Featured Researches


RadVR: A 6DOF Virtual Reality Daylighting Analysis Tool

This work introduces RadVR, a virtual reality tool for daylighting analysis that simultaneously combines qualitative assessments through immersive real-time renderings with quantitative physically correct daylighting simulations in a 6DOF virtual environment. By taking a 3D building model with material properties as input, RadVR allows users to (1) perform physically-based daylighting simulations via Radiance, (2) study sunlight in different hours-of-the-year, (3) interact with a 9-point-in-time matrix for the most representative times of the year, and (4) visualize, compare, and analyze daylighting simulation results. With an end-to-end workflow, RadVR integrates with 3D modeling software that is commonly used by building designers. Additionally, by conducting user experiments we compare the proposed system with DIVA for Rhino, a Radiance-based tool that uses conventional 2D-displays. The results show that RadVR can provide promising assistance in spatial understanding tasks, navigation, and sun position analysis in virtual reality.

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Ray Tracing Structured AMR Data Using ExaBricks

Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (Structured AMR) enables simulations to adapt the domain resolution to save computation and storage, and has become one of the dominant data representations used by scientific simulations; however, efficiently rendering such data remains a challenge. We present an efficient approach for volume- and iso-surface ray tracing of Structured AMR data on GPU-equipped workstations, using a combination of two different data structures. Together, these data structures allow a ray tracing based renderer to quickly determine which segments along the ray need to be integrated and at what frequency, while also providing quick access to all data values required for a smooth sample reconstruction kernel. Our method makes use of the RTX ray tracing hardware for surface rendering, ray marching, space skipping, and adaptive sampling; and allows for interactive changes to the transfer function and implicit iso-surfacing thresholds. We demonstrate that our method achieves high performance with little memory overhead, enabling interactive high quality rendering of complex AMR data sets on individual GPU workstations.

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Ray-VR: Ray Tracing Virtual Reality in Falcor

NVidia RTX platform has been changing and extending the possibilities for real time Computer Graphics applications. It is the first time in history that retail graphics cards have full hardware support for ray tracing primitives. It still a long way to fully understand and optimize its use and this task itself is a fertile field for scientific progression. However, another path is to explore the platform as an expansion of paradigms for other problems. For example, the integration of real time Ray Tracing and Virtual Reality can result in interesting applications for visualization of Non-Euclidean Geometry and 3D Manifolds. In this paper we present Ray-VR, a novel algorithm for real time stereo ray tracing, constructed on top of Falcor, NVidia's scientific prototyping framework.

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RayTracer.jl: A Differentiable Renderer that supports Parameter Optimization for Scene Reconstruction

In this paper, we present RayTracer.jl, a renderer in Julia that is fully differentiable using source-to-source Automatic Differentiation (AD). This means that RayTracer not only renders 2D images from 3D scene parameters, but it can be used to optimize for model parameters that generate a target image in a Differentiable Programming (DP) pipeline. We interface our renderer with the deep learning library Flux for use in combination with neural networks. We demonstrate the use of this differentiable renderer in rendering tasks and in solving inverse graphics problems.

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Real-Time Cleaning and Refinement of Facial Animation Signals

With the increasing demand for real-time animated 3D content in the entertainment industry and beyond, performance-based animation has garnered interest among both academic and industrial communities. While recent solutions for motion-capture animation have achieved impressive results, handmade post-processing is often needed, as the generated animations often contain artifacts. Existing real-time motion capture solutions have opted for standard signal processing methods to strengthen temporal coherence of the resulting animations and remove inaccuracies. While these methods produce smooth results, they inherently filter-out part of the dynamics of facial motion, such as high frequency transient movements. In this work, we propose a real-time animation refining system that preserves -- or even restores -- the natural dynamics of facial motions. To do so, we leverage an off-the-shelf recurrent neural network architecture that learns proper facial dynamics patterns on clean animation data. We parametrize our system using the temporal derivatives of the signal, enabling our network to process animations at any framerate. Qualitative results show that our system is able to retrieve natural motion signals from noisy or degraded input animation.

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Real-Time Visualization in Non-Isotropic Geometries

Non-isotropic geometries are of interest to low-dimensional topologists, physicists and cosmologists. However, they are challenging to comprehend and visualize. We present novel methods of computing real-time native geodesic rendering of non-isotropic geometries. Our methods can be applied not only to visualization, but also are essential for potential applications in machine learning and video games.

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Real-World Textured Things: a Repository of Textured Models Generated with Modern Photo-Reconstruction Tools

We are witnessing a proliferation of textured 3D models captured from the real world with automatic photo-reconstruction tools. Digital 3D models of this class come with a unique set of characteristics and defects -- especially concerning their parametrization -- setting them starkly apart from 3D models originating from other, more traditional, sources. We study this class of 3D models by collecting a significant number of representatives and quantitatively evaluating their quality according to several metrics. These include a new invariant metric we design to assess the fragmentation of the UV map, one of the main weaknesses hindering the usability of these models. Our results back the widely shared notion that such models are not fit for direct use in downstream applications (such as videogames), and require challenging processing steps. Regrettably, existing automatic geometry processing tools are not always up to the task: for example, we verify that available tools for UV optimization often fail due mesh inconsistencies, geometric and topological noise, excessive resolution, or other factors; moreover, even when an output is produced, it is rarely a significant improvement over the input (according to the aforementioned measures). Therefore, we argue that further advancements are required specifically targeted at this class of models. Towards this goal, we share the models we collected in the form of a new public repository, Real-World Textured Things (RWTT), a benchmark to systematic field-test and compare algorithms. RWTT consists of 568 carefully selected textured 3D models representative of all the main modern off-the-shelf photo-reconstruction tools. The repository is available at this http URL and is browsable by metadata collected during experiments, and comes with a tool, TexMetro, providing the same set of measures for generic UV mapped datasets.

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Real-time Deformation with Coupled Cages and Skeletons

Skeleton-based and cage-based deformation techniques represent the two most popular approaches to control real-time deformations of digital shapes and are, to a vast extent, complementary to one another. Despite their complementary roles, high-end modeling packages do not allow for seamless integration of such control structures, thus inducing a considerable burden on the user to maintain them synchronized. In this paper, we propose a framework that seamlessly combines rigging skeletons and deformation cages, granting artists with a real-time deformation system that operates using any smooth combination of the two approaches. By coupling the deformation spaces of cages and skeletons, we access a much larger space, containing poses that are impossible to obtain by acting solely on a skeleton or a cage. Our method is oblivious to the specific techniques used to perform skinning and cage-based deformation, securing it compatible with pre-existing tools. We demonstrate the usefulness of our hybrid approach on a variety of examples.

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Real-time High-Quality Rendering of Non-Rotating Black Holes

We propose a real-time method to render high-quality images of a non-rotating black hole with an accretion disc and background stars. Our method is based on beam tracing, but uses precomputed tables to find the intersections of each curved light beam with the scene in constant time per pixel. It also uses a specific texture filtering scheme to integrate the contribution of the light sources to each beam. Our method is simple to implement and achieves high frame rates.

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Real-time Image Smoothing via Iterative Least Squares

Edge-preserving image smoothing is a fundamental procedure for many computer vision and graphic applications. There is a tradeoff between the smoothing quality and the processing speed: the high smoothing quality usually requires a high computational cost which leads to the low processing speed. In this paper, we propose a new global optimization based method, named iterative least squares (ILS), for efficient edge-preserving image smoothing. Our approach can produce high-quality results but at a much lower computational cost. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the propose method can produce results with little visible artifacts. Moreover, the computation of ILS can be highly parallel, which can be easily accelerated through either multi-thread computing or the GPU hardware. With the acceleration of a GTX 1080 GPU, it is able to process images of 1080p resolution ( 1920×1080 ) at the rate of 20fps for color images and 47fps for gray images. In addition, the ILS is flexible and can be modified to handle more applications that require different smoothing properties. Experimental results of several applications show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. The code is available at \url{this https URL}

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