Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Grammatical Error Correction via Meta-Learning

Most existing Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) methods based on sequence-to-sequence mainly focus on how to generate more pseudo data to obtain better performance. Few work addresses few-shot GEC domain adaptation. In this paper, we treat different GEC domains as different GEC tasks and propose to extend meta-learning to few-shot GEC domain adaptation without using any pseudo data. We exploit a set of data-rich source domains to learn the initialization of model parameters that facilitates fast adaptation on new resource-poor target domains. We adapt GEC model to the first language (L1) of the second language learner. To evaluate the proposed method, we use nine L1s as source domains and five L1s as target domains. Experiment results on the L1 GEC domain adaptation dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the multi-task transfer learning baseline by 0.50 F 0.5 score on average and enables us to effectively adapt to a new L1 domain with only 200 parallel sentences.

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Computation And Language

Few-Shot Semantic Parsing for New Predicates

In this work, we investigate the problems of semantic parsing in a few-shot learning setting. In this setting, we are provided with utterance-logical form pairs per new predicate. The state-of-the-art neural semantic parsers achieve less than 25% accuracy on benchmark datasets when k= 1. To tackle this problem, we proposed to i) apply a designated meta-learning method to train the model; ii) regularize attention scores with alignment statistics; iii) apply a smoothing technique in pre-training. As a result, our method consistently outperforms all the baselines in both one and two-shot settings.

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Computation And Language

Fine-Grained Named Entity Typing over Distantly Supervised Data via Refinement in Hyperbolic Space

Fine-Grained Named Entity Typing (FG-NET) aims at classifying the entity mentions into a wide range of entity types (usually hundreds) depending upon the context. While distant supervision is the most common way to acquire supervised training data, it brings in label noise, as it assigns type labels to the entity mentions irrespective of mentions' context. In attempts to deal with the label noise, leading research on the FG-NET assumes that the fine-grained entity typing data possesses a euclidean nature, which restraints the ability of the existing models in combating the label noise. Given the fact that the fine-grained type hierarchy exhibits a hierarchal structure, it makes hyperbolic space a natural choice to model the FG-NET data. In this research, we propose FGNET-HR, a novel framework that benefits from the hyperbolic geometry in combination with the graph structures to perform entity typing in a performance-enhanced fashion. FGNET-HR initially uses LSTM networks to encode the mention in relation with its context, later it forms a graph to distill/refine the mention's encodings in the hyperbolic space. Finally, the refined mention encoding is used for entity typing. Experimentation using different benchmark datasets shows that FGNET-HR improves the performance on FG-NET by up to 3.5% in terms of strict accuracy.

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Computation And Language

Fine-tuning BERT-based models for Plant Health Bulletin Classification

In the era of digitization, different actors in agriculture produce numerous data. Such data contains already latent historical knowledge in the domain. This knowledge enables us to precisely study natural hazards within global or local aspects, and then improve the risk prevention tasks and augment the yield, which helps to tackle the challenge of growing population and changing alimentary habits. In particular, French Plants Health Bulletins (BSV, for its name in French Bulletin de Sant{é} du V{é}g{é}tal) give information about the development stages of phytosanitary risks in agricultural production. However, they are written in natural language, thus, machines and human cannot exploit them as efficiently as it could be. Natural language processing (NLP) technologies aim to automatically process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. Since the 2010s, with the increases in computational power and parallelization, representation learning and deep learning methods became widespread in NLP. Recent advancements Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) inspire us to rethink of knowledge representation and natural language understanding in plant health management domain. The goal in this work is to propose a BERT-based approach to automatically classify the BSV to make their data easily indexable. We sampled 200 BSV to finetune the pretrained BERT language models and classify them as pest or/and disease and we show preliminary results.

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Computation And Language

First Align, then Predict: Understanding the Cross-Lingual Ability of Multilingual BERT

Multilingual pretrained language models have demonstrated remarkable zero-shot cross-lingual transfer capabilities. Such transfer emerges by fine-tuning on a task of interest in one language and evaluating on a distinct language, not seen during the fine-tuning. Despite promising results, we still lack a proper understanding of the source of this transfer. Using a novel layer ablation technique and analyses of the model's internal representations, we show that multilingual BERT, a popular multilingual language model, can be viewed as the stacking of two sub-networks: a multilingual encoder followed by a task-specific language-agnostic predictor. While the encoder is crucial for cross-lingual transfer and remains mostly unchanged during fine-tuning, the task predictor has little importance on the transfer and can be reinitialized during fine-tuning. We present extensive experiments with three distinct tasks, seventeen typologically diverse languages and multiple domains to support our hypothesis.

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Computation And Language

First Target and Opinion then Polarity: Enhancing Target-opinion Correlation for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) aims to extract triplets from a sentence, including target entities, associated sentiment polarities, and opinion spans which rationalize the polarities. Existing methods are short on building correlation between target-opinion pairs, and neglect the mutual interference among different sentiment triplets. To address these issues, we propose a novel two-stage method which enhances the correlation between targets and opinions: at stage one, we extract targets and opinions through sequence tagging; then we insert a group of artificial tags named Perceivable Pair, which indicate the span of the target and the opinion, into the sequence to establish correlation for each candidate target-opinion pair. Meanwhile, we reduce the mutual interference between triplets by restricting tokens' attention field. Finally, the polarity is identified according to the representation of the Perceivable Pair. We conduct experiments on four datasets, and the experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

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Computation And Language

Fixing Errors of the Google Voice Recognizer through Phonetic Distance Metrics

Speech recognition systems for the Spanish language, such as Google's, produce errors quite frequently when used in applications of a specific domain. These errors mostly occur when recognizing words new to the recognizer's language model or ad hoc to the domain. This article presents an algorithm that uses Levenshtein distance on phonemes to reduce the speech recognizer's errors. The preliminary results show that it is possible to correct the recognizer's errors significantly by using this metric and using a dictionary of specific phrases from the domain of the application. Despite being designed for particular domains, the algorithm proposed here is of general application. The phrases that must be recognized can be explicitly defined for each application, without the algorithm having to be modified. It is enough to indicate to the algorithm the set of sentences on which it must work. The algorithm's complexity is O(tn) , where t is the number of words in the transcript to be corrected, and n is the number of phrases specific to the domain.

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Computation And Language

Formal Language Theory Meets Modern NLP

NLP is deeply intertwined with the formal study of language, both conceptually and historically. Arguably, this connection goes all the way back to Chomsky's Syntactic Structures in 1957. It also still holds true today, with a strand of recent works building formal analysis of modern neural networks methods in terms of formal languages. In this document, I aim to explain background about formal languages as they relate to this recent work. I will by necessity ignore large parts of the rich history of this field, instead focusing on concepts connecting to modern deep learning-based NLP.

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Computation And Language

From Extreme Multi-label to Multi-class: A Hierarchical Approach for Automated ICD-10 Coding Using Phrase-level Attention

Clinical coding is the task of assigning a set of alphanumeric codes, referred to as ICD (International Classification of Diseases), to a medical event based on the context captured in a clinical narrative. The latest version of ICD, ICD-10, includes more than 70,000 codes. As this is a labor-intensive and error-prone task, automatic ICD coding of medical reports using machine learning has gained significant interest in the last decade. Existing literature has modeled this problem as a multi-label task. Nevertheless, such multi-label approach is challenging due to the extremely large label set size. Furthermore, the interpretability of the predictions is essential for the endusers (e.g., healthcare providers and insurance companies). In this paper, we propose a novel approach for automatic ICD coding by reformulating the extreme multi-label problem into a simpler multi-class problem using a hierarchical solution. We made this approach viable through extensive data collection to acquire phrase-level human coder annotations to supervise our models on learning the specific relations between the input text and predicted ICD codes. Our approach employs two independently trained networks, the sentence tagger and the ICD classifier, stacked hierarchically to predict a codeset for a medical report. The sentence tagger identifies focus sentences containing a medical event or concept relevant to an ICD coding. Using a supervised attention mechanism, the ICD classifier then assigns each focus sentence with an ICD code. The proposed approach outperforms strong baselines by large margins of 23% in subset accuracy, 18% in micro-F1, and 15% in instance based F-1. With our proposed approach, interpretability is achieved not through implicitly learned attention scores but by attributing each prediction to a particular sentence and words selected by human coders.

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Computation And Language

From Toxicity in Online Comments to Incivility in American News: Proceed with Caution

The ability to quantify incivility online, in news and in congressional debates, is of great interest to political scientists. Computational tools for detecting online incivility for English are now fairly accessible and potentially could be applied more broadly. We test the Jigsaw Perspective API for its ability to detect the degree of incivility on a corpus that we developed, consisting of manual annotations of civility in American news. We demonstrate that toxicity models, as exemplified by Perspective, are inadequate for the analysis of incivility in news. We carry out error analysis that points to the need to develop methods to remove spurious correlations between words often mentioned in the news, especially identity descriptors and incivility. Without such improvements, applying Perspective or similar models on news is likely to lead to wrong conclusions, that are not aligned with the human perception of incivility.

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