Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Extending Neural Keyword Extraction with TF-IDF tagset matching

Keyword extraction is the task of identifying words (or multi-word expressions) that best describe a given document and serve in news portals to link articles of similar topics. In this work we develop and evaluate our methods on four novel data sets covering less represented, morphologically-rich languages in European news media industry (Croatian, Estonian, Latvian and Russian). First, we perform evaluation of two supervised neural transformer-based methods (TNT-KID and BERT+BiLSTM CRF) and compare them to a baseline TF-IDF based unsupervised approach. Next, we show that by combining the keywords retrieved by both neural transformer based methods and extending the final set of keywords with an unsupervised TF-IDF based technique, we can drastically improve the recall of the system, making it appropriate to be used as a recommendation system in the media house environment.

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Computation And Language

FEWS: Large-Scale, Low-Shot Word Sense Disambiguation with the Dictionary

Current models for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) struggle to disambiguate rare senses, despite reaching human performance on global WSD metrics. This stems from a lack of data for both modeling and evaluating rare senses in existing WSD datasets. In this paper, we introduce FEWS (Few-shot Examples of Word Senses), a new low-shot WSD dataset automatically extracted from example sentences in Wiktionary. FEWS has high sense coverage across different natural language domains and provides: (1) a large training set that covers many more senses than previous datasets and (2) a comprehensive evaluation set containing few- and zero-shot examples of a wide variety of senses. We establish baselines on FEWS with knowledge-based and neural WSD approaches and present transfer learning experiments demonstrating that models additionally trained with FEWS better capture rare senses in existing WSD datasets. Finally, we find humans outperform the best baseline models on FEWS, indicating that FEWS will support significant future work on low-shot WSD.

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Computation And Language

Facilitating Terminology Translation with Target Lemma Annotations

Most of the recent work on terminology integration in machine translation has assumed that terminology translations are given already inflected in forms that are suitable for the target language sentence. In day-to-day work of professional translators, however, it is seldom the case as translators work with bilingual glossaries where terms are given in their dictionary forms; finding the right target language form is part of the translation process. We argue that the requirement for apriori specified target language forms is unrealistic and impedes the practical applicability of previous work. In this work, we propose to train machine translation systems using a source-side data augmentation method that annotates randomly selected source language words with their target language lemmas. We show that systems trained on such augmented data are readily usable for terminology integration in real-life translation scenarios. Our experiments on terminology translation into the morphologically complex Baltic and Uralic languages show an improvement of up to 7 BLEU points over baseline systems with no means for terminology integration and an average improvement of 4 BLEU points over the previous work. Results of the human evaluation indicate a 47.7% absolute improvement over the previous work in term translation accuracy when translating into Latvian.

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Computation And Language

Factorization of Fact-Checks for Low Resource Indian Languages

The advancement in technology and accessibility of internet to each individual is revolutionizing the real time information. The liberty to express your thoughts without passing through any credibility check is leading to dissemination of fake content in the ecosystem. It can have disastrous effects on both individuals and society as a whole. The amplification of fake news is becoming rampant in India too. Debunked information often gets republished with a replacement description, claiming it to depict some different incidence. To curb such fabricated stories, it is necessary to investigate such deduplicates and false claims made in public. The majority of studies on automatic fact-checking and fake news detection is restricted to English only. But for a country like India where only 10% of the literate population speak English, role of regional languages in spreading falsity cannot be undermined. In this paper, we introduce FactDRIL: the first large scale multilingual Fact-checking Dataset for Regional Indian Languages. We collect an exhaustive dataset across 7 months covering 11 low-resource languages. Our propose dataset consists of 9,058 samples belonging to English, 5,155 samples to Hindi and remaining 8,222 samples are distributed across various regional languages, i.e. Bangla, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Oriya, Assamese, Punjabi, Urdu, Sinhala and Burmese. We also present the detailed characterization of three M's (multi-lingual, multi-media, multi-domain) in the FactDRIL accompanied with the complete list of other varied attributes making it a unique dataset to study. Lastly, we present some potential use cases of the dataset. We expect this dataset will be a valuable resource and serve as a starting point to fight proliferation of fake news in low resource languages.

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Computation And Language

Fake News Detection: a comparison between available Deep Learning techniques in vector space

Fake News Detection is an essential problem in the field of Natural Language Processing. The benefits of an effective solution in this area are manifold for the goodwill of society. On a surface level, it broadly matches with the general problem of text classification. Researchers have proposed various approaches to tackle fake news using simple as well as some complex techniques. In this paper, we try to make a comparison between the present Deep Learning techniques by representing the news instances in some vector space using a combination of common mathematical operations with available vector space representations. We do a number of experiments using various combinations and permutations. Finally, we conclude with a sound analysis of the results and evaluate the reasons for such results.

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Computation And Language

Fake it Till You Make it: Self-Supervised Semantic Shifts for Monolingual Word Embedding Tasks

The use of language is subject to variation over time as well as across social groups and knowledge domains, leading to differences even in the monolingual scenario. Such variation in word usage is often called lexical semantic change (LSC). The goal of LSC is to characterize and quantify language variations with respect to word meaning, to measure how distinct two language sources are (that is, people or language models). Because there is hardly any data available for such a task, most solutions involve unsupervised methods to align two embeddings and predict semantic change with respect to a distance measure. To that end, we propose a self-supervised approach to model lexical semantic change by generating training samples by introducing perturbations of word vectors in the input corpora. We show that our method can be used for the detection of semantic change with any alignment method. Furthermore, it can be used to choose the landmark words to use in alignment and can lead to substantial improvements over the existing techniques for alignment. We illustrate the utility of our techniques using experimental results on three different datasets, involving words with the same or different meanings. Our methods not only provide significant improvements but also can lead to novel findings for the LSC problem.

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Computation And Language

FakeFlow: Fake News Detection by Modeling the Flow of Affective Information

Fake news articles often stir the readers' attention by means of emotional appeals that arouse their feelings. Unlike in short news texts, authors of longer articles can exploit such affective factors to manipulate readers by adding exaggerations or fabricating events, in order to affect the readers' emotions. To capture this, we propose in this paper to model the flow of affective information in fake news articles using a neural architecture. The proposed model, FakeFlow, learns this flow by combining topic and affective information extracted from text. We evaluate the model's performance with several experiments on four real-world datasets. The results show that FakeFlow achieves superior results when compared against state-of-the-art methods, thus confirming the importance of capturing the flow of the affective information in news articles.

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Computation And Language

Fast End-to-End Speech Recognition via Non-Autoregressive Models and Cross-Modal Knowledge Transferring from BERT

Attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) models have achieved promising performance in speech recognition. However, because the decoder predicts text tokens (such as characters or words) in an autoregressive manner, it is difficult for an AED model to predict all tokens in parallel. This makes the inference speed relatively slow. We believe that because the encoder already captures the whole speech utterance, which has the token-level relationship implicitly, we can predict a token without explicitly autoregressive language modeling. When the prediction of a token does not rely on other tokens, the parallel prediction of all tokens in the sequence is realizable. Based on this idea, we propose a non-autoregressive speech recognition model called LASO (Listen Attentively, and Spell Once). The model consists of an encoder, a decoder, and a position dependent summarizer (PDS). The three modules are based on basic attention blocks. The encoder extracts high-level representations from the speech. The PDS uses positional encodings corresponding to tokens to convert the acoustic representations into token-level representations. The decoder further captures token-level relationships with the self-attention mechanism. At last, the probability distribution on the vocabulary is computed for each token position. Therefore, speech recognition is re-formulated as a position-wise classification problem. Further, we propose a cross-modal transfer learning method to refine semantics from a large-scale pre-trained language model BERT for improving the performance.

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Computation And Language

Fast Sequence Generation with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Autoregressive sequence Generation models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in areas like machine translation and image captioning. These models are autoregressive in that they generate each word by conditioning on previously generated words, which leads to heavy latency during inference. Recently, non-autoregressive decoding has been proposed in machine translation to speed up the inference time by generating all words in parallel. Typically, these models use the word-level cross-entropy loss to optimize each word independently. However, such a learning process fails to consider the sentence-level consistency, thus resulting in inferior generation quality of these non-autoregressive models. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient model for Non-Autoregressive sequence Generation (NAG) with a novel training paradigm: Counterfactuals-critical Multi-Agent Learning (CMAL). CMAL formulates NAG as a multi-agent reinforcement learning system where element positions in the target sequence are viewed as agents that learn to cooperatively maximize a sentence-level reward. On MSCOCO image captioning benchmark, our NAG method achieves a performance comparable to state-of-the-art autoregressive models, while brings 13.9x decoding speedup. On WMT14 EN-DE machine translation dataset, our method outperforms cross-entropy trained baseline by 6.0 BLEU points while achieves the greatest decoding speedup of 17.46x.

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Computation And Language

Few Shot Learning for Information Verification

Information verification is quite a challenging task, this is because many times verifying a claim can require picking pieces of information from multiple pieces of evidence which can have a hierarchy of complex semantic relations. Previously a lot of researchers have mainly focused on simply concatenating multiple evidence sentences to accept or reject claims. These approaches are limited as evidence can contain hierarchical information and dependencies. In this research, we aim to verify facts based on evidence selected from a list of articles taken from Wikipedia. Pretrained language models such as XLNET are used to generate meaningful representations and graph-based attention and convolutions are used in such a way that the system requires little additional training to learn to verify facts.

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