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High Energy Physics Lattice

Reconfinement, localization and thermal monopoles inSU(3)trace-deformed Yang-Mills theory

We study, by means of numerical lattice simulations, the properties of the reconfinement phase transition taking place in trace deformedSU(3)Yang-Mills theory defined onR3?S1, in which center symmetry is recovered even for small compactification radii. We show, by means of a finite size scaling analysis, that the reconfinement phase transition is first-order, like the usualSU(3)thermal phase transition. We then investigate two different physical phenomena, which are known to characterize the standard confinement/deconfinement phase transition, namely the condensation of thermal magnetic monopoles and the change in the localization properties of the eigenmodes of the Dirac operator. Regarding the latter, we show that the mobility edge signalling the Anderson-like transition in the Dirac spectrum vanishes as one enters the reconfined phase, as it happens in the standard confined phase. Thermal monopoles, instead, show a peculiar behavior: their density decreases going through reconfinement, at odds with the standard thermal theory; nonetheless, they condense at reconfinement, like at the usual confinement transition. The coincidence of monopole condensation and Dirac mode delocalization, even in a framework different from that of the standard confinement transition, suggests the existence of a strict link between them.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Reconstruction of smeared spectral function from Euclidean correlation functions

We propose a method to reconstruct smeared spectral functions from two-point correlation functions measured on the Euclidean lattice. Arbitrary smearing function can be considered as far as it is smooth enough to allow an approximation using Chebyshev polynomials. We test the method with numerical lattice data of Charmonium correlators. The method provides a framework to compare lattice calculation with experimental data including excited state contributions without assuming quark-hadron duality.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Regulator dependence of inhomogeneous phases in the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model

The phase diagram of the Gross-Neveu model in2+1space-time dimensions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential is studied in the limit of infinitely many flavors, focusing on the possible existence of inhomogeneous phases, where the order parameterσis non-uniform in space. To this end, we analyze the stability of the energetically favored homogeneous configurationσ(x)=σ¯=constwith respect to small inhomogeneous fluctuations, employing lattice field theory with two different lattice discretizations as well as a continuum approach with Pauli-Villars regularization. Within lattice field theory, we also perform a full minimization of the effective action, allowing for arbitrary 1-dimensional modulations of the order parameter. For all methods special attention is paid to the role of cutoff effects. For one of the two lattice discretizations, no inhomogeneous phase was found. For the other lattice discretization and within the continuum approach with a finite Pauli-Villars cutoff parameterΛ, we find a region in the phase diagram where an inhomogeneous order parameter is favored. This inhomogeneous region shrinks, however, whenais decreased orΛis increased, and finally diappears for all non-zero temperatures when the cutoff is removed completely. For vanishing temperature, we find hints for a degeneracy of homogeneous and inhomogeneous solutions, in agreement with earlier findings.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Relative scale setting for two-color QCD with Nf=2 Wilson fermions

We determine the scale setting function and the pseudo-critical temperature on the lattice inNf=2two-color QCD using the Iwasaki gauge and Wilson fermion actions. Although two-color QCD does not correspond to the real world, it is very useful as a good testing ground for three-color QCD. The scale setting function gives the relative lattice spacings of simulations performed at different values of the bare coupling. It is a necessary tool for taking the continuum limit. Firstly, we measure the meson spectra for various combinations of (β,κ) and find a line of constant physics inβ--κplane. Next, we determine the scale setting function viaw0scale in the gradient flow method. Furthermore, we estimate the pseudo-critical temperature at zero chemical potential from the chiral susceptibility. Combining these results, we can discuss the QCD phase diagram in which both axes are given by dimensionless quantities, namely, the temperature normalized by the pseudo-critical temperature on the lattice and the chemical potential normalized by the pseudoscalar meson mass. It makes it easy to compare among several lattice studies and also makes it possible to compare theoretical analyses and lattice studies in the continuum limit.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Relativistic three-particle quantization condition for nondegenerate scalars

The formalism relating the relativistic three-particle infinite-volume scattering amplitude to the finite-volume spectrum has been developed thus far only for identical or degenerate particles. We provide the generalization to the case of three nondegenerate scalar particles with arbitrary masses. A key quantity in this formalism is the quantization condition, which relates the spectrum to an intermediate K matrix. We derive three versions of this quantization condition, each a natural generalization of the corresponding results for identical particles. In each case we also determine the integral equations relating the intermediate K matrix to the three-particle scattering amplitude,M3. The version that is likely to be most practical involves a single Lorentz-invariant intermediate K matrix,K˜df,3. The other versions involve a matrix of K matrices, with elements distinguished by the choice of which initial and final particles are the spectators. Our approach should allow a straightforward generalization of the relativistic approach to all other three-particle systems of interest.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

RelativisticN-particle energy shift in finite volume

We present a general method for deriving the energy shift of an interacting system ofNspinless particles in a finite volume. To this end, we use the nonrelativistic effective field theory (NREFT), and match the pertinent low-energy constants to the scattering amplitudes. Relativistic corrections are explicitly included up to a given order in the1/Lexpansion. We apply this method to obtain the ground state ofNparticles, and the first excited state of two and three particles to orderL−6in terms of the threshold parameters of the two- and three-particle relativistic scattering amplitudes. We use these expressions to analyze theN-particle ground state energy shift in the complexφ4theory.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Remarks on strange-quark simulations with Wilson fermions

In the simulation of QCD with 2+1 flavors of Wilson fermions, the positivity of the fermion determinant is generally assumed. We present evidence that this assumption is in general not justified and discuss the consequences of this finding.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Renormalisation of the tensor current in lattice QCD and theJ/ψtensor decay constant

Lattice QCD calculations of form factors for rare Standard Model processes such asB→Kℓ+ℓ−use tensor currents that require renormalisation. These renormalisation factors,ZT, have typically been calculated within perturbation theory and the estimated uncertainties from missing higher order terms are significant. Here we study tensor current renormalisation using lattice implementations of momentum-subtraction schemes. Such schemes are potentially more accurate but have systematic errors from nonperturbative artefacts. To determine and remove these condensate contributions we calculate the ground-state charmonium tensor decay constant,fTJ/ψ, which is also of interest in beyond the Standard Model studies. We obtainfTJ/ψ(MS¯,2 GeV)=0.3927(27)GeV, with ratio to the vector decay constant of 0.9569(52), significantly below 1. We also giveZTfactors, converted to theMS¯scheme, corrected for condensate contamination. This contamination reaches 1.5\% at a renormalisation scale of 2 GeV (in the preferred RI-SMOM scheme) and so must be removed for accurate results.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Renormalising vector currents in lattice QCD using momentum-subtraction schemes

We examine the renormalisation of flavour-diagonal vector currents in lattice QCD with the aim of understanding and quantifying the systematic errors from nonperturbative artefacts associated with the use of intermediate momentum-subtraction schemes. Our study uses the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action on gluon field configurations that includenf=2+1+1flavours of sea quarks, but our results have applicability to other quark actions. Renormalisation schemes that make use of the exact lattice vector Ward-Takahashi identity for the conserved current also have renormalisation factors,ZV, for nonconserved vector currents that are free of contamination by nonperturbative condensates. We show this by explicit comparison of two such schemes: that of the vector form factor at zero momentum transfer and the RI-SMOM momentum-subtraction scheme. The two determinations ofZVdiffer only by discretisation effects (for any value of momentum-transfer in the RI-SMOM case). The RI′-MOM scheme, although widely used, does not share this property. We show thatZVdetermined in the standard way in this scheme hasO(1%)nonperturbative contamination that limits its accuracy. Instead we define an RI′-MOMZVfrom a ratio of local to conserved vector current vertex functions and show that thisZVis a safe one to use in lattice QCD calculations. We also perform a first study of vector current renormalisation with the inclusion of quenched QED effects on the lattice using the RI-SMOM scheme.

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High Energy Physics Lattice

Renormalization of bilinear and four-fermion operators through temporal moments

We propose a renormalization scheme that can be simply implemented on the lattice. It consists of the temporal moments of two-point and three-point functions calculated with finite valence quark mass. The scheme is confirmed to yield a consistent result with another renormalization scheme in the continuum limit for the bilinear operators. We apply a similar renormalization scheme for the non-perturbative renormalization of four-fermion operators appearing in the weak effective Hamiltonian.

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