Christoph Schnörr
Heidelberg University
International Journal of Computer Vision | 2005
Andrés Bruhn; Joachim Weickert; Christoph Schnörr
Differential methods belong to the most widely used techniques for optic flow computation in image sequences. They can be classified into local methods such as the Lucas–Kanade technique or Bigüns structure tensor method, and into global methods such as the Horn/Schunck approach and its extensions. Often local methods are more robust under noise, while global techniques yield dense flow fields. The goal of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding and the design of novel differential methods in four ways; (i) We juxtapose the role of smoothing/regularisation processes that are required in local and global differential methods for optic flow computation. (ii) This discussion motivates us to describe and evaluate a novel method that combines important advantages of local and global approaches: It yields dense flow fields that are robust against noise. (iii) Spatiotemporal and nonlinear extensions as well as multiresolution frameworks are presented for this hybrid method. (iv) We propose a simple confidence measure for optic flow methods that minimise energy functionals. It allows to sparsify a dense flow field gradually, depending on the reliability required for the resulting flow. Comparisons with experiments from the literature demonstrate the favourable performance of the proposed methods and the confidence measure.
International Journal of Computer Vision | 2002
Daniel Cremers; Florian Tischhäuser; Joachim Weickert; Christoph Schnörr
We present a modification of the Mumford-Shah functional and its cartoon limit which facilitates the incorporation of a statistical prior on the shape of the segmenting contour. By minimizing a single energy functional, we obtain a segmentation process which maximizes both the grey value homogeneity in the separated regions and the similarity of the contour with respect to a set of training shapes. We propose a closed-form, parameter-free solution for incorporating invariance with respect to similarity transformations in the variational framework. We show segmentation results on artificial and real-world images with and without prior shape information. In the cases of noise, occlusion or strongly cluttered background the shape prior significantly improves segmentation. Finally we compare our results to those obtained by a level set implementation of geodesic active contours.
International Journal of Computer Vision | 2001
Joachim Weickert; Christoph Schnörr
Many differential methods for the recovery of the optic flow field from an image sequence can be expressed in terms of a variational problem where the optic flow minimizes some energy. Typically, these energy functionals consist of two terms: a data term, which requires e.g. that a brightness constancy assumption holds, and a regularizer that encourages global or piecewise smoothness of the flow field. In this paper we present a systematic classification of rotation invariant convex regularizers by exploring their connection to diffusion filters for multichannel images. This taxonomy provides a unifying framework for data-driven and flow-driven, isotropic and anisotropic, as well as spatial and spatio-temporal regularizers. While some of these techniques are classic methods from the literature, others are derived here for the first time. We prove that all these methods are well-posed: they posses a unique solution that depends in a continuous way on the initial data. An interesting structural relation between isotropic and anisotropic flow-driven regularizers is identified, and a design criterion is proposed for constructing anisotropic flow-driven regularizers in a simple and direct way from isotropic ones. Its use is illustrated by several examples.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | 2001
Joachim Weickert; Christoph Schnörr
Nonquadratic variational regularization is a well-known and powerful approach for the discontinuity-preserving computation of optic flow. In the present paper, we consider an extension of flow-driven spatial smoothness terms to spatio-temporal regularizers. Our method leads to a rotationally invariant and time symmetric convex optimization problem. It has a unique minimum that can be found in a stable way by standard algorithms such as gradient descent. Since the convexity guarantees global convergence, the result does not depend on the flow initialization. Two iterative algorithms are presented that are not difficult to implement. Qualitative and quantitative results for synthetic and real-world scenes show that our spatio-temporal approach (i) improves optic flow fields significantly, (ii) smoothes out background noise efficiently, and (iii) preserves true motion boundaries. The computational costs are only 50% higher than for a pure spatial approach applied to all subsequent image pairs of the sequence.
Pattern Recognition | 2003
Daniel Cremers; Timo Kohlberger; Christoph Schnörr
We present a variational integration of nonlinear shape statistics into a Mumford–Shah based segmentation process. The nonlinear statistics are derived from a set of training silhouettes by a novel method of density estimation which can be considered as an extension of kernel PCA to a probabilistic framework. We assume that the training data forms a Gaussian distribution after a nonlinear mapping to a higher-dimensional feature space. Due to the strong nonlinearity, the corresponding density estimate in the original space is highly non-Gaussian. Applications of the nonlinear shape statistics in segmentation and tracking of 2D and 3D objects demonstrate that the segmentation process can incorporate knowledge on a large variety of complex real-world shapes. It makes the segmentation process robust against misleading information due to noise, clutter and occlusion. ? 2003 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
european conference on computer vision | 2002
Daniel Cremers; Timo Kohlberger; Christoph Schnörr
We present a variational integration of nonlinear shape statistics into a Mumford-Shah based segmentation process. The non-linear statistics are derived from a set of training silhouettes by a novel method of density estimation which can be considered as an extension of kernel PCA to a stochastic framework.The idea is to assume that the training data forms a Gaussian distribution after a nonlinear mapping to a potentially higher-dimensional feature space. Due to the strong nonlinearity, the corresponding density estimate in the original space is highly non-Gaussian. It can capture essentially arbitrary data distributions (e.g. multiple clusters, ring- or banana-shaped manifolds).Applications of the nonlinear shape statistics in segmentation and tracking of 2D and 3D objects demonstrate that the segmentation process can incorporate knowledge on a large variety of complex real-world shapes. It makes the segmentation process robust against misleading information due to noise, clutter and occlusion.
Machine Learning | 2005
Julia Neumann; Christoph Schnörr; Gabriele Steidl
Feature selection is an important combinatorial optimisation problem in the context of supervised pattern classification. This paper presents four novel continuous feature selection approaches directly minimising the classifier performance. In particular, we include linear and nonlinear Support Vector Machine classifiers. The key ideas of our approaches are additional regularisation and embedded nonlinear feature selection. To solve our optimisation problems, we apply difference of convex functions programming which is a general framework for non-convex continuous optimisation. Experiments with artificial data and with various real-world problems including organ classification in computed tomography scans demonstrate that our methods accomplish the desired feature selection and classification performance simultaneously.
International Journal of Computer Vision | 2006
Andrés Bruhn; Joachim Weickert; Timo Kohlberger; Christoph Schnörr
Variational methods are among the most accurate techniques for estimating the optic flow. They yield dense flow fields and can be designed such that they preserve discontinuities, estimate large displacements correctly and perform well under noise and varying illumination. However, such adaptations render the minimisation of the underlying energy functional very expensive in terms of computational costs: Typically one or more large linear or nonlinear equation systems have to be solved in order to obtain the desired solution. Consequently, variational methods are considered to be too slow for real-time performance. In our paper we address this problem in two ways: (i) We present a numerical framework based on bidirectional multigrid methods for accelerating a broad class of variational optic flow methods with different constancy and smoothness assumptions. Thereby, our work focuses particularly on regularisation strategies that preserve discontinuities. (ii) We show by the examples of five classical and two recent variational techniques that real-time performance is possible in all cases—even for very complex optic flow models that offer high accuracy. Experiments show that frame rates up to 63 dense flow fields per second for image sequences of size 160 × 120 can be achieved on a standard PC. Compared to classical iterative methods this constitutes a speedup of two to four orders of magnitude.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 2005
Andrés Bruhn; Joachim Weickert; Christian Feddern; Timo Kohlberger; Christoph Schnörr
This paper investigates the usefulness of bidirectional multigrid methods for variational optical flow computations. Although these numerical schemes are among the fastest methods for solving equation systems, they are rarely applied in the field of computer vision. We demonstrate how to employ those numerical methods for the treatment of variational optical flow formulations and show that the efficiency of this approach even allows for real-time performance on standard PCs. As a representative for variational optic flow methods, we consider the recently introduced combined local-global method. It can be considered as a noise-robust generalization of the Horn and Schunck technique. We present a decoupled, as well as a coupled, version of the classical Gau/spl szlig/-Seidel solver, and we develop several multigrid implementations based on a discretization coarse grid approximation. In contrast, with standard bidirectional multigrid algorithms, we take advantage of intergrid transfer operators that allow for nondyadic grid hierarchies. As a consequence, no restrictions concerning the image size or the number of traversed levels have to be imposed. In the experimental section, we juxtapose the developed multigrid schemes and demonstrate their superior performance when compared to unidirectional multigrid methods and nonhierachical solvers. For the well-known 316/spl times/252 Yosemite sequence, we succeeded in computing the complete set of dense flow fields in three quarters of a second on a 3.06-GHz Pentium4 PC. This corresponds to a frame rate of 18 flow fields per second which outperforms the widely-used Gau/spl szlig/-Seidel method by almost three orders of magnitude.
international conference on scale space and variational methods in computer vision | 2009
Jan Lellmann; Jörg Hendrik Kappes; Jing Yuan; Florian Becker; Christoph Schnörr
Multi-class labeling is one of the core problems in image analysis. We show how this combinatorial problem can be approximately solved using tools from convex optimization. We suggest a novel functional based on a multidimensional total variation formulation, allowing for a broad range of data terms. Optimization is carried out in the operator splitting framework using Douglas-Rachford Splitting. In this connection, we compare two methods to solve the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi type subproblems and demonstrate the performance of our approach on single- and multichannel images.