Featured Researches

Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Assessing the Fornax globular cluster timing problem in different models of dark matter

We investigate what the orbits of globular clusters (GCs) in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy can teach us about dark matter (DM). This problem was recently studied for ultralight dark matter (ULDM). We consider two additional models: (i) fermionic degenerate dark matter (DDM), where Pauli blocking should be taken into account in the dynamical friction computation; and (ii) self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). We give a simple and direct Fokker-Planck derivation of dynamical friction, new in the case of DDM and reproducing previous results in the literature for ULDM and cold DM. ULDM, DDM and SIDM were considered in the past as leading to cores in dSphs, a feature that acts to suppress dynamical friction and prolong GC orbits. For DDM we derive a version of the cosmological free streaming limit that is independent of the DM production mechanism, finding that DDM cannot produce an appreciable core in Fornax without violating Ly- α limits. If the Ly- α limit is discounted for some reason, then stellar kinematics data does allow a DDM core which could prolong GC orbits. For SIDM we find that significant prolongation of GC orbits could be obtained for values of the self-interaction cross section considered in previous works. In addition to reassessing the inspiral time using updated observational data, we give a new perspective on the so-called GC timing problem, demonstrating that for a cuspy cold DM profile dynamical friction predicts a z=0 radial distribution for the innermost GCs that is independent of initial conditions. The observed orbits of Fornax GCs are consistent with this expectation with a mild apparent fine-tuning at the level of ??5% .

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Automatic identification of outliers in Hubble Space Telescope galaxy images

Rare extragalactic objects can carry substantial information about the past, present, and future universe. Given the size of astronomical databases in the information era it can be assumed that very many outlier galaxies are included in existing and future astronomical databases. However, manual search for these objects is impractical due to the required labor, and therefore the ability to detect such objects largely depends on computer algorithms. This paper describes an unsupervised machine learning algorithm for automatic detection of outlier galaxy images, and its application to several Hubble Space Telescope fields. The algorithm does not require training, and therefore is not dependent on the preparation of clean training sets. The application of the algorithm to a large collection of galaxies detected a variety of outlier galaxy images. The algorithm is not perfect in the sense that not all objects detected by the algorithm are indeed considered outliers, but it reduces the dataset by two orders of magnitude to allow practical manual identification. The catalogue contains 147 objects that would be very difficult to identify without using automation.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

BALRoGO: Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects -- Global properties of over one hundred globular clusters with Gaia EDR3

We present BALRoGO: Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects, a public code to measure the centers, effective radii, and bulk proper motions of Milky Way globular clusters and Local Group dwarf spheroidals, whose data are mixed with Milky Way field stars. Our approach presents innovative methods such as surface density fits allowing for strong interloper contamination and proper motion fits using a Pearson VII distribution for interlopers, instead of classic Gaussian-mixture recipes. We also use non-parametric approaches to represent the color-magnitude diagram of such stellar systems based in their membership probabilities, previously derived from surface density and proper motion fits. The robustness of our method is verified by comparing its results with previous estimates from the literature as well as by testing it on mock data from N-body simulations. We applied BALRoGO to Gaia EDR3 data for over one hundred Milky Way globular clusters and nine Local Group dwarf spheroidals, and we provide positions, effective radii, and bulk proper motions. Finally, we make our algorithm available as an open source software.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey-XXIII. A New Mid-Infrared Diagnostic for Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei

In this study, we use the SWIFT/BAT AGN sample, which has received extensive multiwavelength follow-up analysis as a result of the BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS), to develop a diagnostic for nuclear obscuration by examining the relationship between the line-of-sight column densities ( N H ), the 2-10 keV-to- 12μm luminosity ratio, and WISE mid-infrared colors. We demonstrate that heavily obscured AGNs tend to exhibit both preferentially ''redder'' mid-infrared colors and lower values of L X,Obs. / L 12μm than less obscured AGNs, and we derive expressions relating N H to the L X,Obs. / L 12μm and L 22μm / L 4.6μm luminosity ratios as well as develop diagnostic criteria using these ratios. Our diagnostic regions yield samples that are ??0 % complete and ??0 % pure for AGNs with log( N H )??4 , as well as ??5 % pure for AGNs with log( N H )??3.5 . We find that these diagnostics cannot be used to differentiate between optically star forming galaxies and active galaxies. Further, mid-IR contributions from host galaxies that dominate the observed 12 μm emission can lead to larger apparent X-ray deficits and redder mid-IR colors than the AGNs would intrinsically exhibit, though this effect helps to better separate less obscured and more obscured AGNs. Finally, we test our diagnostics on two catalogs of AGNs and infrared galaxies, including the XMM-Newton XXL-N field, and we identify several known Compton-thick AGNs as well as a handful of candidate heavily obscured AGNs based upon our proposed obscuration diagnostics.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Bar-like galaxies in IllustrisTNG

We study a sample of bar-like galaxies in the Illustris TNG100 simulation, in which almost the whole stellar component is in the form of a prolate spheroid. The sample is different from the late-type barred galaxies studied before. In addition to the requirement of a high enough stellar mass and resolution, the 277 galaxies were selected based on the single condition of a low enough ratio of the intermediate to long axis of the stellar component. We followed the mass and shape evolution of the galaxies as well as their interactions with other objects and divided them into three classes based on the origin of the bar and the subsequent history. In galaxies of class A (comprising 28% of the sample), the bar was induced by an interaction with a larger object, most often a cluster or group central galaxy, and the galaxies were heavily stripped of dark matter and gas. In classes B and C (27% and 45% of the sample, respectively) the bars were induced by a merger or a passing satellite, or they were formed by disk instability. Class B galaxies were then partially stripped of mass, while those of class C evolved without strong interactions, thus retaining their dark matter and gas in the outskirts. We illustrate the properties of the different classes with three representative examples of individual galaxies. In spite of the different evolutionary histories, the bars are remarkably similar in strength, length, and formation times. The gas fraction in the baryonic component within two stellar half-mass radii at the time of bar formation is always below 0.4 and usually very low, which confirms in the cosmological context the validity of this threshold, which has previously been identified in controlled simulations. Observational counterparts of these objects can be found among early-type fast rotators, S0 galaxies, or red spirals with bars.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Behavior of Hydroxyl Radicals on Water Ice at Low Temperatures

Because chemical reactions on/in cosmic ice dust grains covered by amorphous solid water (ASW) play important roles in generating a variety of molecules, many experimental and theoretical studies have focused on the chemical processes occurring on the ASW surface. In laboratory experiments, conventional spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric detection of stable products is generally employed to deduce reaction channels and mechanisms. However, despite their importance, the details of chemical reactions involving reactive species (i.e., free radicals) have not been clarified because of the absence of experimental methods for in situ detection of radicals. Because OH radicals can be easily produced in interstellar conditions by not only the photolysis and/or ion bombardments of H2O but also the reaction of H and O atoms, they are thought to be one of the most abundant radicals on ice dust. In this context, the development of a close monitoring method of OH radicals on the ASW surface may help to elucidate the chemical reactions occurring on the ASW surface.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Benchmarking Dust Emission Models in M101

We present a comparative study of four physical dust models and two single-temperature modified blackbody models by fitting them to the resolved WISE, Spitzer, and Herschel photometry of M101 (NGC 5457). Using identical data and a grid-based fitting technique, we compare the resulting dust and radiation field properties derived from the models. We find that the dust mass yielded by the different models can vary by up to factor of 3 (factor of 1.4 between physical models only), although the fits have similar quality. Despite differences in their definition of the carriers of the mid-IR aromatic features, all physical models show the same spatial variations for the abundance of that grain population. Using the well determined metallicity gradient in M101 and resolved gas maps, we calculate an approximate upper limit on the dust mass as a function of radius. All physical dust models are found to exceed this maximum estimate over some range of galactocentric radii. We show that renormalizing the models to match the same Milky Way high latitude cirrus spectrum and abundance constraints can reduce the dust mass differences between models and bring the total dust mass below the maximum estimate at all radii.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Black Hole Mergers from Star Clusters with Top-Heavy Initial Mass Functions

Recent observations of globular clusters (GCs) provide evidence that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) may not be universal, suggesting specifically that the IMF grows increasingly top-heavy with decreasing metallicity and increasing gas density. Non-canonical IMFs can greatly affect the evolution of GCs, mainly because the high end determines how many black holes (BHs) form. Here we compute a new set of GC models, varying the IMF within observational uncertainties. We find that GCs with top-heavy IMFs lose most of their mass within a few Gyr through stellar winds and tidal stripping. Heating of the cluster through BH mass segregation greatly enhances this process. We show that, as they approach complete dissolution, GCs with top-heavy IMFs can evolve into 'dark clusters' consisting of mostly BHs by mass. In addition to producing more BHs, GCs with top-heavy IMFs also produce many more binary BH (BBH) mergers. Even though these clusters are short-lived, mergers of ejected BBHs continue at a rate comparable to, or greater than, what is found for long-lived GCs with canonical IMFs. Therefore these clusters, although they are no longer visible today, could still contribute significantly to the local BBH merger rate detectable by LIGO/Virgo, especially for sources with higher component masses well into the BH mass gap. We also report that one of our GC models with a top-heavy IMF produces dozens of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) with masses M>100 M ??, including one with M>500 M ??. Ultimately, additional gravitational wave observations will provide strong constraints on the stellar IMF in old GCs and the formation of IMBHs at high redshift.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Black Hole and Galaxy Coevolution in Moderately Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei at z~1.4 in SXDF

We investigate the relation of black hole mass versus host stellar mass and that of mass accretion rate versus star formation rate (SFR) in moderately luminous ( log L bol ??4.5??6.5 erg s ?? ), X-ray selected broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at z=1.18??.68 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. The far-infrared to far-ultraviolet spectral energy distributions of 85 AGNs are reproduced with the latest version of Code Investigating GALaxy Emission ({\tt CIGALE}), where the AGN clumpy torus model {\tt SKIRTOR} is implemented. Most of their hosts are confirmed to be main-sequence star-forming galaxies. We find that the mean ratio of the black hole mass ( M BH ) to the total stellar mass ( M stellar ) is log M BH / M stellar =??.2 , which is similar to the local black hole-to-bulge mass ratio. This suggests that if the host galaxies of these moderately luminous AGNs at z??.4 are dominated by bulges, they already established the local black hole mass-bulge mass relation; if they are disk dominant, their black holes are overmassive relative to the bulges. AGN bolometric luminosities and SFR show a good correlation with ratios higher than that expected from the local black hole-to-bulge mass relation, suggesting that these AGNs are in a SMBH-growth dominant phase.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Black hole fueling in galaxy mergers: A high-resolution analysis

Using parsec scale resolution hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations we have studied the mass transport process throughout a galactic merger. The aim of such study is to connect both the peaks of mass accretion rate onto the BHs and star formation bursts with both gravitational and hydrodynamic torques acting on the galactic gaseous component. Our merger initial conditions were chosen to mimic a realistic system. The simulations include gas cooling, star formation, supernovae feedback, and AGN feedback. Gravitational and hydrodynamic torques near pericenter passes trigger gas funneling to the nuclei which is associated with bursts of star formation and black hole growth. Such episodes are intimately related with both kinds of torques acting on the galactic gas. Pericenters trigger both star formation and mass accretion rates of ??few (1??0) M ??/yr. Such episodes last ??(50??5) Myrs. Close passes also can produce black hole accretion that approaches and reaches the Eddington rate, lasting ??few Myrs. Our simulation shows that both gravitational and hydrodynamic torques are enhanced at pericenter passes with gravitational torques tending to have higher values than the hydrodynamic torques throughout the merger. We also find that in the closest encounters, hydrodynamic and gravitational torques can be comparable in their effect on the gas, the two helping in the redistribution of both angular momentum and mass in the galactic disc. Such phenomena allow inward mass transport onto the BH influence radius, fueling the compact object and lighting up the galactic nuclei.

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