Featured Researches

Discrete Mathematics

Non-Hamilton cycle sets of having solutions and their properties

A graph \textit{G} is a tuple (\textit{V}, \textit{E}), where \textit{V} is the vertex set, \textit{E} is the edge set. A reduced graph is a graph of deleting non-Hamiltonian edges and smoothing out the redundant vertices of degree 2 on an edge except for leaving only one vertex of degree 2. A 2-common (\textit{v}, \textit{0}) combination is a cycle set in which every pair of joint cycles \textit{A} and \textit{B} satisfies |V(A)∩V(B)|=2 and |E(A)∩E(B)|=0 . In this paper, we investigate the cycle structure of 2-common (\textit{v}, \textit{0}) combination in reduced graphs, and give the characterizations of their Hamiltoncity.

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Discrete Mathematics

Non-separating spanning trees and out-branchings in digraphsof independence number 2

A subgraph H= (V, F) of a graph G= (V,E) is non-separating if G-F, that is, the graph obtained from G by deleting the edges in F, is connected. Analogously we say that a subdigraph X= (V,B) of a digraph D= (V,A) is non-separating if D-B is strongly connected. We study non-separating spanning trees and out-branchings in digraphs of independence number 2. Our main results are that every 2-arc-strong digraph D of independence number alpha(D) = 2 and minimum in-degree at least 5 and every 2-arc-strong oriented graph with alpha(D) = 2 and minimum in-degree at least 3 has a non-separating out-branching and minimum in-degree 2 is not enough. We also prove a number of other results, including that every 2-arc-strong digraph D with alpha(D)<=2 and at least 14 vertices has a non-separating spanning tree and that every graph G with delta(G)>=4 and alpha(G) = 2 has a non-separating hamiltonian path.

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Discrete Mathematics

Nonexistence Certificates for Ovals in a Projective Plane of Order Ten

In 1983, a computer search was performed for ovals in a projective plane of order ten. The search was exhaustive and negative, implying that such ovals do not exist. However, no nonexistence certificates were produced by this search, and to the best of our knowledge the search has never been independently verified. In this paper, we rerun the search for ovals in a projective plane of order ten and produce a collection of nonexistence certificates that, when taken together, imply that such ovals do not exist. Our search program uses the cube-and-conquer paradigm from the field of satisfiability (SAT) checking, coupled with a programmatic SAT solver and the nauty symbolic computation library for removing symmetries from the search.

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Discrete Mathematics

Nonleaf Patterns in Trees: Protected Nodes and Fine Numbers

A closed-form formula is derived for the number of occurrences of matches of a multiset of patterns among all ordered (plane-planted) trees with a given number of edges. A pattern looks like a tree, with internal nodes and leaves, but also contain components that match subtrees or sequences of subtrees. This result extends previous versatile tree-pattern enumeration formulae to incorporate components that are only allowed to match nonleaf subtrees and provides enumerations of trees by the number of protected (shortest outgoing path has two or more edges) or unprotected nodes.

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Discrete Mathematics

Nonsingular (Vertex-Weighted) Block Graphs

A graph G is \emph{nonsingular (singular)} if its adjacency matrix A(G) is nonsingular (singular). In this article, we consider the nonsingularity of block graphs, i.e., graphs in which every block is a clique. Extending the problem, we characterize nonsingular vertex-weighted block graphs in terms of reduced vertex-weighted graphs resulting after successive deletion and contraction of pendant blocks. Special cases where nonsingularity of block graphs may be directly determined are discussed.

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Discrete Mathematics

Normal 5 -edge-colorings of a family of Loupekhine snarks

In a proper edge-coloring of a cubic graph an edge uv is called poor or rich, if the set of colors of the edges incident to u and v contains exactly three or five colors, respectively. An edge-coloring of a graph is normal, if any edge of the graph is either poor or rich. In this note, we show that some snarks constructed by using a method introduced by Loupekhine admit a normal edge-coloring with five colors. The existence of a Berge-Fulkerson Covering for a part of the snarks considered in this paper was recently proved by Manuel and Shanthi (2015). Since the existence of a normal edge-coloring with five colors implies the existence of a Berge-Fulkerson Covering, our main theorem can be viewed as a generalization of their result.

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Discrete Mathematics

Normal 6-edge-colorings of some bridgeless cubic graphs

In an edge-coloring of a cubic graph, an edge is poor or rich, if the set of colors assigned to the edge and the four edges adjacent it, has exactly five or exactly three distinct colors, respectively. An edge is normal in an edge-coloring if it is rich or poor in this coloring. A normal k -edge-coloring of a cubic graph is an edge-coloring with k colors such that each edge of the graph is normal. We denote by χ ′ N (G) the smallest k , for which G admits a normal k -edge-coloring. Normal edge-colorings were introduced by Jaeger in order to study his well-known Petersen Coloring Conjecture. It is known that proving χ ′ N (G)≤5 for every bridgeless cubic graph is equivalent to proving Petersen Coloring Conjecture. Moreover, Jaeger was able to show that it implies classical conjectures like Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture. Recently, two of the authors were able to show that any simple cubic graph admits a normal 7 -edge-coloring, and this result is best possible. In the present paper, we show that any claw-free bridgeless cubic graph, permutation snark, tree-like snark admits a normal 6 -edge-coloring. Finally, we show that any bridgeless cubic graph G admits a 6 -edge-coloring such that at least 7 9 ⋅|E| edges of G are normal.

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Discrete Mathematics

Notes on Monotone Recognition in Multi-Valued Grids

Implementation details of method of monotone recognition, based on partitioning of the grid into the discrete structures isomorphic to binary cubes is presented.

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Discrete Mathematics

Nowhere dense graph classes and algorithmic applications. A tutorial at Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata 2019

The notion of nowhere dense graph classes was introduced by Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez and provides a robust concept of uniform sparseness of graph classes. Nowhere dense classes generalize many familiar classes of sparse graphs such as classes that exclude a fixed graph as a minor or topological minor. They admit several seemingly unrelated natural characterizations that lead to strong algorithmic applications. In particular, the model-checking problem for first-order logic is fixed-parameter tractable over these classes. These notes, prepared for a tutorial at Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata 2019, are a brief introduction to the theory of nowhere denseness, driven by algorithmic applications.

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Discrete Mathematics

Ollivier Ricci Curvature of Directed Hypergraphs

We develop a definition of Ricci curvature on directed hypergraphs and explore the consequences of that definition. The definition generalizes Ollivier's definition for graphs. It involves a carefully designed optimal transport problem between sets of vertices.

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