecto europeo DIYLab y da cuenta de parte de los resultados de su implementacion en cinco grados de la Universidad de Barcelona (Educacion Primaria, Educacion Infantil, Educacion Social, Pedagogia y Bellas Artes). El proyecto se desarrollo en centros de educacion primaria, secundaria y superior de Espana, Finlandia y la Chequia. Su foco era incorporar en las instituciones implicadas, modalidades de aprender relacionadas con la cultura Do it Yourself (DIY), fomentando la creatividad, la colaboracion, la autorregulacion, la autoria, la comparticion y el uso critico de tecnologias digitales. Siguiendo una metodologia basada en la investigacion-accion participativa (IAP), organizamos grupos de discusion con profesorado, alumnado y familias y definimos la implementacion a partir de las caracteristicas de cada contexto y de acciones formativas con el profesorado. Durante la formacion, se propuso que los estudiantes realizaran de forma colaborativa producciones audiovisuales sobre sus aprendizajes y los procesos que los habian propiciado. Simultaneamente, creamos la plataforma digital abierta DIYLabHub, con el objetivo de compartir las producciones creadas por los estudiantes. Durante la implementacion en la Universidad de Barcelona, 471 estudiantes crearon colaborativamente y compartieron en el Hub 76 producciones audiovisuales, y los investigadores realizamos observaciones, grabaciones, notas de campo y grupos de discusion. En este articulo, presentamos los resultados del analisis y las conclusiones sobre como se transformaron las practicas de ensenanza y de aprendizaje y se resignificaron las actitudes y los roles del profesorado y alumnado, y sobre la sostenibilidad de la cultura DIY en educacion superior. EnglishThis article focuses in part of the results of the implementation of the European project DIYLab in five bachelor’s degrees at the University of Barcelona (Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Education, Education and Fine Art). The project was carried out in six elementary and secondary schools and two Universities of Spain, Finland and the Czech Republic. The main focus was to incorporate learning modalities related to the Do it Yourself (DIY) culture, fostering creativity, collaboration, self-regulation, authorship and a critical use of digital technology. Following a methodology based on the principles of participatory action-research (PAR), we first organized discussion groups with teachers, students and, in the case of elementary and secondary schools, families. Then, we defined the implementation, based on the characteristics of each institution and the formative actions organized with the teachers. During the teacher’s professional development, the participants proposed that students create audio-visual productions collaboratively about their learning and the processes that propitiated it. Simultaneously, we created the open digital platform DIYLabHub with the aim of sharing the productions created by students. During the implementation at the University of Barcelona, 471 students collaboratively created and shared 76 audio-visual objects in the Hub and the researchers carried out observations, recordings, field notes and discussion groups. In this article, we present the results of the analysis and the conclusions of how teaching and learning practices were transformed, how teachers’ and students’ attitudes and roles were reconfigured, and the possibilities of sustainability of the DIY culture in Higher Education.

Volume 22
Pages 139-160
DOI 10.5944/EDUCXX1.20057
Language English
Journal None

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