Featured Researches

Image And Video Processing

Deep Reformulated Laplacian Tone Mapping

Wide dynamic range (WDR) images contain more scene details and contrast when compared to common images. However, it requires tone mapping to process the pixel values in order to display properly. The details of WDR images can diminish during the tone mapping process. In this work, we address the problem by combining a novel reformulated Laplacian pyramid and deep learning. The reformulated Laplacian pyramid always decompose a WDR image into two frequency bands where the low-frequency band is global feature-oriented, and the high-frequency band is local feature-oriented. The reformulation preserves the local features in its original resolution and condenses the global features into a low-resolution image. The generated frequency bands are reconstructed and fine-tuned to output the final tone mapped image that can display on the screen with minimum detail and contrast loss. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art WDR image tone mapping methods. The code is made publicly available at this https URL.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Representational Similarity Learning for analyzing neural signatures in task-based fMRI dataset

Similarity analysis is one of the crucial steps in most fMRI studies. Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA) can measure similarities of neural signatures generated by different cognitive states. This paper develops Deep Representational Similarity Learning (DRSL), a deep extension of RSA that is appropriate for analyzing similarities between various cognitive tasks in fMRI datasets with a large number of subjects, and high-dimensionality -- such as whole-brain images. Unlike the previous methods, DRSL is not limited by a linear transformation or a restricted fixed nonlinear kernel function -- such as Gaussian kernel. DRSL utilizes a multi-layer neural network for mapping neural responses to linear space, where this network can implement a customized nonlinear transformation for each subject separately. Furthermore, utilizing a gradient-based optimization in DRSL can significantly reduce runtime of analysis on large datasets because it uses a batch of samples in each iteration rather than all neural responses to find an optimal solution. Empirical studies on multi-subject fMRI datasets with various tasks -- including visual stimuli, decision making, flavor, and working memory -- confirm that the proposed method achieves superior performance to other state-of-the-art RSA algorithms.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Retinex Network for Estimating Illumination Colors with Self-Supervised Learning

We propose a novel Retinex image-decomposition network that can be trained in a self-supervised manner. The Retinex image-decomposition aims to decompose an image into illumination-invariant and illumination-variant components, referred to as "reflectance" and "shading," respectively. Although there are three consistencies that the reflectance and shading should satisfy, most conventional work considers only one or two of the consistencies. For this reason, the three consistencies are considered in the proposed network. In addition, by using generated pseudo-images for training, the proposed network can be trained with self-supervised learning. Experimental results show that our network can decompose images into reflectance and shading components. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed network can be used for white-balance adjustment.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Selective Combinatorial Embedding and Consistency Regularization for Light Field Super-resolution

Light field (LF) images acquired by hand-held devices usually suffer from low spatial resolution as the limited detector resolution has to be shared with the angular dimension. LF spatial super-resolution (SR) thus becomes an indispensable part of the LF camera processing pipeline. The high-dimensionality characteristic and complex geometrical structure of LF images make the problem more challenging than traditional single-image SR. The performance of existing methods is still limited as they fail to thoroughly explore the coherence among LF sub-aperture images (SAIs) and are insufficient in accurately preserving the scene's parallax structure. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel learning-based LF spatial SR framework. Specifically, each SAI of an LF image is first coarsely and individually super-resolved by exploring the complementary information among SAIs with selective combinatorial geometry embedding. To achieve efficient and effective selection of the complementary information, we propose two novel sub-modules conducted hierarchically: the patch selector provides an option of retrieving similar image patches based on offline disparity estimation to handle large-disparity correlations; and the SAI selector adaptively and flexibly selects the most informative SAIs to improve the embedding efficiency. To preserve the parallax structure among the reconstructed SAIs, we subsequently append a consistency regularization network trained over a structure-aware loss function to refine the parallax relationships over the coarse estimation. In addition, we extend the proposed method to irregular LF data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learning-based SR method for irregular LF data. Experimental results over both synthetic and real-world LF datasets demonstrate the significant advantage of our approach over state-of-the-art methods.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Symmetric Adaptation Network for Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods have shown their promising performance in the cross-modality medical image segmentation tasks. These typical methods usually utilize a translation network to transform images from the source domain to target domain or train the pixel-level classifier merely using translated source images and original target images. However, when there exists a large domain shift between source and target domains, we argue that this asymmetric structure could not fully eliminate the domain gap. In this paper, we present a novel deep symmetric architecture of UDA for medical image segmentation, which consists of a segmentation sub-network, and two symmetric source and target domain translation sub-networks. To be specific, based on two translation sub-networks, we introduce a bidirectional alignment scheme via a shared encoder and private decoders to simultaneously align features 1) from source to target domain and 2) from target to source domain, which helps effectively mitigate the discrepancy between domains. Furthermore, for the segmentation sub-network, we train a pixel-level classifier using not only original target images and translated source images, but also original source images and translated target images, which helps sufficiently leverage the semantic information from the images with different styles. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method has remarkable advantages compared to the state-of-the-art methods in both cross-modality Cardiac and BraTS segmentation tasks.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep cross-modality (MR-CT) educed distillation learning for cone beam CT lung tumor segmentation

Despite the widespread availability of in-treatment room cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging, due to the lack of reliable segmentation methods, CBCT is only used for gross set up corrections in lung radiotherapies. Accurate and reliable auto-segmentation tools could potentiate volumetric response assessment and geometry-guided adaptive radiation therapies. Therefore, we developed a new deep learning CBCT lung tumor segmentation method. Methods: The key idea of our approach called cross modality educed distillation (CMEDL) is to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to guide a CBCT segmentation network training to extract more informative features during training. We accomplish this by training an end-to-end network comprised of unpaired domain adaptation (UDA) and cross-domain segmentation distillation networks (SDN) using unpaired CBCT and MRI datasets. Feature distillation regularizes the student network to extract CBCT features that match the statistical distribution of MRI features extracted by the teacher network and obtain better differentiation of tumor from background.} We also compared against an alternative framework that used UDA with MR segmentation network, whereby segmentation was done on the synthesized pseudo MRI representation. All networks were trained with 216 weekly CBCTs and 82 T2-weighted turbo spin echo MRI acquired from different patient cohorts. Validation was done on 20 weekly CBCTs from patients not used in training. Independent testing was done on 38 weekly CBCTs from patients not used in training or validation. Segmentation accuracy was measured using surface Dice similarity coefficient (SDSC) and Hausdroff distance at 95th percentile (HD95) metrics.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep data compression for approximate ultrasonic image formation

In many ultrasonic imaging systems, data acquisition and image formation are performed on separate computing devices. Data transmission is becoming a bottleneck, thus, efficient data compression is essential. Compression rates can be improved by considering the fact that many image formation methods rely on approximations of wave-matter interactions, and only use the corresponding part of the data. Tailored data compression could exploit this, but extracting the useful part of the data efficiently is not always trivial. In this work, we tackle this problem using deep neural networks, optimized to preserve the image quality of a particular image formation method. The Delay-And-Sum (DAS) algorithm is examined which is used in reflectivity-based ultrasonic imaging. We propose a novel encoder-decoder architecture with vector quantization and formulate image formation as a network layer for end-to-end training. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed data compression tailored for a specific image formation method obtains significantly better results as opposed to compression agnostic to subsequent imaging. We maintain high image quality at much higher compression rates than the theoretical lossless compression rate derived from the rank of the linear imaging operator. This demonstrates the great potential of deep ultrasonic data compression tailored for a specific image formation method.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep learning based electrical noise removal enables high spectral optoacoustic contrast in deep tissue

Image contrast in multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) can be severely reduced by electrical noise and interference in the acquired optoacoustic signals. Signal processing techniques have proven insufficient to remove the effects of electrical noise because they typically rely on simplified models and fail to capture complex characteristics of signal and noise. Moreover, they often involve time-consuming processing steps that are unsuited for real-time imaging applications. In this work, we develop and demonstrate a discriminative deep learning (DL) approach to separate electrical noise from optoacoustic signals prior to image reconstruction. The proposed DL algorithm is based on two key features. First, it learns spatiotemporal correlations in both noise and signal by using the entire optoacoustic sinogram as input. Second, it employs training based on a large dataset of experimentally acquired pure noise and synthetic optoacoustic signals. We validated the ability of the trained model to accurately remove electrical noise on synthetic data and on optoacoustic images of a phantom and the human breast. We demonstrate significant enhancements of morphological and spectral optoacoustic images reaching 19% higher blood vessel contrast and localized spectral contrast at depths of more than 2 cm for images acquired in vivo. We discuss how the proposed denoising framework is applicable to clinical multispectral optoacoustic tomography and suitable for real-time operation.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep learning based prediction of Alzheimer's disease from magnetic resonance images

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive neuro degenerative disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. In this paper, a deep neural network based prediction of AD from magnetic resonance images (MRI) is proposed. The state of the art image classification networks like VGG, residual networks (ResNet) etc. with transfer learning shows promising results. Performance of pre-trained versions of these networks are improved by transfer learning. ResNet based architecture with large number of layers is found to give the best result in terms of predicting different stages of the disease. The experiments are conducted on Kaggle dataset.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep learning-based framework for cardiac function assessment in embryonic zebrafish from heart beating videos

Zebrafish is a powerful and widely-used model system for a host of biological investigations including cardiovascular studies and genetic screening. Zebrafish are readily assessable during developmental stages; however, the current methods for quantification and monitoring of cardiac functions mostly involve tedious manual work and inconsistent estimations. In this paper, we developed and validated a Zebrafish Automatic Cardiovascular Assessment Framework (ZACAF) based on a U-net deep learning model for automated assessment of cardiovascular indices, such as ejection fraction (EF) and fractional shortening (FS) from microscopic videos of wildtype and cardiomyopathy mutant zebrafish embryos. Our approach yielded favorable performance with accuracy above 90% compared with manual processing. We used only black and white regular microscopic recordings with frame rates of 5-20 frames per second (fps); thus, the framework could be widely applicable with any laboratory resources and infrastructure. Most importantly, the automatic feature holds promise to enable efficient, consistent and reliable processing and analysis capacity for large amounts of videos, which can be generated by diverse collaborating teams.

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