Featured Researches

Physics And Society

Open model-based analysis of a 100% renewable and sector-coupled energy system -- The case of Germany in 2050

The ambitious energy target to achieve climate-neutrality in the European Union (EU) energy system raises the feasibility question of using only renewables across all energy sectors. As one of the EU's leading industrialized countries, Germany has adopted several climate-action plans for the realistic implementation and maximum utilization of renewable energies in its energy system. The literature review shows a clear gap in comprehensive techniques describing an open modeling approach for analyzing fully renewable and sector-coupled energy systems. This paper outlines a method for analyzing the 100% renewable-based and sector-coupled energy system's feasibility in Germany. Based on the open energy modeling framework, an hourly optimization tool 'OSeEM-DE' is developed to investigate the German energy system. The model results show that a 100% renewable-based and sector-coupled system for electricity and building heat is feasible in Germany. The investment capacities and component costs depend on the parametric variations of the developed scenarios. The annual investment costs vary between 17.6 and 26.6 bn Euro/yr for volatile generators and between 23.7 and 28.8 bn Euro/yr for heat generators. The model suggests an investment of a minimum of 2.7-3.9 bn Euro/yr for electricity and heat storage. Comparison of OSeEM-DE results with recent studies validates the percentage-wise energy mix composition and the calculated Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) values from the model. Sensitivity analyses indicate that storage and grid expansion maximize the system's flexibility and decrease the investment cost. The study concludes by showing how the tool can analyze different energy systems in the EU context.

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Physics And Society

Optimal Control Concerns Regarding the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic in Bahia and Santa Catarina, Brazil

The COVID-19 pandemic is the profoundest health crisis of the 21rst century. The SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived in Brazil around March, 2020 and its social and economical backlashes are catastrophic. In this paper, it is investigated how Model Predictive Control (MPC) could be used to plan appropriate social distancing policies to mitigate the pandemic effects in Bahia and Santa Catarina, two states of different regions, culture, and population demography in Brazil. In addition, the parameters of Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Deceased (SIRD) models for these two states are identified using an optimization procedure. The control input to the process is a social isolation guideline passed to the population. Two MPC strategies are designed: a) a centralized MPC, which coordinates a single control policy for both states; and b) a decentralized strategy, for which one optimization is solved for each state. Simulation results are shown to illustrate and compare both control strategies. The framework serves as guidelines to deals with such pandemic phenomena.

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Physics And Society

Optimal Lockdown Policy for Covid-19: A Modelling Study

As the COVID19 spreads across the world, prevention measures are becoming the essential weapons to combat the pandemic in the period of crisis. The lockdown measure is the most controversial one as it imposes an overwhelming impact on our economy and society. Especially when and how to enforce the lockdown measures are the most challenging questions considering both economic and epidemiological costs. In this paper, we extend the classic SIR model to find optimal decision making to balance between economy and people's health during the outbreak of COVID-19. In our model, we intend to solve a two phases optimization problem: policymakers control the lockdown rate to maximize the overall welfare of the society; people in different health statuses take different decisions on their working hours and consumption to maximize their utility. We develop a novel method to estimate parameters for the model through various additional sources of data. We use the Cournot equilibrium to model people's behavior and also consider the cost of death in order to leverage between economic and epidemic costs. The analysis of simulation results provides scientific suggestions for policymakers to make critical decisions on when to start the lockdown and how strong it should be during the whole period of the outbreak. Although the model is originally proposed for the COVID19 pandemic, it can be generalized to address similar problems to control the outbreak of other infectious diseases with lockdown measures.

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Physics And Society

Optimal assignment of buses to bus stops in a loop by reinforcement learning

Bus systems involve complex bus-bus and bus-passengers interactions. We study the problem of assigning buses to bus stops to minimise the average waiting time of passengers, W. An analytical theory for two specific cases of interactions is formulated: normal situation where all buses board passengers from every bus stop, versus novel express buses where disjoint subsets of non-interacting buses serve disjoint subsets of bus stops. Our formulation allows exact calculation of W for general loops in the two cases examined. Compared with regular buses, we present scenarios where express buses show improvement in W. Useful insights are obtained from our theory: 1) there is a minimum number of buses needed, 2) splitting a crowded bus stop into two less crowded ones always increases W for regular buses, 3) changing the destination of passengers and location of bus stops do not influence W. In the second part, we introduce a reinforcement-learning platform that overcomes limitations of our analytical method to search for better allocations of buses to bus stops that minimise W. Compared with the previous cases, any possible interaction between buses is allowed, unlocking novel emergent strategies. We apply this tool to a simple toy model and three empirically-motivated bus loops, based on data collected from the Nanyang Technological University shuttle bus system. In the simplified model, we observe an unexpected strategy emerging that could not be analysed with our mathematical formulation and displays chaotic behaviour. The possible configurations in the three empirically-motivated scenarios are approximately 10^11, 10^11 and 10^20, so a brute-force approach is impossible. Our algorithm reduces W by 12% to 32% compared with regular buses and 12% to 29% compared with express buses. This tool has practical applications because it works independently of the specific characteristics of a bus loop.

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Physics And Society

Optimal control of the COVID-19 pandemic: controlled sanitary deconfinement in Portugal

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced policy makers to decree urgent confinements to stop a rapid and massive contagion. However, after that stage, societies are being forced to find an equilibrium between the need to reduce contagion rates and the need to reopen their economies. The experience hitherto lived has provided data on the evolution of the pandemic, in particular the population dynamics as a result of the public health measures enacted. This allows the formulation of forecasting mathematical models to anticipate the consequences of political decisions. Here we propose a model to do so and apply it to the case of Portugal. With a mathematical deterministic model, described by a system of ordinary differential equations, we fit the real evolution of COVID-19 in this country. After identification of the population readiness to follow social restrictions, by analyzing the social media, we incorporate this effect in a version of the model that allow us to check different scenarios. This is realized by considering a Monte Carlo discrete version of the previous model coupled via a complex network. Then, we apply optimal control theory to maximize the number of people returning to "normal life" and minimizing the number of active infected individuals with minimal economical costs while warranting a low level of hospitalizations. This work allows testing various scenarios of pandemic management (closure of sectors of the economy, partial/total compliance with protection measures by citizens, number of beds in intensive care units, etc.), ensuring the responsiveness of the health system, thus being a public health decision support tool.

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Physics And Society

Optimal cost tuning of frustration: Achieving desired states in the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model

There are numerous examples of studied real-world systems that can be described as dynamical systems characterized by individual phases and coupled in a network like structure. Within the framework of oscillatory models, much attention has been devoted to the Kuramoto model, which considers a collection of oscillators interacting through a sinus function of the phase differences. In this paper, we draw on an extension of the Kuramoto model, called the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model, which adds a phase lag parameter to each node. We construct a general formalism that allows to compute the set of lag parameters that may lead to any phase configuration within a linear approximation. In particular, we devote special attention to the cases of full synchronization and symmetric configurations. We show that the set of natural frequencies, phase lag parameters and phases at the steady state is coupled by an equation and a continuous spectra of solutions is feasible. In order to quantify the system's strain to achieve that particular configuration, we define a cost function and compute the optimal set of parameters that minimizes it. Despite considering a linear approximation of the model, we show that the obtained tuned parameters for the case of full synchronization enhance frequency synchronization in the nonlinear model as well.

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Physics And Society

Optimal networks for dynamical spreading

The inverse problem of finding the optimal network structure for a specific type of dynamical process stands out as one of the most challenging problems in network science. Focusing on the susceptible-infected-susceptible type of dynamics on annealed networks whose structures are fully characterized by the degree distribution, we develop an analytic framework to solve the inverse problem. We find that, for relatively low or high infection rates, the optimal degree distribution is unique, which consists of no more than two distinct nodal degrees. For intermediate infection rates, the optimal degree distribution is multitudinous and can have a broader support. We also find that, in general, the heterogeneity of the optimal networks decreases with the infection rate. A surprising phenomenon is the existence of a specific value of the infection rate for which any degree distribution would be optimal in generating maximum spreading prevalence. The analytic framework and the findings provide insights into the interplay between network structure and dynamical processes with practical implications.

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Physics And Society

Optimal policies for mitigating pandemic costs

Several non-pharmaceutical interventions have been proposed to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the large scale, these empirical solutions, often associated with extended and complete lockdowns, attempt to minimize the costs associated with mortality, economic losses and social factors, while being subject to constraints such as finite hospital capacity. Here we pose the question of how to mitigate pandemic costs subject to constraints by adopting the language of optimal control theory. This allows us to determine top-down policies for the nature and dynamics of social contact rates given an age-structured model for the dynamics of the disease. Depending on the relative weights allocated to life and socioeconomic losses, we see that the optimal strategies range from long-term social-distancing only for the most vulnerable, to partial lockdown to ensure not over-running hospitals, to alternating-shifts with significant reduction in life and/or socioeconomic losses. Crucially, commonly used strategies that involve long periods of broad lockdown are almost never optimal, as they are highly unstable to reopening and entail high socioeconomic costs. Using parameter estimates from data available for Germany and the USA, we quantify these policies and use sensitivity analysis in the relevant model parameters and initial conditions to determine the range of robustness of our policies. Finally we also discuss how bottom-up behavioral changes can also change the dynamics of the pandemic and show how this in tandem with top-down control policies can mitigate pandemic costs even more effectively.

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Physics And Society

Optimising the mitigation of epidemic spreading through targeted adoption of contact tracing apps

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the first epidemic in human history in which digital contact-tracing has been deployed at a global scale. Tracking and quarantining all the contacts of individuals who test positive to a virus can help slowing-down an epidemic, but the impact of contact-tracing is severely limited by the generally low adoption of contact-tracing apps in the population. We derive here an analytical expression for the effectiveness of contact-tracing app installation strategies in a SIR model on a given contact graph. We propose a decentralised heuristic to improve the effectiveness of contact tracing under fixed adoption rates, which targets a set of individuals to install contact-tracing apps, and can be easily implemented. Simulations on a large number of real-world contact networks confirm that this heuristic represents a feasible alternative to the current state of the art.

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Physics And Society

Optimizing testing policies for detecting COVID-19 outbreaks

The COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges for continuing economic activity while reducing health risks. While these challenges can be mitigated through testing, testing budget is often limited. Here we study how institutions, such as nursing homes, should utilize a fixed test budget for early detection of an outbreak. Using an extended network-SEIR model, we show that given a certain budget of tests, it is generally better to test smaller subgroups of the population frequently than to test larger groups but less frequently. The numerical results are consistent with an analytical expression we derive for the size of the outbreak at detection in an exponential spread model. Our work provides a simple guideline for institutions: distribute your total tests over several batches instead of using them all at once. We expect that in the appropriate scenarios, this easy-to-implement policy recommendation will lead to earlier detection and better mitigation of local COVID-19 outbreaks.

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