Featured Researches

Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Data blinding for the nEDM experiment at PSI

Psychological bias towards, or away from, a prior measurement or a theory prediction is an intrinsic threat to any data analysis. While various methods can be used to avoid the bias, e.g. actively not looking at the result, only data blinding is a traceable and thus trustworthy method to circumvent the bias and to convince a public audience that there is not even an accidental psychological bias. Data blinding is nowadays a standard practice in particle physics, but it is particularly difficult for experiments searching for the neutron electric dipole moment, as several cross measurements, in particular of the magnetic field, create a self-consistent network into which it is hard to inject a fake signal. We present an algorithm that modifies the data without influencing the experiment. Results of an automated analysis of the data are used to change the recorded spin state of a few neutrons of each measurement cycle. The flexible algorithm is applied twice to the data, to provide different data to various analysis teams. This gives us the option to sequentially apply various blinding offsets for separate analysis steps with independent teams. The subtle modification of the data allows us to modify the algorithm and to produce a re-blinded data set without revealing the blinding secret. The method was designed for the 2015/2016 measurement campaign of the nEDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. However, it can be re-used with minor modification for the follow-up experiment n2EDM, and may be suitable for comparable efforts.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Data-Driven Computational Methods: Parameter and Operator Estimations (Chapter 1)

Modern scientific computational methods are undergoing a transformative change; big data and statistical learning methods now have the potential to outperform the classical first-principles modeling paradigm. This book bridges this transition, connecting the theory of probability, stochastic processes, functional analysis, numerical analysis, and differential geometry. It describes two classes of computational methods to leverage data for modeling dynamical systems. The first is concerned with data fitting algorithms to estimate parameters in parametric models that are postulated on the basis of physical or dynamical laws. The second class is on operator estimation, which uses the data to nonparametrically approximate the operator generated by the transition function of the underlying dynamical systems. This self-contained book is suitable for graduate studies in applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. Carefully chosen elementary examples with supplementary MATLAB codes and appendices covering the relevant prerequisite materials are provided, making it suitable for self-study.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Data-driven formulation of natural laws by recursive-LASSO-based symbolic regression

Discovery of new natural laws has for a long time relied on the inspiration of some genius. Recently, however, machine learning technologies, which analyze big data without human prejudice and bias, are expected to find novel natural laws. Here we demonstrate that our proposed machine learning, recursive-LASSO-based symbolic (RLS) regression, enables data-driven formulation of natural laws from noisy data. The RLS regression recurrently repeats feature generation and feature selection, eventually constructing a data-driven model with highly nonlinear features. This data-driven formulation method is quite general and thus can discover new laws in various scientific fields.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Data-driven inference of hidden nodes in networks

The explosion of activity in finding interactions in complex systems is driven by availability of copious observations of complex natural systems. However, such systems, e.g. the human brain, are rarely completely observable. Interaction network inference must then contend with hidden variables affecting the behavior of the observed parts of the system. We present a novel data-driven approach for model inference with hidden variables. From configurations of observed variables, we identify the observed-to-observed, hidden-to-observed, observed-to-hidden, and hidden-to-hidden interactions, the configurations of hidden variables, and the number of hidden variables. We demonstrate the performance of our method by simulating a kinetic Ising model, and show that our method outperforms existing methods. Turning to real data, we infer the hidden nodes in a neuronal network in the salamander retina and a stock market network. We show that predictive modeling with hidden variables is significantly more accurate than that without hidden variables. Finally, an important hidden variable problem is to find the number of clusters in a dataset. We apply our method to classify MNIST handwritten digits. We find that there are about 60 clusters which are roughly equally distributed amongst the digits.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Data-driven prediction of vortex-induced vibration response of marine risers subjected to three-dimensional current

Slender marine structures such as deep-water marine risers are subjected to currents and will normally experience Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV), which can cause fast accumulation of fatigue damage. The ocean current is often three-dimensional (3D), i.e., the direction and magnitude of the current vary throughout the water column. Today, semi-empirical tools are used by the industry to predict VIV induced fatigue on risers. The load model and hydrodynamic parameters in present VIV prediction tools are developed based on two-dimensional (2D) flow conditions, as it is challenging to consider the effect of 3D flow along the risers. Accordingly, the current profiles must be purposely made 2D during the design process, which leads to significant uncertainty in the prediction results. Further, due to the limitations in the laboratory, VIV model tests are mostly carried out under 2D flow conditions and thus little experimental data exist to document VIV response of riser subjected to varying directions of the current. However, a few experiments have been conducted with 3D current. We have used results from one of these experiments to investigate how well 1) traditional and 2) an alternative method based on a data driven prediction can describe VIV in 3D currents. Data driven modelling is particularly suited for complicated problems with many parameters and non-linear relationships. We have applied a data clustering algorithm to the experimental 3D flow data in order to identify measurable parameters that can influence responses. The riser responses are grouped based on their statistical characteristics, which relate to the direction of the flow. Furthermore we fit a random forest regression model to the measured VIV response and compare its performance with the predictions of existing VIV prediction tools (VIVANA-FD).

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Deconvolution of 3-D Gaussian kernels

Ulmer and Kaissl formulas for the deconvolution of one-dimensional Gaussian kernels are generalized to the three-dimensional case. The generalization is based on the use of the scalar version of the Grad's multivariate Hermite polynomials which can be expressed through ordinary Hermite polynomials.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Deconvolution of the High Energy Particle Physics Data with Machine Learning

A method for correcting smearing effects using machine learning technique is presented. Compared to the standard deconvolution approaches in high energy particle physics, the method can use more than one reconstructed variable to predict the value of unsmeared quantity on an event-by-event basis. In this particular study, deconvolution is interpreted as a classification problem, and neural networks (NN) are trained to deconvolute the Z boson invariant mass spectrum generated with MadGraph and pythia8 Monte Carlo event generators in order to prove the principle. Results obtained from the machine learning method is presented and compared with the results obtained with traditional methods.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Deep learning for Gaussian process tomography model selection using the ASDEX Upgrade SXR system

Gaussian process tomography (GPT) is a method used for obtaining real-time tomographic reconstructions of the plasma emissivity profile in a tokamak, given some model for the underlying physical processes involved. GPT can also be used, thanks to Bayesian formalism, to perform model selection -- i.e., comparing different models and choosing the one with maximum evidence. However, the computations involved in this particular step may become slow for data with high dimensionality, especially when comparing the evidence for many different models. Using measurements collected by the ASDEX Upgrade Soft X-ray (SXR) diagnostic, we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to map SXR tomographic projections to the corresponding GPT model whose evidence is highest. We then compare the network's results, and the time required to calculate them, with those obtained through analytical Bayesian formalism. In addition, we use the network's classifications to produce tomographic reconstructions of the plasma emissivity profile, whose quality we evaluate by comparing their projection into measurement space with the existing measurements themselves.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Deep learning polarization distributions in ferroelectrics from STEM data: with and without atom finding

Over the last decade, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has emerged as a powerful tool for probing atomic structures of complex materials with picometer precision, opening the pathway toward exploring ferroelectric, ferroelastic, and chemical phenomena on the atomic-scale. Analyses to date extracting a polarization signal from lattice coupled distortions in STEM imaging rely on discovery of atomic positions from intensity maxima/minima and subsequent calculation of polarization and other order parameter fields from the atomic displacements. Here, we explore the feasibility of polarization mapping directly from the analysis of STEM images using deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). In this approach, the DCNN is trained on the labeled part of the image (i.e., for human labelling), and the trained network is subsequently applied to other images. We explore the effects of the choice of the descriptors (centered on atomic columns and grid-based), the effects of observational bias, and whether the network trained on one composition can be applied to a different one. This analysis demonstrates the tremendous potential of the DCNN for the analysis of high-resolution STEM imaging and spectral data and highlights the associated limitations.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Deep neural networks for classifying complex features in diffraction images

Intense short-wavelength pulses from free-electron lasers and high-harmonic-generation sources enable diffractive imaging of individual nano-sized objects with a single x-ray laser shot. The enormous data sets with up to several million diffraction patterns represent a severe problem for data analysis, due to the high dimensionality of imaging data. Feature recognition and selection is a crucial step to reduce the dimensionality. Usually, custom-made algorithms are developed at a considerable effort to approximate the particular features connected to an individual specimen, but facing different experimental conditions, these approaches do not generalize well. On the other hand, deep neural networks are the principal instrument for today's revolution in automated image recognition, a development that has not been adapted to its full potential for data analysis in science. We recently published in Langbehn et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 255301 (2018)) the first application of a deep neural network as a feature extractor for wide-angle diffraction images of helium nanodroplets. Here we present the setup, our modifications and the training process of the deep neural network for diffraction image classification and its systematic benchmarking. We find that deep neural networks significantly outperform previous attempts for sorting and classifying complex diffraction patterns and are a significant improvement for the much-needed assistance during post-processing of large amounts of experimental coherent diffraction imaging data.

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