Featured Researches

Discrete Mathematics

Integer Laplacian Eigenvalues of Chordal Graphs

In this paper, structural properties of chordal graphs are analysed, in order to establish a relationship between these structures and integer Laplacian eigenvalues. We present the characterization of chordal graphs with equal vertex and algebraic connectivities, by means of the vertices that compose the minimal vertex separators of the graph; we stablish a sufficient condition for the cardinality of a maximal clique to appear as an integer Laplacian eigenvalue. Finally, we review two subclasses of chordal graphs, showing for them some new properties.

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Discrete Mathematics

Integer Laplacian eigenvalues of strictly chordal graphs

In this paper, we establish the relation between classic invariants of graphs and their integer Laplacian eigenvalues, focusing on a subclass of chordal graphs, the strictly chordal graphs, and pointing out how their computation can be efficiently implemented. Firstly we review results concerning general graphs showing that the number of universal vertices and the degree of false and true twins provide integer Laplacian eigenvalues and their multiplicities. Afterwards, we prove that many integer Laplacian eigenvalues of a strictly chordal graph are directly related to particular simplicial vertex sets and to the minimal vertex separators of the graph.

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Discrete Mathematics

Intensive use of computing resources for dominations in grids and other combinatorial problems

Our goal is to prove new results in graph theory and combinatorics thanks to the speed of computers, used with smart algorithms. We tackle four problems. The four-colour theorem states that any map whose countries are connected can be coloured with 4 colours such that neighbouring countries have differnt colours. It was the first result proved using computers, in 1989. We wished to automatise further its proof. We explain the proof and provide a program which replays the proof. It also makes it possible to obtain other results with the same method. We give ideas to automatise the search for discharging rules. We also study the problems of domination in grids. The simplest one is the one of domination. It consists in putting a stone on some cells of a grid such that every cell has a stone, or has a neighbour with a stone. This problem was solved in 2011, using computers to prove a formula giving the minimum number of stones needed. We adapt this method for the first time for variants of the domination. We solve partially two other problems and give for them lower bounds for grids of arbitrary size. We also tackle the counting problem for dominating sets. How many dominating sets are there for a given grid? We study this counting problem for the domination and three variants. For each of these problems, we prove the existence of asymptotic growths rates for which we give bounds. Finally we study polyominoes and the way they can tile rectangles. We tried to solve a problem from 1989: is there a polyomino of odd order? It consists in finding a polyomino which can tile a rectangle with an odd number of copies, but cannot tile any smaller rectangle. We did not manage to solve this problem, but we made a program to enumerate polyominoes and try to find their orders, discarding those which cannot tile rectangles. We also give statistics on the orders of polyominoes of size up to 18.

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Discrete Mathematics

Intersection Graphs of Non-crossing Paths

We study graph classes modeled by families of non-crossing (NC) connected sets. Two classic graph classes in this context are disk graphs and proper interval graphs. We focus on the cases when the sets are paths and the host is a tree (generalizing proper interval graphs). Forbidden induced subgraph characterizations and linear time certifying recognition algorithms are given for intersection graphs of NC paths of a tree (and related subclasses). A direct consequence of our certifying algorithms is a linear time algorithm certifying the presence/absence of an induced claw ( K 1,3 ) in a chordal graph. For the intersection graphs of NC paths of a tree, we characterize the minimum connected dominating sets (leading to a linear time algorithm to compute one). We further observe that there is always an independent dominating set which is a minimum dominating set, leading to the dominating set problem being solvable in linear time. Finally, each such graph G is shown to have a Hamiltonian cycle if and only if it is 2-connected, and when G is not 2-connected, a minimum-leaf spanning tree of G has ℓ leaves if and only if G 's block-cutpoint tree has exactly ℓ leaves (e.g., implying that the block-cutpoint tree is a path if and only if the graph has a Hamiltonian path).

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Discrete Mathematics

Interval-Permutation Segment Graphs

In this work, we introduce the \emph{interval permutation segment (IP-SEG)} model that naturally generalizes the geometric intersection models of interval and permutation graphs. We study properties of two graph classes that arise from the IP-SEG model and present a family of forbidden subgraphs for these classes. In addition, we present polynomial algorithms for the clique and independent set problems on these classes, when the model is given as part of the input.

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Discrete Mathematics

Investigating the discrepancy property of de Bruijn sequences

The discrepancy of a binary string refers to the maximum (absolute) difference between the number of ones and the number of zeroes over all possible substrings of the given binary string. We provide an investigation of the discrepancy of known simple constructions of de Bruijn sequences. Furthermore, we demonstrate constructions that attain the lower bound of Θ(n) and a new construction that attains the previously known upper bound of Θ( 2 n n √ ) . This extends the work of Cooper and Heitsch~[\emph{Discrete Mathematics}, 310 (2010)].

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Discrete Mathematics

Isoperimetric Inequalities for Real-Valued Functions with Applications to Monotonicity Testing

We generalize the celebrated isoperimetric inequality of Khot, Minzer, and Safra~(SICOMP 2018) for Boolean functions to the case of real-valued functions f:{0,1 } d →R . Our main tool in the proof of the generalized inequality is a new Boolean decomposition that represents every real-valued function f over an arbitrary partially ordered domain as a collection of Boolean functions over the same domain, roughly capturing the distance of f to monotonicity and the structure of violations of f to monotonicity. We apply our generalized isoperimetric inequality to improve algorithms for testing monotonicity and approximating the distance to monotonicity for real-valued functions. Our tester for monotonicity has query complexity O ˜ (min(r d − − √ ,d)) , where r is the size of the image of the input function. (The best previously known tester, by Chakrabarty and Seshadhri (STOC 2013), makes O(d) queries.) Our tester is nonadaptive and has 1-sided error. We show a matching lower bound for nonadaptive, 1-sided error testers for monotonicity. We also show that the distance to monotonicity of real-valued functions that are α -far from monotone can be approximated nonadaptively within a factor of O( dlogd − − − − − √ ) with query complexity polynomial in 1/α and the dimension d . This query complexity is known to be nearly optimal for nonadaptive algorithms even for the special case of Boolean functions. (The best previously known distance approximation algorithm for real-valued functions, by Fattal and Ron (TALG 2010) achieves O(dlogr) -approximation.)

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Discrete Mathematics

Iterated Global Models for Complex Networks

We introduce the Iterated Global model as a deterministic graph process that simulates several properties of complex networks. In this model, for every set S of nodes of a prescribed cardinality, we add a new node that is adjacent to every node in S . We focus on the case where the size of S is approximately half the number of nodes at each time-step, and we refer to this as the half-model. The half-model provably generate graphs that densify over time, have bad spectral expansion, and low diameter. We derive the clique, chromatic, and domination numbers of graphs generated by the model.

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Discrete Mathematics

Kendall Tau Sequence Distance: Extending Kendall Tau from Ranks to Sequences

An edit distance is a measure of the minimum cost sequence of edit operations to transform one structure into another. Edit distance is most commonly encountered within the context of strings, where Wagner and Fischer's string edit distance is perhaps the most well-known. However, edit distance is not limited to strings. For example, there are several edit distance measures for permutations, including Wagner and Fischer's string edit distance since a permutation is a special case of a string. However, another edit distance for permutations is Kendall tau distance, which is the number of pairwise element inversions. On permutations, Kendall tau distance is equivalent to an edit distance with adjacent swap as the edit operation. A permutation is often used to represent a total ranking over a set of elements. There exist multiple extensions of Kendall tau distance from total rankings (permutations) to partial rankings (i.e., where multiple elements may have the same rank), but none of these are suitable for computing distance between sequences. We set out to explore extending Kendall tau distance in a different direction, namely from the special case of permutations to the more general case of strings or sequences of elements from some finite alphabet. We name our distance metric Kendall tau sequence distance, and define it as the minimum number of adjacent swaps necessary to transform one sequence into the other. We provide two O(nlgn) algorithms for computing it, and experimentally compare their relative performance. We also provide reference implementations of both algorithms in an open source Java library.

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Discrete Mathematics

Kirchhoff's Circuit Law Applications to Graph Simplification in Search Problems

This paper proposes a new analysis of graph using the concept of electric potential, and also proposes a graph simplification method based on this analysis. Suppose that each node in the weighted-graph has its respective potential value. Furthermore, suppose that the start and terminal nodes in graphs have maximum and zero potentials, respectively. When we let the level of each node be defined as the minimum number of edges/hops from the start node to the node, the proper potential of each level can be estimated based on geometric proportionality relationship. Based on the estimated potential for each level, we can re-design the graph for path-finding problems to be the electrical circuits, thus Kirchhoff's Circuit Law can be directed applicable for simplifying the graph for path-finding problems.

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