Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 2021

Atypical Presentation of an Adrenal Mass



Catecholamine-secreting tumours arise from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and the sympathetic ganglia referred to as pheochromocytomas and catecholamine secreting paragangliomas, respectively. The incidence of pheochromocytoma is less. This was about a 38-years-old male patient that complained of burning sensation while micturition and right loin pain. On evaluation he was found to have a right adrenal mass of size of 6 cm. The patient was found to have right ureteric caliculi and right Double J Stent (DJ) was done. He was advised for further evaluation but he was not willing at that point of time. Thus, pheochromocytoma has to be one of the differentials in a young person presenting with hypertension or with atypical presentation. Because pheochromocytoma is one of the correctable causes of hypertension and a person can have a near normal or average life span after surgery. This patient presented with urinary symptoms followed by typical features of cholelithiasis rather than symptoms of pheochromocytoma.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.7860/JCDR/2021/47719.14888
Language English
Journal Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

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