Featured Researches

Human Computer Interaction

Middle-Aged Video Consumers' Beliefs About Algorithmic Recommendations on YouTube

User beliefs about algorithmic systems are constantly co-produced through user interaction and the complex socio-technical systems that generate recommendations. Identifying these beliefs is crucial because they influence how users interact with recommendation algorithms. With no prior work on user beliefs of algorithmic video recommendations, practitioners lack relevant knowledge to improve the user experience of such systems. To address this problem, we conducted semi-structured interviews with middle-aged YouTube video consumers to analyze their user beliefs about the video recommendation system. Our analysis revealed different factors that users believe influence their recommendations. Based on these factors, we identified four groups of user beliefs: Previous Actions, Social Media, Recommender System, and Company Policy. Additionally, we propose a framework to distinguish the four main actors that users believe influence their video recommendations: the current user, other users, the algorithm, and the organization. This framework provides a new lens to explore design suggestions based on the agency of these four actors. It also exposes a novel aspect previously unexplored: the effect of corporate decisions on the interaction with algorithmic recommendations. While we found that users are aware of the existence of the recommendation system on YouTube, we show that their understanding of this system is limited.

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Human Computer Interaction

Mindless Attractor: A False-Positive Resistant Intervention for Drawing Attention Using Auditory Perturbation

Explicitly alerting users is not always an optimal intervention, especially when they are not motivated to obey. For example, in video-based learning, learners who are distracted from the video would not follow an alert asking them to pay attention. Inspired by the concept of Mindless Computing, we propose a novel intervention approach, Mindless Attractor, that leverages the nature of human speech communication to help learners refocus their attention without relying on their motivation. Specifically, it perturbs the voice in the video to direct their attention without consuming their conscious awareness. Our experiments not only confirmed the validity of the proposed approach but also emphasized its advantages in combination with a machine learning-based sensing module. Namely, it would not frustrate users even though the intervention is activated by false-positive detection of their attentive state. Our intervention approach can be a reliable way to induce behavioral change in human-AI symbiosis.

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Human Computer Interaction

MoSen: Activity Modelling in Multiple-Occupancy Smart Homes

Smart home solutions increasingly rely on a variety of sensors for behavioral analytics and activity recognition to provide context-aware applications and personalized care. Optimizing the sensor network is one of the most important approaches to ensure classification accuracy and the system's efficiency. However, the trade-off between the cost and performance is often a challenge in real deployments, particularly for multiple-occupancy smart homes or care homes. In this paper, using real indoor activity and mobility traces, floor plans, and synthetic multi-occupancy behavior models, we evaluate several multi-occupancy household scenarios with 2-5 residents. We explore and quantify the trade-offs between the cost of sensor deployments and expected labeling accuracy in different scenarios. Our evaluation across different scenarios show that the performance of the desired context-aware task is affected by different localization resolutions, the number of residents, the number of sensors, and varying sensor deployments. To aid in accelerating the adoption of practical sensor-based activity recognition technology, we design MoSen, a framework to simulate the interaction dynamics between sensor-based environments and multiple residents. By evaluating the factors that affect the performance of the desired sensor network, we provide a sensor selection strategy and design metrics for sensor layout in real environments. Using our selection strategy in a 5-person scenario case study, we demonstrate that MoSen can significantly improve overall system performance without increasing the deployment costs.

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Human Computer Interaction

MobileVisFixer: Tailoring Web Visualizations for Mobile Phones Leveraging an Explainable Reinforcement Learning Framework

We contribute MobileVisFixer, a new method to make visualizations more mobile-friendly. Although mobile devices have become the primary means of accessing information on the web, many existing visualizations are not optimized for small screens and can lead to a frustrating user experience. Currently, practitioners and researchers have to engage in a tedious and time-consuming process to ensure that their designs scale to screens of different sizes, and existing toolkits and libraries provide little support in diagnosing and repairing issues. To address this challenge, MobileVisFixer automates a mobile-friendly visualization re-design process with a novel reinforcement learning framework. To inform the design of MobileVisFixer, we first collected and analyzed SVG-based visualizations on the web, and identified five common mobile-friendly issues. MobileVisFixer addresses four of these issues on single-view Cartesian visualizations with linear or discrete scales by a Markov Decision Process model that is both generalizable across various visualizations and fully explainable. MobileVisFixer deconstructs charts into declarative formats, and uses a greedy heuristic based on Policy Gradient methods to find solutions to this difficult, multi-criteria optimization problem in reasonable time. In addition, MobileVisFixer can be easily extended with the incorporation of optimization algorithms for data visualizations. Quantitative evaluation on two real-world datasets demonstrates the effectiveness and generalizability of our method.

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Human Computer Interaction

Modeling Assumptions Clash with the Real World: Transparency, Equity, and Community Challenges for Student Assignment Algorithms

Across the United States, a growing number of school districts are turning to matching algorithms to assign students to public schools. The designers of these algorithms aimed to promote values such as transparency, equity, and community in the process. However, school districts have encountered practical challenges in their deployment. In fact, San Francisco Unified School District voted to stop using and completely redesign their student assignment algorithm because it was not promoting educational equity in practice. We analyze this system using a Value Sensitive Design approach and find that one reason values are not met in practice is that the system relies on modeling assumptions about families' priorities, constraints, and goals that clash with the real world. These assumptions overlook the complex barriers to ideal participation that many families face, particularly because of socioeconomic inequalities. We argue that direct, ongoing engagement with stakeholders is central to aligning algorithmic values with real world conditions. In doing so we must broaden how we evaluate algorithms while recognizing the limitations of purely algorithmic solutions in addressing complex socio-political problems.

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Human Computer Interaction

Modeling and Leveraging Analytic Focus During Exploratory Visual Analysis

Visual analytics systems enable highly interactive exploratory data analysis. Across a range of fields, these technologies have been successfully employed to help users learn from complex data. However, these same exploratory visualization techniques make it easy for users to discover spurious findings. This paper proposes new methods to monitor a user's analytic focus during visual analysis of structured datasets and use it to surface relevant articles that contextualize the visualized findings. Motivated by interactive analyses of electronic health data, this paper introduces a formal model of analytic focus, a computational approach to dynamically update the focus model at the time of user interaction, and a prototype application that leverages this model to surface relevant medical publications to users during visual analysis of a large corpus of medical records. Evaluation results with 24 users show that the modeling approach has high levels of accuracy and is able to surface highly relevant medical abstracts.

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Human Computer Interaction

Modeling and Mitigating Human Annotation Errors to Design Efficient Stream Processing Systems with Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning

High-quality human annotations are necessary for creating effective machine learning-driven stream processing systems. We study hybrid stream processing systems based on a Human-In-The-Loop Machine Learning (HITL-ML) paradigm, in which one or many human annotators and an automatic classifier (trained at least partially by the human annotators) label an incoming stream of instances. This is typical of many near-real time social media analytics and web applications, including the annotation of social media posts during emergencies by digital volunteer groups. From a practical perspective, low-quality human annotations result in wrong labels for retraining automated classifiers and indirectly contribute to the creation of inaccurate classifiers. Considering human annotation as a psychological process allows us to address these limitations. We show that human annotation quality is dependent on the ordering of instances shown to annotators, and can be improved by local changes in the instance sequence/ordering provided to the annotators, yielding a more accurate annotation of the stream. We design a theoretically-motivated human error framework for the human annotation task to study the effect of ordering instances (i.e., an "annotation schedule"). Further, we propose an error-avoidance approach to the active learning (HITL-ML) paradigm for stream processing applications that is robust to these likely human errors when deciding a human annotation schedule. We validate the human error framework using crowdsourcing experiments and evaluate the proposed algorithm against standard baselines for active learning via extensive experimentation on classification tasks of filtering relevant social media posts during natural disasters.

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Human Computer Interaction

Moderation Challenges in Voice-based Online Communities on Discord

Online community moderators are on the front lines of combating problems like hate speech and harassment, but new modes of interaction can introduce unexpected challenges. In this paper, we consider moderation practices and challenges in the context of real-time, voice-based communication through 25 in-depth interviews with moderators on Discord. Our findings suggest that the affordances of voice-based online communities change what it means to moderate content and interactions. Not only are there new ways to break rules that moderators of text-based communities find unfamiliar, such as disruptive noise and voice raiding, but acquiring evidence of rule-breaking behaviors is also more difficult due to the ephemerality of real-time voice. While moderators have developed new moderation strategies, these strategies are limited and often based on hearsay and first impressions, resulting in problems ranging from unsuccessful moderation to false accusations. Based on these findings, we discuss how voice communication complicates current understandings and assumptions about moderation, and outline ways that platform designers and administrators can design technology to facilitate moderation.

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Human Computer Interaction

Moment-to-moment Engagement Prediction through the Eyes of the Observer: PUBG Streaming on Twitch

Is it possible to predict moment-to-moment gameplay engagement based solely on game telemetry? Can we reveal engaging moments of gameplay by observing the way the viewers of the game behave? To address these questions in this paper, we reframe the way gameplay engagement is defined and we view it, instead, through the eyes of a game's live audience. We build prediction models for viewers' engagement based on data collected from the popular battle royale game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds as obtained from the Twitch streaming service. In particular, we collect viewers' chat logs and in-game telemetry data from several hundred matches of five popular streamers (containing over 100,000 game events) and machine learn the mapping between gameplay and viewer chat frequency during play, using small neural network architectures. Our key findings showcase that engagement models trained solely on 40 gameplay features can reach accuracies of up to 80% on average and 84% at best. Our models are scalable and generalisable as they perform equally well within- and across-streamers, as well as across streamer play styles.

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Human Computer Interaction

Moral Decision-Making in Medical Hybrid Intelligent Systems: A Team Design Patterns Approach to the Bias Mitigation and Data Sharing Design Problems

Increasing automation in the healthcare sector calls for a Hybrid Intelligence (HI) approach to closely study and design the collaboration of humans and autonomous machines. Ensuring that medical HI systems' decision-making is ethical is key. The use of Team Design Patterns (TDPs) can advance this goal by describing successful and reusable configurations of design problems in which decisions have a moral component, as well as through facilitating communication in multidisciplinary teams designing HI systems. For this research, TDPs were developed to describe a set of solutions for two design problems in a medical HI system: (1) mitigating harmful biases in machine learning algorithms and (2) sharing health and behavioral patient data with healthcare professionals and system developers. The Socio-Cognitive Engineering methodology was employed, integrating operational demands, human factors knowledge, and a technological analysis into a set of TDPs. A survey was created to assess the usability of the patterns on their understandability, effectiveness, and generalizability. The results showed that TDPs are a useful method to unambiguously describe solutions for diverse HI design problems with a moral component on varying abstraction levels, that are usable by a heterogeneous group of multidisciplinary researchers. Additionally, results indicated that the SCE approach and the developed questionnaire are suitable methods for creating and assessing TDPs. The study concludes with a set of proposed improvements to TDPs, including their integration with Interaction Design Patterns, the inclusion of several additional concepts, and a number of methodological improvements. Finally, the thesis recommends directions for future research.

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