Featured Researches

Logic In Computer Science

Compositionality of the MSO+U Logic

We prove that the MSO+U logic is compositional in the following sense: whether an MSO+U formula holds in a tree T depends only on MSO+U-definable properties of the root of T and of subtrees of T starting directly below the root. Another kind of compositionality follows: every MSO+U formula whose all free variables range only over finite sets of nodes (in particular, whose all free variables are first-order) can be rewritten into an MSO formula having access to properties of subtrees definable by MSO+U sentences (without free variables).

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Logic In Computer Science

Computational Adequacy for Substructural Lambda Calculi

Substructural type systems, such as affine (and linear) type systems, are type systems which impose restrictions on copying (and discarding) of variables, and they have found many applications in computer science, including quantum programming. We describe one linear and one affine type systems and we formulate abstract categorical models for both of them which are sound and computationally adequate. We also show, under basic assumptions, that interpreting lambda abstractions via a monoidal closed structure (a popular method for linear type systems) necessarily leads to degenerate and inadequate models for call-by-value affine type systems with recursion. In our categorical treatment, a solution to this problem is clearly presented. Our categorical models are more general than linear/non-linear models used to study linear logic and we present a homogeneous categorical account of both linear and affine type systems in a call-by-value setting. We also give examples with many concrete models, including classical and quantum ones.

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Logic In Computer Science

Computational Paths -- A Weak Groupoid

We use a labelled deduction system based on the concept of computational paths (sequences of rewrites) as equalities between two terms of the same type. We also define a term rewriting system that is used to make computations between these computational paths, establishing equalities between equalities. We use a labelled deduction system based on the concept of computational paths (sequences of rewrites) as our tool, to perform in algebraic topology an approach of computational paths. This makes it possible to build the fundamental groupoid of a type X connected by paths. Then, we will establish the morphism between these groupoid structures, getting the concept of isomorphisms between types and to constitute the category of computational paths, which will be called C paths . Finally, we will conclude that the weak category C paths determines a weak groupid.

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Logic In Computer Science

Computing and Proving Well-founded Orderings through Finite Abstractions

A common technique for checking properties of complex state machines is to build a finite abstraction then check the property on the abstract system -- where a passing check on the abstract system is only transferred to the original system if the abstraction is proven to be representative. This approach does require the derivation or definition of the finite abstraction, but can avoid the need for complex invariant definition. For our work in checking progress of memory transactions in microprocessors, we need to prove that transactions in complex state machines always make progress to completion. As a part of this effort, we developed a process for computing a finite abstract graph of the target state machine along with annotations on whether certain measures decrease or not on arcs in the abstract graph. We then iteratively divide the abstract graph by splitting into strongly connected components and then building a measure for every node in the abstract graph which is ensured to be reducing on every transition of the original system guaranteeing progress. For finite state target systems (e.g. hardware designs), we present approaches for extracting the abstract graph efficiently using incremental SAT through GL and then the application of our process to check for progress. We present an implementation of the Bakery algorithm as an example application.

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Logic In Computer Science

Concolic Testing in CLP

Concolic testing is a popular software verification technique based on a combination of concrete and symbolic execution. Its main focus is finding bugs and generating test cases with the aim of maximizing code coverage. A previous approach to concolic testing in logic programming was not sound because it only dealt with positive constraints (by means of substitutions) but could not represent negative constraints. In this paper, we present a novel framework for concolic testing of CLP programs that generalizes the previous technique. In the CLP setting, one can represent both positive and negative constraints in a natural way, thus giving rise to a sound and (potentially) more efficient technique. Defining verification and testing techniques for CLP programs is increasingly relevant since this framework is becoming popular as an intermediate representation to analyze programs written in other programming paradigms.

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Logic In Computer Science

Concurrent Separation Logic Meets Template Games

An old dream of concurrency theory and programming language semantics has been to uncover the fundamental synchronization mechanisms which regulate situations as different as game semantics for higher-order programs, and Hoare logic for concurrent programs with shared memory and locks. In this paper, we establish a deep and unexpected connection between two recent lines of work on concurrent separation logic (CSL) and on template game semantics for differential linear logic (DiLL). Thanks to this connection, we reformulate in the purely conceptual style of template games for DiLL the asynchronous and interactive interpretation of CSL designed by Melliès and Stefanesco. We believe that the analysis reveals something important about the secret anatomy of CSL, and more specifically about the subtle interplay, of a categorical nature, between sequential composition, parallel product, errors and locks.

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Logic In Computer Science

Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

Reactive systems à la Leifer and Milner, an abstract categorical framework for rewriting, provide a suitable framework for deriving bisimulation congruences. This is done by synthesizing interactions with the environment in order to obtain a compositional semantics. We enrich the notion of reactive systems by conditions on two levels: first, as in earlier work, we consider rules enriched with application conditions and second, we investigate the notion of conditional bisimilarity. Conditional bisimilarity allows us to say that two system states are bisimilar provided that the environment satisfies a given condition. We present several equivalent definitions of conditional bisimilarity, including one that is useful for concrete proofs and that employs an up-to-context technique, and we compare with related behavioural equivalences. We instantiate reactive systems in order to obtain DPO graph rewriting and consider a case study in this setting.

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Logic In Computer Science

Conditional Logic is Complete for Convexity in the Plane

We prove completeness of preferential conditional logic with respect to convexity over finite sets of points in the Euclidean plane. A conditional is defined to be true in a finite set of points if all extreme points of the set interpreting the antecedent satisfy the consequent. Equivalently, a conditional is true if the antecedent is contained in the convex hull of the points that satisfy both the antecedent and consequent. Our result is then that every consistent formula without nested conditionals is satisfiable in a model based on a finite set of points in the plane. The proof relies on a result by Richter and Rogers showing that every finite abstract convex geometry can be represented by convex polygons in the plane.

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Logic In Computer Science

Confluence up to Garbage in Graph Transformation

The transformation of graphs and graph-like structures is ubiquitous in computer science. When a system is described by graph-transformation rules, it is often desirable that the rules are both terminating and confluent so that rule applications in an arbitrary order produce unique resulting graphs. However, there are application scenarios where the rules are not globally confluent but confluent on a subclass of graphs that are of interest. In other words, non-resolvable conflicts can only occur on graphs that are considered as "garbage". In this paper, we introduce the notion of confluence up to garbage and generalise Plump's critical pair lemma for double-pushout graph transformation, providing a sufficient condition for confluence up to garbage by non-garbage critical pair analysis. We apply our results in two case studies about efficient language recognition: we present backtracking-free graph reduction systems which recognise a class of flow diagrams and a class of labelled series-parallel graphs, respectively. Both systems are non-confluent but confluent up to garbage. We also give a critical pair condition for subcommutativity up to garbage which, together with closedness, implies confluence up to garbage even in non-terminating systems.

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Logic In Computer Science

Conjunctive Queries: Unique Characterizations and Exact Learnability

We answer the question which conjunctive queries are uniquely characterized by polynomially many positive and negative examples, and how to construct such examples efficiently. As a consequence, we obtain a new efficient exact learning algorithm for a class of conjunctive queries. At the core of our contributions lie two new polynomial-time algorithms for constructing frontiers in the homomorphism lattice of finite structures. We also discuss implications for the unique characterizability and learnability of schema mappings and of description logic concepts.

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