Featured Researches

Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Evolution of subhalo orbits in a smoothly-growing host halo potential

The orbital parameters of dark matter (DM) subhaloes play an essential role in determining their mass-loss rates and overall spatial distribution within a host halo. Haloes in cosmological simulations grow by a combination of relatively smooth accretion and more violent mergers, and both processes will modify subhalo orbits. To isolate the impact of the smooth growth of the host halo from other relevant mechanisms, we study subhalo orbital evolution using numerical calculations in which subhaloes are modelled as massless particles orbiting in a time-varying spherical potential. We find that the radial action of the subhalo orbit decreases over the first few orbits, indicating that the response to the growth of the host halo is not adiabatic during this phase. The subhalo orbits can shrink by a factor of ??1.5 in this phase. Subsequently, the radial action is well conserved and orbital contraction slows down. We propose a model accurately describing the orbital evolution. Given these results, we consider the spatial distribution of the population of subhaloes identified in high-resolution cosmological simulations. We find that it is consistent with this population having been accreted at z < 3, indicating that any subhaloes accreted earlier are unresolved in the simulations. We also discuss tidal stripping as a formation scenario for NGC1052-DF2, an ultra diffuse galaxy significantly lacking DM, and find that its expected DM mass could be consistent with observational constraints if its progenitor was accreted early enough, z > 1.5, although it should still be a relatively rare object.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Explaining the scatter in the galaxy mass-metallicity relation with gas flows

The physical origin of the scatter in the relation between galaxy stellar mass and the metallicity of the interstellar medium, i.e. the Mass-Metallicity Relation (MZR), reflects the relative importance of key processes in galaxy evolution. The \eagle cosmological hydrodynamical simulation is used to investigate the correlations between the residuals of the MZR and the residuals of the relations between stellar mass and, respectively, specific inflow, outflow and star formation rate as well as the gas fraction for central galaxies. At low redshift, all these residuals are found to be anti-correlated with the residuals of the MZR for M ??/ M ????10 10 . The correlations between the residuals of the MZR and the residuals of the other relations with mass are interrelated, but we find that gas fraction, specific inflow rate and specific outflow rate all have at least some independent influence on the scatter of the MZR. We find that, while for M ??/ M ??> 10 10.4 the specific mass of the nuclear black hole is most important, for M ??/ M ????10 10.3 gas fraction and specific inflow rate are the variables that correlate most strongly with the MZR scatter. The timescales involved in the residual correlations and the time that galaxies stay above the MZR are revealed to be a few Gyr. However, most galaxies that are below the MZR at z=0 have been below the MZR throughout their lifetimes.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Exploring Hydrodynamic Instabilities along the Infalling High-Velocity Cloud Complex A

Complex A is a high-velocity cloud that is traversing through the Galactic halo toward the Milky Way's disk. We combine both new and archival Green Bank Telescope observations to construct a spectroscopically resolved HI~21-cm map of this entire complex at a 17.1?�log( N HI ,1?/ cm ?? )??7.9 sensitivity for a FWHM=20 km s ?? line and ?θ=9.1arcmins or 17?��?d θ ??0 pc spatial resolution. We find that that Complex A is has a Galactic standard of rest frame velocity gradient of ? v GSR /?L=25 km s ?? /kpc along its length, that it is decelerating at a rate of ?�a ??GSR =55 km/ yr 2 , and that it will reach the Galactic plane in ?t??0 Myrs if it can survive the journey. We have identify numerous signatures of gas disruption. The elongated and multi-core structure of Complex A indicates that either thermodynamic instabilities or shock-cascade processes have fragmented this stream. We find Rayleigh-Taylor fingers on the low-latitude edge of this HVC; many have been pushed backward by ram-pressure stripping. On the high-latitude side of the complex, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities have generated two large wings that extend tangentially off Complex A. The tips of these wings curve slightly forward in the direction of motion and have an elevated \hi\ column density, indicating that these wings are forming Rayleigh-Taylor globules at their tips and that this gas is becoming entangled with unseen vortices in the surrounding coronal gas. These observations provide new insights on the survivability of low-metallicity gas streams that are accreting onto L ??galaxies.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Exploring the AGN-Merger Connection in Arp 245 I: Nuclear Star Formation and Gas Outflow in NGC 2992

Galaxy mergers are central to our understanding of galaxy formation, especially within the context of hierarchical models. Besides having a large impact on the star formation history, mergers are also able to influence gas motions at the centre of galaxies and trigger an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). In this paper, we present a case study of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992, which together with NGC 2993 forms the early-stage merger system Arp 245. Using Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) integral field unit (IFU) data from the inner 1.1 kpc of the galaxy we were able to spatially resolve the stellar populations, the ionisation mechanism and kinematics of ionised gas. From full spectral synthesis, we found that the stellar population is primarily composed by old metal-rich stars (t ??1.4 Gyr, Z??.0 \zsun), with a contribution of at most 30 per cent of the light from a young and metal-poor population (t ??100 Myr, Z??.0 \zsun). We detect \halpha and \hbeta emission from the Broad Line Region (BLR) with a Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of ??2000\kms. The Narrow Line Region (NLR) kinematics presents two main components: one from gas orbiting the galaxy disk and a blueshifted (velocity ??-200\kms) outflow, possibly correlated with the radio emission, with mass outflow rate of ??2 M ??yr ?? and a kinematic power of ??2 ? 10 40 erg s ?? (\Eout/\Lbol ??0.2 per cent). We also show even though the main ionisation mechanism is the AGN radiation, ionisation by young stars and shocks may also contribute to the emission line ratios presented in the innermost region of the galaxy.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Exploring the Galactic Anticenter substructure with LAMOST & Gaia DR2

We characterize the kinematic and chemical properties of 589 Galactic Anticenter Substructure Stars (GASS) with K-/M- giants in Integrals-of-Motion space. These stars likely include members of previously identified substructures such as Monoceros, A13, and the Triangulum-Andromeda cloud (TriAnd). We show that these stars are on nearly circular orbits on both sides of the Galactic plane. We can see velocity( V Z ) gradient along Y-axis especially for the south GASS members. Our GASS members have similar energy and angular momentum distributions to thin disk stars. Their location in [ α /M] vs. [M/H] space is more metal poor than typical thin disk stars, with [ α /M] \textbf{lower} than the thick disk. We infer that our GASS members are part of the outer metal-poor disk stars, and the outer-disk extends to 30 kpc. Considering the distance range and α -abundance features, GASS could be formed after the thick disk was formed due to the molecular cloud density decreased in the outer disk where the SFR might be less efficient than the inner disk.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Exploring the relation between dust mass and galaxy properties using Dusty SAGE

We explore the relation between dust and several fundamental properties of simulated galaxies using the Dusty SAGE semi-analytic model. In addition to tracing the standard galaxy properties, Dusty SAGE also tracks cold dust mass in the interstellar medium (ISM), hot dust mass in the halo and dust mass ejected by feedback activity. Based on their ISM dust content, we divide our galaxies into two categories: ISM dust-poor and ISM dust-rich. We split the ISM dust-poor group into two subgroups: halo dust-rich and dust-poor (the latter contains galaxies that lack dust in both the ISM and halo). Halo dust-rich galaxies have high outflow rates of heated gas and dust and are more massive. We divide ISM dust-rich galaxies based on their specific star formation rate (sSFR) into star-forming and quenched subgroups. At redshift z=0, we find that ISM dust-rich galaxies have a relatively high sSFR, low bulge-to-total (BTT) mass ratio, and high gas metallicity. The high sSFR of ISM dust-rich galaxies allows them to produce dust in the stellar ejecta. Their metal-rich ISM enables dust growth via grain accretion. The opposite is seen in the ISM dust-poor group. Furthermore, ISM dust-rich galaxies are typically late-types, while ISM dust-poor galaxies resemble the early-type population, and we show how their ISM content evolves from being dust-rich to dust-poor. Finally, we investigate dust production from z=3 to z=0 and find that all groups evolve similarly, except for the quenched ISM dust-rich group.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Extended X-ray Emission in Compton Thick AGN with Deep Chandra Observations

We present the spatial analysis of five Compton thick (CT) active galactic nuclei (AGNs), including MKN 573, NGC 1386, NGC 3393, NGC 5643, and NGC 7212, for which high resolution Chandra observations are available. For each source, we find hard X-ray emission (>3 keV) extending to ~kpc scales along the ionization cone, and for some sources, in the cross-cone region. This collection represents the first, high-signal sample of CT AGN with extended hard X-ray emission for which we can begin to build a more complete picture of this new population of AGN. We investigate the energy dependence of the extended X-ray emission, including possible dependencies on host galaxy and AGN properties, and find a correlation between the excess emission and obscuration, suggesting a connection between the nuclear obscuring material and the galactic molecular clouds. Furthermore, we find that the soft X-ray emission extends farther than the hard X-rays along the ionization cone, which may be explained by a galactocentric radial dependence on the density of molecular clouds due to the orientation of the ionization cone with respect to the galactic disk. These results are consistent with other CT AGN with observed extended hard X-ray emission (e.g., ESO 428-G014 and the Ma et al. 2020 CT AGN sample), further demonstrating the ubiquity of extended hard X-ray emission in CT AGN.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Extraterrestrial Photochemistry: Principles and Applications

Energetic processing of interstellar ice mantles and planetary atmospheres via photochemistry is a critical mechanism in the extraterrestrial synthesis of prebiotic molecules. Photochemistry is defined as chemical processes initiated by photon-induced electronic excitation, not involving ionization. In contrast, photons with energies above the ionization threshold initiate radiation chemistry (radiolysis). Vacuum-ultraviolet (6.2-12.4 eV) light may initiate photochemistry and radiation chemistry because the threshold for producing secondary electrons is lower in the condensed phase than in the gas phase. Approximately half of cosmic-ray induced photons incident on interstellar ices in star-forming regions initiate photochemistry while the rest initiate radiation chemistry. While experimental techniques such as velocity map imaging may be used to extract exquisite details about gas-phase photochemistry, such detailed information cannot be obtained for condensed-phase photochemistry, which involves greater complexity, including the production of excitons, excimers, and exciplexes. Because a primary objective of chemistry is to provide molecular-level mechanistic explanations for macroscopic phenomena, our ultimate goal in this book chapter is to critically evaluate our current understanding of the photochemistry that likely leads to the synthesis of extraterrestrial prebiotic molecules.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Extreme r-process enhanced stars at high metallicity in Fornax

We present and discuss three extremely r-process enhanced stars located in the massive dwarf spheriodal galaxy Fornax. These stars are very unique with an extreme Eu enrichment ( 1.25?�[Eu/Fe]??.45 ) at high metallicities ( ??.3?�[Fe/H]?��?0.8 ). They have the largest Eu abundances ever observed in a dwarf galaxy opening new opportunities to further understand the origin of heavy elements formed by the r-process. We derive stellar abundances of Co, Zr, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Er, and Lu using 1-dimensional, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) codes and model atmospheres in conjunction with state-of-the art yield predictions. We derive Zr in the largest sample of stars (105) known to date in a dwarf galaxy. Accurate stellar abundances combined with a careful assessment of the yield predictions have revealed three metal-rich stars in Fornax showing a pure r-process pattern. We define a new class of stars, namely Eu-stars, as r-II stars (i.e., [Eu/Fe] >1 ) at high metallicities (i.e., [Fe/H]?��?1.5 ). The stellar abundance pattern contains Lu, observed for the first time in a dwarf galaxy, and reveals that a late burst of star formation has facilitated extreme r-process enhancement late in the galaxy's history ( <4 \,Gyr ago). Due to the large uncertainties associated with the nuclear physics input in the yield predictions, we cannot yet determine the r-process site leading to the three Eu-stars in Fornax. Our results demonstrate that extremely r-rich stars are not only associated with ultra faint low-mass dwarf galaxies, but can be born also in massive dwarf galaxies.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Extremely broad Lyman-alpha line emission from the molecular intergalactic medium in Stephan's Quintet: evidence for a turbulent cascade in a highly clumpy multi-phase medium?

We present Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) UV line spectroscopy and integral-field unit observations of the intergalactic medium (IGM) in the Stephan's Quintet (SQ) galaxy group. SQ hosts a 30 kpc long shocked ridge triggered by a galaxy collision at a relative velocity of 1000 km/s, where large amounts of cold (10-100 K) and warm (100-5000 K) molecular gas coexist with a hot plasma. COS spectroscopy along five lines-of-sight, probing 1 kpc-diameter regions in the IGM, reveals very broad (~2000 km/s) and powerful Ly α line emission with complex line shapes. These Lyman-alpha line profiles are often similar to, or sometimes much broader than line profiles obtained in H β , [CII], and CO (1-0) emission along the same lines-of-sight. In these cases, the breadth of the Ly α emission, compared with H β , implies resonance scattering. Line ratios of Ly α /H β for the two COS pointings closest to the center of the shocked ridge are close to the Case B recombination value, suggesting that at these positions Ly α photons escape through scattering in a low density medium free of dust. Some Ly α spectra show suppressed velocity components compared with [CII] and H β , implying that some of the Ly α photons are absorbed. Scattering indicates that the neutral gas of the IGM is clumpy, with multiple clumps along a given line of sight. Remarkably, over more than four orders of magnitude in temperature, the powers radiated by the multi-phase IGM in X-rays, Ly α , H 2 , [CII] are comparable within a factor of a few. We suggest that both shocks and mixing layers co-exist and contribute to the energy dissipation associated with a turbulent energy cascade. This may be important for the cooling of gas at higher redshifts, where the metal content is lower than in this local system, and a high amplitude of turbulence more common.

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