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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Hierarchical fragmentation in high redshift galaxies revealed by hydrodynamical simulations

High-redshift star-forming galaxies have very different morphologies compared to nearby ones. Indeed, they are often dominated by bright star-forming structures of masses up to 10 8?? M ??dubbed «giant clumps». However, recent observations questioned this result by showing only low-mass structures or no structure at all. We use Adaptative Mesh Refinement hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies with parsec-scale resolution to study the formation of structures inside clumpy high-redshift galaxies. We show that in very gas-rich galaxies star formation occurs in small gas clusters with masses below 10 7?? M ??that are themselves located inside giant complexes with masses up to 10 8 and sometimes 10 9 M ??. Those massive structures are similar in mass and size to the giant clumps observed in imaging surveys, in particular with the Hubble Space Telescope. Using mock observations of simulated galaxies, we show that at very high resolution with instruments like the Atacama Large Millimeter Array or through gravitational lensing, only low-mass structures are likely to be detected, and their gathering into giant complexes might be missed. This leads to the non-detection of the giant clumps and therefore introduces a bias in the detection of these structures. We show that the simulated giant clumps can be gravitationally bound even when undetected in mocks representative for ALMA observations and HST observations of lensed galaxies. We then compare the top-down fragmentation of an initially warm disc and the bottom-up fragmentation of an initially cold disc to show that the process of formation of the clumps does not impact their physical properties.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

High angular resolution polarimetric imaging of the nucleus of NGC 1068: Disentangling the polarising mechanisms

Polarisation is a decisive method to study the inner region of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) since it is not affected by contrast issues similarly to how classical imaging is. When coupled to high angular resolution (HAR), polarisation can help to disentangle the location of the various polarising mechanisms and then give an insight on the physics taking place on the core of AGNs. We obtained a new data set of HAR polarimetric images of the archetypal Seyfert 2 nucleus of NGC 1068 observed with SPHERE/VLT and we aim in this paper at presenting the polarisation maps and at spatially separating the location of the polarising mechanisms, thus deriving constraints on the organisation of the dust material in the inner region of this AGN. We then compared these measurements to radiative transfer simulations of scattering and dichroic absorption processes, using the Monte-Carlo code MontAGN. We establish a detailed table of the relative importance of the polarising mechanism as a function of the aperture and of the wavelength. We are able to separate the dominant polarising mechanisms in the three regions of the ionisation cone, the extended envelop of the torus and the very central bright source of the AGN. Thus, we estimate the contribution of the different polarisation mechanisms to the observed polarisation flux in these regions. Dichroic absorption is estimated to be responsible for about 99 % of the polarised flux coming from the photo-centre. However, this contribution would be restricted to this location only, double scattering process being the most important contributor to polarisation in the equatorial plane of the AGN and single scattering being dominant in the polar outflow bi-cone.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

High-α-Metal-Rich stars in the LAMOST-MRS survey and its connection with the galactic bulge

We report the detection of a large sample of high- α -metal-rich stars on the low giant branch with 2.6<logg<3.3 dex in the LAMOST-MRS survey. This special group corresponds to an intermediate-age population of 5?? Gyr based on the [Fe/H] - [C/N] diagram and age- [C/N] calibration. A comparison group is selected to have solar α ratio at super metallicity, which is young and has a narrow age range around 3 Gyr. Both groups have thin-disk like kinematics but the former shows slightly large velocity dispersions. The special group shows a larger extension in vertical distance toward 1.2 kpc, a second peak at smaller Galactic radius and a larger fraction of super metal rich stars with [Fe/H]>0.2 than the comparison group. These properties strongly indicate its connection with the outer bar/bulge region at R=3?? kpc. A tentative interpretation of this special group is that its stars were formed in the X-shaped bar/bulge region, close to its corotation radius, where radial migration is the most intense, and brings them to present locations at 9 kpc and beyond. Low eccentricities and slightly outward radial excursions of its stars are consistent with this scenario. Its kinematics (cold) and chemistry ( [α/Fe] ??.1 ) further support the formation of the instability-driven X-shaped bar/bulge from the thin disk.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Host galaxy and orientation differences between different types of AGN

The main purpose of this study is to investigate aspects regarding the validity of the AGN unification paradigm (UP). In particular we focus on the AGN host galaxies, which according to the UP should show no systematic differences depending on the AGN classification. For the purpose of this study we use (a) the spectroscopic SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) DR14 catalogue, in order to select and classify AGNs using emission line diagnostics, up to a redshift of z=0.2, and (b) the Galaxy Zoo Project catalogue, which classifies SDSS galaxies in two broad Hubble types, spirals and ellipticals. We find that the fraction of type-1 Seyfert nuclei (Sy1) hosted in elliptical galaxies is significantly larger than the corresponding fraction of any other AGN type, while there is a gradient of increasing Spiral-hosts from Sy1 to Liner, type-2 Seyferts (Sy2) and Composite nuclei. These findings cannot be interpreted within the standard Unification Paradigm, but possibly by a co-evolution scheme for supermassive black holes (SMBH) and galactic bulges. Furthermore, for the case of spiral host galaxies we find the Sy1 population to be strongly skewed towards face-on configurations, while the corresponding Sy2 population range in all host-galaxy orientation configurations, having a similar, but not identical, orientation distribution with star-forming galaxies (SF). These results also cannot be interpreted by the standard Unification Paradigm, but point towards a significant contribution of the galactic disk to the obscuration of the nuclear region. This is also consistent with the observed preference of Sy1 nuclei to be hosted by ellipticals, ie., the dusty disk of spiral hosts contributes to the obscuration of the broad line region (BLR) and thus relatively more ellipticals are expected to appear hosting Sy1 nuclei.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

How Many Elements Matter?

Some studies of stars' multi-element abundance distributions suggest at least 5-7 significant dimensions, but other studies show that the abundances of many elements can be predicted to high accuracy from [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] alone (or from [Fe/H] and age). We show that both propositions can be, and are, simultaneously true. We adopt a technique known as normalizing flow to reconstruct the probability distribution of Milky Way disk stars in the space of 15 elemental abundances measured by APOGEE. Conditioning on stellar parameters T eff and logg minimizes the differential systematics. After conditioning on [Fe/H] and [Mg/H], the residual scatter for the best measured APOGEE elements is ? [X/H] ??.02 dex, consistent with APOGEE's reported statistical uncertainties of ??.01??.015 dex and intrinsic scatter of 0.01??.02 dex. Despite the small scatter, residual abundances display clear correlations between elements, which are too large to be explained by measurement uncertainties or by the statistical noise from our finite sample size. We must condition on at least seven elements (e.g., Fe, Mg, O, Si, Ni, Ca, Al) to reduce residual correlations to a level consistent with observational uncertainties, and higher measurement precision for other elements would likely reveal additional dimensions. Our results demonstrate that cross-element correlations are a much more sensitive and robust probe of hidden structure than dispersion alone, and they can be measured precisely in a large sample even if star-by-star measurement noise is comparable to the intrinsic scatter. We conclude that many elements have an independent story to tell, even for a "mundane" sample of disk stars and elements produced mainly by core-collapse and Type Ia supernovae. The only way to learn these lessons is to measure the abundances directly, and not merely infer them.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

How the bar properties affect the induced spiral structure

Stellar bars and spiral arms co-exist and co-evolve in most disc galaxies in the local Universe. However, the physical nature of this interaction remains a matter of debate. In this work, we present a set of numerical simulations based on isolated galactic models aimed to explore how the bar properties affect the induced spiral structure. We cover a large combination of bar properties, including the bar length, axial ratio, mass and rotation rate. We use three galactic models describing galaxies with rising, flat and declining rotation curves. We found that the pitch angle best correlates with the bar pattern speed and the spiral amplitude with the bar quadrupole moment. Our results suggest that galaxies with declining rotation curves are the most efficient forming grand design spiral structure, evidenced by spirals with larger amplitude and pitch angle. We also test the effects of the velocity ellipsoid in a subset of simulations. We found that as we increase the radial anisotropy, spirals increase their pitch angle but become less coherent with smaller amplitude.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Isolated Local Volume Dwarfs GALFA-Dw3 and Dw4

We present observations of the dwarf galaxies GALFA Dw3 and GALFA Dw4 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). These galaxies were initially discovered as optical counterparts to compact HI clouds in the GALFA survey. Both objects resolve into stellar populations which display an old red giant branch, younger helium burning, and massive main sequence stars. We use the tip of the red giant branch method to determine the distance to each galaxy, finding distances of 7.61 +0.28 ??.29 Mpc and 3.10 +0.16 ??.17 Mpc, respectively. With these distances we show that both galaxies are extremely isolated, with no other confirmed objects within ~1.5 Mpc of either dwarf. GALFA Dw4 is also found to be unusually compact for a galaxy of its luminosity. GALFA Dw3 and Dw4 contain HII regions with young star clusters and an overall irregular morphology; they show evidence of ongoing star formation through both ultraviolet and H α observations and are therefore classified as dwarf irregulars (dIrrs). The star formation histories of these two dwarfs show distinct differences: Dw3 shows signs of a recently ceased episode of active star formation across the entire dwarf, while Dw4 shows some evidence for current star formation in spatially limited HII regions. Compact HI sources offer a promising method for identifying isolated field dwarfs in the Local Volume, including GALFA Dw3 & Dw4, with the potential to shed light on the driving mechanisms of dwarf galaxy formation and evolution.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Hunting for Planetary Nebulae toward the Galactic Center

We present near-infrared (IR) spectra of two planetary nebula (PN) candidates in close lines of sight toward the Galactic center (GC) using GNIRS at Gemini North. High-resolution images from radio continuum and narrow-band IR observations reveal ring-like morphologies of these objects, and their mid-IR spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope exhibit rich emission lines from highly excited species such as [S IV], [Ne III], [Ne V], and [O IV]. We also derive elemental abundances using the Cloudy synthetic models, and find an excess amount of the s-process element Krypton in both targets, which supports their nature as PNe. We estimate foreground extinction toward each object using near-IR hydrogen recombination lines, and find significant visual extinctions ( A V >20 ). The distances inferred from the size versus surface brightness relation of other PNe are 9.0±1.6 kpc and 7.6±1.6 kpc for SSTGC 580183 and SSTGC 588220, respectively. These observed properties along with abundance patterns and their close proximity to Sgr A ??(projected distances <20 pc) make it highly probable that these objects are the first confirmed PNe objects in the nuclear stellar disk. The apparent scarcity of such objects resembles the extremely low rate of PN formation in old stellar systems, but is in line with the current rate of the sustained star formation activity in the Central Molecular Zone.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Hunting for intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters: an astrometric study of NGC 6441

We present an astrometric study of the proper motions (PMs) in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6441. The core of this cluster has a high density and observations with current instrumentation are very challenging. We combine ground-based, high-angular-resolution NACO@VLT images with Hubble Space Telescope ACS/HRC data and measure PMs with a temporal baseline of 15 yr for about 1400 stars in the centermost 15 arcseconds of the cluster. We reach a PM precision of ??30 μ as yr ?? for bright, well-measured stars. Our results for the velocity dispersion are in good agreement with other studies and extend already-existing analyses of the stellar kinematics of NGC 6441 to its centermost region never probed before. In the innermost arcsecond of the cluster, we measure a velocity dispersion of (19.1 ± 2.0) km s ?? for evolved stars. Because of its high mass, NGC 6441 is a promising candidate for harbouring an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH). We combine our measurements with additional data from the literature and compute dynamical models of the cluster. We find an upper limit of M IMBH <1.32? 10 4 M ??but we can neither confirm nor rule out its presence. We also refine the dynamical distance of the cluster to 12.74 +0.16 ??.15 kpc. Although the hunt for an IMBH in NGC 6441 is not yet concluded, our results show how future observations with extremely-large telescopes will benefit from the long temporal baseline offered by existing high-angular-resolution data.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Hunting for the elusive methylene radical

CH2 transitions between 68 and 71 GHz were first detected toward the Orion-KL and W51 Main SFRs. Given their upper level energies of 225 K, they were thought to arise in dense, hot molecular cores near newly formed stars. However, this has not been confirmed by further observations of these lines and their origin has remained unclear. Generally, there is a scarcity of observational data for CH2 and, while it is an important compound in the astrochemical context, its actual occurrence in astronomical sources is poorly constrained. The present study, along with other recent observations of the Orion region we report, rule out the possibility of an association with gas that is both hot and dense. We find that the distribution of the CH2 emission closely follows that of the [CII] 158 um emission, while CH2 is undetected toward the hot core itself. The observations suggest, rather, that its extended emission arises from hot but dilute layers of PDRs and not from the denser parts of such regions as in the case of the Orion Bar. This hypothesis was corroborated by comparisons of the observed CH2 line profiles with those of CRRLs, well-known PDR tracers. In addition, we report the detection of the 70 GHz fine- and hfs lines of o-CH2 toward the W51E, W51M, W51N, W49N, W43, W75N, DR21, and S140 SFRs, and three of the fine- and hfs lines between 68-71 GHz toward W3 IRS5. Furthermore, using a non-LTE radiative transfer analysis, we can constrain the gas temperatures and H2 density to 163 K and 3.4e3 cm^-3, respectively. This analysis confirms our hypothesis that CH2 originates in warm and dilute PDR layers. Our analysis suggests that for the excitation conditions under the physical conditions that prevail in such regions, these lines are masering, with weak level inversion. The resulting amplification of the lines' spontaneous emission greatly aids in their detection.

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