Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Lattice

Path integral contour deformations for noisy observables

Monte Carlo studies of many quantum systems face exponentially severe signal-to-noise problems. We show that noise arising from complex phase fluctuations of observables can be reduced without introducing bias using path integral contour deformation techniques. A numerical study of contour deformations for correlation functions in Abelian gauge theory and complex scalar field theory demonstrates that variance can be reduced by orders of magnitude without modifying Monte Carlo sampling.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Path integral contour deformations for observables inSU(N)gauge theory

Path integral contour deformations have been shown to mitigate sign and signal-to-noise problems associated with phase fluctuations in lattice field theories. We define a family of contour deformations applicable toSU(N)lattice gauge theory that can reduce sign and signal-to-noise problems associated with complex actions and complex observables. For observables, these contours can be used to define deformed observables with identical expectation value but different variance. As a proof-of-principle, we apply machine learning techniques to optimize the deformed observables associated with Wilson loops in two dimensionalSU(2)andSU(3)gauge theory. We study loops consisting of up to 64 plaquettes and achieve variance reduction of up to 4 orders of magnitude.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Path optimization forU(1)gauge theory with complexified parameters

In this article, we apply the path optimization method to handle the complexified parameters in the 1+1 dimensional pureU(1)gauge theory on the lattice. Complexified parameters make it possible to explore the Lee-Yang zeros which helps us to understand the phase structure and thus we consider the complex coupling constant with the path optimization method in the theory. We clarify the gauge fixing issue in the path optimization method; the gauge fixing helps to optimize the integration path effectively. With the gauge fixing, the path optimization method can treat the complex parameter and control the sign problem. It is the first step to directly tackle the Lee-Yang zero analysis of the gauge theory by using the path optimization method.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Patterns of flavour symmetry breaking in hadron matrix elements involving u, d and s quarks

By considering a flavour expansion about the SU(3)-flavour symmetric point, we investigate how flavour-blindness constrains octet baryon matrix elements after SU(3) is broken by the mass difference between quarks. Similarly to hadron masses we find the expansions to be constrained along a mass trajectory where the singlet quark mass is held constant, which provides invaluable insight into the mechanism of flavour symmetry breaking and proves beneficial for extrapolations to the physical point. Expansions are given up to third order in the expansion parameters. Considering higher orders would give no further constraints on the expansion parameters. The relation of the expansion coefficients to the quark-line-connected and quark-line disconnected terms in the 3-point correlation functions is also given. As we consider Wilson clover-like fermions, the addition of improvement coefficients is also discussed and shown to be included in the formalism developed here. As an example of the method we investigate this numerically via a lattice calculation of the flavour-conserving matrix elements of the vector first class form factors.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Peeking into theθvacuum

We propose a subvolume method to study theθdependence of the free energy density of the four-dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice. As an attempt, the method is first applied to SU(2) Yang-Mills theory atT=1.2Tcto understand the systematics of the method. We then proceed to the calculation of the vacuum energy density and obtain theθdependence qualitatively different from the high temperature case. The numerical results combined with the theoretical requirements provide the evidence for the spontaneous CP violation atθ=?, which is in accordance with the largeNprediction and indicates that the similarity between 4d SU(N) and 2d CPN??theories does not hold forN=2.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Perturbative Removal of a Sign Problem

This paper presents a method for alleviating sign problems in lattice path integrals, including those associated with finite fermion density in relativistic systems. The method makes use of information gained from some systematic expansion -- such as perturbation theory -- in order to accelerate the Monte Carlo. The method is exact, in the sense that no approximation to the lattice path integral is introduced. Thanks to the underlying systematic expansion, the method is systematically improvable, so that an arbitrary reduction in the sign problem can in principle be obtained. The Thirring model (in 0 + 1 and 1 + 1 dimensions) is used to demonstrate the ability of this method to reduce the finite-density sign problem.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Phase transition of four-dimensional lattice?4theory with tensor renormalization group

We investigate the phase transition of the four-dimensional single-component?4theory on the lattice using the tensor renormalization group method. We have examined the hopping parameter dependence of the bond energy and the vacuum condensation of the scalar field?�ϕ⟩at a finite quartic couplingλon large volumes up toV=10244in order to detect the spontaneous breaking of theZ2symmetry. Our results show that the system undergoes the weak first-order phase transition at a certain critical value of the hopping parameter.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Photonic realization of the kappa-deformed Dirac equation

We show an implementation of a kappa-deformed Dirac equation in tight-binding arrays of photonic waveguides. This is done with a special configuration of couplings extending to second nearest neighbors. Geometric manipulations can control these evanescent couplings. A careful study of wave packet propagation is presented, including the effects of deformation parameters on Zitterbewegung or trembling motion. In this way, we demonstrate how to recreate the effects of a flat noncommutative spacetime -i.e., kappa-Minkowski spacetime -in simple experimental setups. We touch upon elastic realizations in the section of Conclusions.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Pion Valence Structure from Ioffe Time Pseudo-Distributions

We present a calculation of the pion valence quark distribution extracted using the formalism of reduced Ioffe time pseudo-distributions or more commonly known as pseudo-PDFs. Our calculation is carried out on two different 2+1 flavor QCD ensembles using the isotropic-clover fermion action, with lattice dimensions243×64and323×96at the lattice spacing ofa=0.127fm, and with the quark mass equivalent to a pion mass ofmπ≃415MeV. We incorporate several combinations of smeared-point and smeared-smeared pion source-sink interpolation fields in obtaining the lattice QCD matrix elements using the summation method. After one-loop perturbative matching and combining the pseudo-distributions from these two ensembles, we extract the pion valence quark distribution using a phenomenological functional form motivated by the global fits of parton distribution functions. We also calculate the lowest four moments of the pion quark distribution through the "OPE without OPE". We present a qualitative comparison between our lattice QCD extraction of the pion valence quark distribution with that obtained from global fits and previous lattice QCD calculations.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Pion form factor and charge radius from Lattice QCD at physical point

We present our results on the electromagnetic form factor of pion over a wide range ofQ2using lattice QCD simulations with Wilson-clover valence quarks and HISQ sea quarks. We study the form factor at the physical point with a lattice spacinga=0.076fm. To study the lattice spacing and quark mass effects, we also present results for 300 MeV pion at two different lattice spacingsa=0.04and 0.06 fm. The lattice calculations at the physical quark mass appear to agree with the experimental results. Through fits to the form factor, we estimate the charge radius of pion for physical pion mass to be??r2???0.42(2) fm2.

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