Featured Researches

Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Constraining the population of isolated massive stars within the Central Molecular Zone

Many galaxies host pronounced circumnuclear starbursts, fuelled by infalling gas. Such activity is expected to drive the secular evolution of the nucleus and generate super winds, while the intense radiation fields and extreme gas and cosmic ray densities present may act to modify the outcome of star formation with respect to more quiescent galactic regions. The centre of the Milky Way is the only example of this phenomenon where, by virtue of its proximity, individual stars may be resolved. Previous studies have revealed that it hosts a rich population of massive stars; these are located within three clusters, with an additional contingent dispersed throughout the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). We employed VLT+KMOS to obtain homogeneous, high S/N spectroscopy of the later cohort for classification and quantitative analysis. Including previously identified examples, we found a total of 83 isolated massive stars within the Galactic Centre, which are biased towards objects supporting powerful stellar winds and/or extensive circumstellar envelopes. No further stellar clusters, or their tidally stripped remnants, were identified, although an apparent stellar overdensity was found to be coincident with the Sgr B1 star forming region. The cohort of isolated massive stars within the CMZ is comparable in size to that of the known clusters but, due to observational biases, is likely highly incomplete at this time. Combining both populations yields over 320 spectroscopically classified stars that are expected to undergo core collapse within the next 20Myr. Given that this is presumably an underestimate of the true number, the population of massive stars associated with the CMZ appears unprecedented amongst star formation complexes within the Milky Way, and one might anticipate that they play a substantial role in the energetics and evolution of the nuclear region.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Contribution of collapsars, supernovae, and neutron star mergers to the evolution of r-process elements in the Galaxy

We study the evolution of rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) isotopes in the Galaxy. We analyze relative contributions from core collapse supernovae (CCSNe), neutron star mergers (NSMs) and collapsars under a range of astrophysical conditions and nuclear input data. Although the r-process in each of these sites can lead to similar (or differing) isotopic abundances, our simulations reveal that the early contribution of r-process material to the Galaxy was dominated by CCSNe and collapsar r-process nucleosynthesis, while the NSM contribution is unavoidably delayed even under the assumption of the shortest possible minimum merger time.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Cosmic Ray Transport in the Ionized and Neutral ISM: MHD-PIC Simulations and Effective Fluid Treatments

Cosmic rays (CRs) have critical impacts in the multiphase interstellar medium (ISM), driving dynamical motions in low-density plasma and modifying the ionization state, temperature, and chemical composition of higher-density atomic and molecular gas. We present a study of CR propagation between the ionized ISM and a neutral cloud. Using one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic particle-in-cell simulations which include ion-neutral drag to damp Alfv e ´ n waves in the cloud, we self-consistently evolve the kinetic physics of CRs and fluid dynamics of the multiphase gas. By introducing the cloud in our periodic domain, our simulations break translational symmetry and allow the emergence of spatial structure in the CR distribution function. A negative spatial gradient forms across the fully-ionized ISM region while a positive gradient forms across the neutral cloud. We connect our results with CR hydrodynamics formulations by computing the wave-particle scattering rates as predicted by quasilinear, fluid, and Fokker-Planck theory. For momenta where the mean free path is short relative to the box size, we find excellent agreement among all scattering rates. By exploring different cloud sizes and ion-neutral collision rates, we show that our results are robust. Our work provides a first-principles verification of CR hydrodynamics when particles stream down their pressure gradient, and opens a pathway toward comprehensive calibrations of transport coefficients from self-generated Alfv e ´ n wave scattering with CRs.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Cosmic ray sputtering yield of interstellar ice mantles: CO and CO2 ice thickness dependence

Cosmic-ray-induced sputtering is one of the important desorption mechanisms at work in astrophysical environments. The chemical evolution observed in high-density regions, from dense clouds to protoplanetary disks, and the release of species condensed on dust grains, is one key parameter to be taken into account in interpretations of both observations and models. This study is part of an ongoing systematic experimental determination of the parameters to consider in astrophysical cosmic ray sputtering. As was already done for water ice, we investigated the sputtering yield as a function of ice mantle thickness for the two next most abundant species of ice mantles, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which were exposed to several ion beams to explore the dependence with deposited energy. These ice sputtering yields are constant for thick films. It decreases rapidly for thin ice films when reaching the impinging ion sputtering desorption depth. An ice mantle thickness dependence constraint can be implemented in the astrophysical modelling of the sputtering process, in particular close to the onset of ice mantle formation at low visual extinctions.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Damped perturbations in stellar systems: Genuine modes and Landau-damped waves

This research was stimulated by the recent studies of damping solutions in dynamically stable spherical stellar systems. Using the simplest model of the homogeneous stellar medium, we discuss nontrivial features of stellar systems. Taking them into account will make it possible to correctly interpret the results obtained earlier and will help to set up decisive numerical experiments in the future. In particular, we compare the initial value problem versus the eigenvalue problem. It turns out that in the unstable regime, the Landau-damped waves can be represented as a superposition of van Kampen modes {\it plus} a discrete damped mode, usually ignored in the stability study. This mode is a solution complex conjugate to the unstable Jeans mode. In contrast, the Landau-damped waves are not genuine modes: in modes, eigenfunctions depend on time as exp(?�i?t) , while the waves do not have eigenfunctions on the real v -axis at all. However, `eigenfunctions' on the complex v -contours do exist. Deviations from the Landau damping are common and can be due to singularities or cut-off of the initial perturbation above some fixed value in the velocity space.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Dark Supernova Remnants revealed by CO-line Bubbles in the W43 Molecular Complex along the 4-kpc Arm

Fine structure of the density distribution in giant molecular clouds (GMC) around W43 (G31+00+90 km/s at ??.5 kpc) was analyzed using the FUGIN ??CO-line survey at high-angular ( 20 ?��???.5 pc) and velocity (1.3 km/s) resolutions ( ??Four-receiver-system Unbiased Galactic Imaging survey with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope). The GMCs show highly turbulent structures, and the eddies are found to exhibit spherical bubble morphology appearing in narrow ranges of velocity channels. The bubbles are dark in radio continuum emission, unlike usual supernova remnants (SNR) or HII regions, and in infrared dust emission, unlike molecular bubbles around young stellar objects. The CO bubbles are interpreted as due to fully evolved buried SNRs in molecular clouds after rapid exhaustion of the released energy in dense molecular clouds. The CO bubbles may be a direct evidence for exciting and maintaining the turbulence in GMCs by SN origin. Search for CO bubbles as "dark SNRs" (dSNR) will have implication to estimate the supernova rate more accurately, and hence the star formation activity in the Milky Way.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Dating individual quasars with the HeII proximity effect

Constraints on the time-scales of quasar activity are key to understanding the formation and growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), quasar triggering mechanisms, and possible feedback effects on their host galaxies. However, observational estimates of this so-called quasar lifetime are highly uncertain (t_Q~10^4-10^9 yr), because most methods are indirect and involve many model-dependent assumptions. Direct evidence of earlier activity is gained from the higher ionization state of the intergalactic medium (IGM) in the quasar environs, observable as enhanced Ly α transmission in the so-called proximity zone. Due to the ~30 Myr equilibration time-scale of HeII in the z~3 IGM, the size of the HeII proximity zone depends on the time the quasar had been active before our observation t_on<t_Q, enabling up to ± 0.2 dex precise measurements of individual quasar on-times that are comparable to the e-folding time-scale t_S~44 Myr of SMBH growth. Here we present the first statistical sample of 13 quasars whose accurate and precise systemic redshifts allow for measurements of sufficiently precise HeII quasar proximity zone sizes between ~2 and ~15 proper Mpc from science-grade Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra. Comparing these sizes to predictions from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations post-processed with one-dimensional radiative transfer, we infer a broad range of quasar on-times from t_on<1 Myr to t_on>30 Myr that does not depend on quasar luminosity, black hole mass, or Eddington ratio. These results point to episodic quasar activity over a long duty cycle, but do not rule out substantial SMBH growth during phases of radiative inefficiency or obscuration.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Deciphering the 3-D Orion Nebula-III: Structure on the NE boundary of the Orion-S Embedded Molecular Cloud

We have extended the work of Papers I and II of this series to determine at higher spatial resolution the properties of the embedded Orion-S Molecular Cloud that lies within the ionized cavity of the Orion Nebula and of the thin ionized layer that lies between the Cloud and the observer. This was done using existing and new [NII](658.3 nm) and [OIII] (500.7 nm) spectra that map the central region of the Orion Nebula (the Huygens Region). However, it remains unclear how the surface brightness of the ionized layer on the Orion-S Molecular Cloud and that of a foreground Nearer Ionized Layer are linked, as the observations show they must be. It is shown that the Cloud modifies the outer parts of the Huygens Region in the direction of the extended hot X-ray gas.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Deciphering the 3-D Orion Nebula-IV: The HH~269 flow emerges from the Orion-S Embedded Molecular Cloud

We have extended the membership and determined the 3-D structure of the large (0.19 pc) HH~269 sequence of shocks in the Orion Nebula. All of the components lie along a track that is highly tilted to the plane-of-the-sky and emerge from within the Orion-S embedded molecular cloud. Their source is probably either the highly obscured mm 9 source associated with a high N2H+ density core (more likely) or the more distant star COUP 632 (less likely). The former must be located in the Photon Dominated Region (PDR) underlying the ionized surface of the Orion South Cloud, while the latter would be embedded within the cloud. The flows seem to be episodic, with intervals of 1900 to 2600 years or 700 to 2600 years if COUP 632 is the source.

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Astrophysics Of Galaxies

Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): Stellar Mass Growth by Morphological Type since z=1

Using high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging data, we perform a visual morphological classification of ??6,000 galaxies at z<1 in the DEVILS/COSMOS region. As the main goal of this study, we derive the stellar mass function (SMF) and stellar mass density (SMD) sub-divided by morphological types. We find that visual morphological classification using optical imaging is increasingly difficult at z>1 as the fraction of irregular galaxies and merger systems (when observed at rest-frame UV/blue wavelengths) dramatically increases. We determine that roughly two-thirds of the total stellar mass of the Universe today was in place by z?? . Double-component galaxies dominate the SMD at all epochs and increase in their contribution to the stellar mass budget to the present day. Elliptical galaxies are the second most dominant morphological type and increase their SMD by ??.5 times, while by contrast, the pure-disk population significantly decreases by ??5% . According to the evolution of both high- and low-mass ends of the SMF, we find that mergers and in-situ evolution in disks are both present at z<1 , and conclude that double-component galaxies are predominantly being built by the in-situ evolution in disks (apparent as the growth of the low-mass end with time), while mergers are likely responsible for the growth of ellipticals (apparent as the increase of intermediate/high-mass end).

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