Featured Researches

Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Effective electronic-only Kohn-Sham equations for the muonic molecules

A set of effective electronic-only Kohn-Sham (EKS) equations are derived for the muonic molecules (containing a positively charged muon), which are completely equivalent to the coupled electronic-muonic Kohn-Sham equations derived previously within the framework of the Nuclear-Electronic Orbital density functional theory (NEO-DFT). The EKS equations contain effective non-coulombic external potentials depending on parameters describing muon vibration, which are optimized during the solution of the EKS equations making muon KS orbital reproducible. It is demonstrated that the EKS equations are derivable from a certain class of effective electronic Hamiltonians through applying the usual Hohenberg-Kohn theorems revealing a duality between the NEO-DFT and the effective electronic-only DFT methodologies. The EKS equations are computationally applied to a small set of muoniated organic radicals and it is demonstrated that a mean effective potential maybe derived for this class of muonic species while an electronic basis set is also designed for the muon. These computational ingredients are then applied to muoniated ferrocenyl radicals, which had been previously detected experimentally through adding muonium atom to ferrocene. In line with previous computational studies, from the six possible species the staggered conformer, where the muon is attached to the exo position of the cyclopentadienyl ring, is deduced to be the most stable ferrocenyl radical.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Effects of exchange-correlation potentials on the density functional description of C_60 versus C_240 photoionization

We study the photoionization properties of the C_60 versus C_240 molecule in a spherical jellium frame of density functional method. Two different approximations to the exchange-correlation (xc) functional are used: (i) The Gunnerson-Lundqvist parametrization [Phys. Rev. B 13, 4274 (1976)] with an explicit correction for the electron self-interaction (SIC) and (ii) a gradient-dependent augmentation of (i) by using the van Leeuwen and Baerends model potential [Phys. Rev. A 49, 2421 (1994)], in lieu of SIC, to implicitly restore electrons' asymptotic properties. Ground state results from the two schemes for both molecules show differences in the shapes of mean-field potentials and bound-level properties. The choice of a xc scheme also significantly alters the dipole single-photoionization cross sections obtained by an abinitio method that incorporates linear-response dynamical correlations. Differences in the structures and ionization responses between C_60 and C_240 uncover the effect of molecular size on the underlying physics. Analysis indicates that the collective plasmon resonances with the gradient-based xc-option produce results noticeably closer to the experimental data available for C_60.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Efficiency of Dopant-Induced Ignition of Helium Nanoplasmas

Helium nanodroplets irradiated by intense near-infrared laser pulses ignite and form highly ionized nanoplasmas even at laser intensities where helium is not directly ionized by the optical field, provided the droplets contain a few dopant atoms. We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the He nanoplasma ignition dynamics for various dopant species. We find that the efficiency of dopants to ignite a nanoplasma in helium droplets strongly varies and mostly depends on (i) the pick-up process, (ii) the number of free electrons each dopant donates upon ionization, and remarkably, (iii) by the hitherto unexplored effect of the dopant location in or on the droplet.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Efficient yet Accurate Dispersion-Corrected Semilocal Exchange-Correlation Functionals For Non-Covalent Interactions

Due to several attractive features, the meta-generalized-gradient approximations (meta-GGAs) are considered to be the most advanced and potentially accurate semilocal exchange-correlation functionals in the rungs of the Jacob's ladder of Density Functional Theory. So far, several meta-GGA are proposed by fitting to the test sets or/and satisfying as many as known exact constraints. Although the density overlap is treated by modern meta-GGA functionals efficiently, for non-covalent interactions, a long-range dispersion correction is essential. In this work, we assess the benchmark performance of different variants of the Tao-Mo semilocal functional (i.e. TM of Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 073001 (2016) and revTM of J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 6356 (2019)) with Grimme's D3 correction for the several non-covalent interactions, including dispersion and hydrogen bonded systems. We consider the zero, Becke-Johnson(BJ), and optimized power (OP) damping functions within the D3 method, with both TM and revTM functionals. It is observed that the overall performance of the functionals gradually improved from zero to BJ and to OP damping. However, the constructed "OP" corrected (rev)TM+D3(OP) functionals perform considerably better compared to other well-known dispersion corrected functionals. Based on the accuracy of the proposed functionals, the future applicability of these methods is also discussed.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Efimov effect in non-integer dimensions induced by an external field

The Efimov effect can be induced by means of an external deformed one-body field that effectively reduces the allowed spatial dimensions to less than three. To understand this new mechanism, conceptually and practically, we employ a formulation using non-integer dimension, which is equivalent to the strength of an external oscillator field. The effect most clearly appears when the crucial two-body systems are unbound in three, but bound in two, dimensions. We discuss energy variation, conditions for occurrence, and number of Efimov states, as functions of the dimension. We use practical examples from cold atom physics of 133 Cs- 133 Cs- 133 Cs, 87 Rb- 87 Rb- 87 Rb, 133 Cs- 133 Cs- 6 Li, and 87 Rb- 87 Rb- 39 K. Laboratory tests of the effect can be performed with two independent parameters, i.e. the external one-body field and the Feshbach two-body tuning. The scaling and (dis)appearance of these Efimov states occur precisely as already found in three dimensions.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Efimov states of three unequal bosons in non-integer dimensions

The Efimov effect for three bosons in three dimensions requires two infinitely large s -wave scattering lengths. We assume two identical particles with very large scattering lengths interacting with a third particle. We use a novel mathematical technique where the centrifugal barrier contains an effective dimension parameter, which allows efficient calculations precisely as in ordinary three spatial dimensions. We investigate properties and occurrence conditions of Efimov states for such systems as functions of the third scattering length, the non-integer dimension parameter, mass ratio between unequal particles, and total angular momentum. We focus on the practical interest of the existence, number of Efimov states and their scaling properties. Decreasing the dimension parameter from 3 towards 2 the Efimov effect and states disappear for critical values of mass ratio, angular momentum and scattering length parameter. We investigate the relations between the four variables and extract details of where and how the states disappear. Finally, we supply a qualitative relation between the dimension parameter and an external field used to squeeze a genuine three dimensional system.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Electric deflection of imidazole dimers and trimers in helium nanodroplets: Dipole moments, structure, and fragmentation

Deuterated imidazole (IM) molecules, dimers and trimers formed in liquid helium nanodroplets are studied by the electrostatic beam deflection method. Monitoring the deflection profile of (IM)D+ provides a direct way to establish that it is the primary product of the ionization-induced fragmentation both of (IM)2 and (IM)3. The magnitude of the deflection determines the electric dipole moments of the parent clusters: nearly 9 D for the dimer and 14.5 D for the trimer. These very large dipole values confirm theoretical predictions and derive from a polar chain bonding arrangement of the heterocyclic imidazole molecules.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Electric dipole moments of nanosolvated acid molecules in water clusters

The electric dipole moments of ( H 2 O ) n DCl ( n=3āˆ’9 ) clusters have been measured by the beam deflection method. Reflecting the (dynamical) charge distribution within the system, the dipole moment contributes information about the microscopic structure of nanoscale solvation. The addition of a DCl molecule to a water cluster results in a strongly enhanced susceptibility. There is evidence for a noticeable rise in the dipole moment occurring at nā‰ˆ5āˆ’6 . This size is consistent with predictions for the onset of ionic dissociation. Additionally, a molecular dynamics model suggests that even with a nominally bound impurity an enhanced dipole moment can arise due to the thermal and zero point motion of the proton and the water molecules. The experimental measurements and the calculations draw attention to the importance of fluctuations in defining the polarity of water-based nanoclusters, and generally to the essential role played by motional effects in determining the response of fluxional nanoscale systems under realistic conditions.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Electric field assisted alignment of monoatomic carbon chains

We stabilize monoatomic carbon chains in water by attaching them to gold nanoparticles (NPs) by means of the laser ablation process. Resulting nanoobjects represent pairs of NPs connected by multiple straight carbon chains of several nanometer lengths. If NPs at the opposite ends of a chain differ in size, the structure acquires a dipole moment due to the difference in work functions of the two NPs. We take advantage of the dipole polarisation of carbon chains for ordering them by the external electric field. We deposit them on a glass substrate by the sputtering method in the presence of static electric fields of magnitudes up to 10^5 V/m. The formation of one-dimensional carbyne quasi-crystals deposited on a substrate is evidenced by high-resolution TEM and X-ray diffraction measurements. The original kinetic model describing the dynamics of ballistically flowing nano-dipoles reproduces the experimental diagram of orientation of the deposited chains.

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Atomic And Molecular Clusters

Electron Chirality in Amino Acid Molecules

We evaluated the total electron chirality in alanine, serine, and valine, which are molecules that have chiral structures. Previously, it has been considered that the total electron chirality of molecules composed of only light elements cannot be computed within usual computational conditions of relativistic four-component wave functions. In this work, it is shown that the total electron chirality can be calculated if some diffuse functions are added to Gaussian basis sets. This is demonstrated for the H 2 O 2 molecule. By adding diffuse Gaussian functions to basis sets, the total electron chirality of L-alanine, L-serine, and L-valine are evaluated. It is also shown that the total electron chirality is derived by the cancellation between large contributions from each orbital, and the total electron chirality in excited and ionized states is expected to be much larger than that of the ground state.

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