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Logic In Computer Science

"Most of" leads to undecidability: Failure of adding frequencies to LTL

Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) interpreted on finite traces is a robust specification framework popular in formal verification. However, despite the high interest in the logic in recent years, the topic of their quantitative extensions is not yet fully explored. The main goal of this work is to study the effect of adding weak forms of percentage constraints (e.g. that most of the positions in the past satisfy a given condition, or that sigma is the most-frequent letter occurring in the past) to fragments of LTL. Such extensions could potentially be used for the verification of influence networks or statistical reasoning. Unfortunately, as we prove in the paper, it turns out that percentage extensions of even tiny fragments of LTL have undecidable satisfiability and model-checking problems. Our undecidability proofs not only sharpen most of the undecidability results on logics with arithmetics interpreted on words known from the literature, but also are fairly simple. We also show that the undecidability can be avoided by restricting the allowed usage of the negation, and briefly discuss how the undecidability results transfer to first-order logic on words.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Bunched Logic for Conditional Independence

Independence and conditional independence are fundamental concepts for reasoning about groups of random variables in probabilistic programs. Verification methods for independence are still nascent, and existing methods cannot handle conditional independence. We extend the logic of bunched implications (BI) with a non-commutative conjunction and provide a model based on Markov kernels; conditional independence can be directly captured as a logical formula in this model. Noting that Markov kernels are Kleisli arrows for the distribution monad, we then introduce a second model based on the powerset monad and show how it can capture join dependency, a non-probabilistic analogue of conditional independence from database theory. Finally, we develop a program logic for verifying conditional independence in probabilistic programs.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Complete Axiomatisation for Quantifier-Free Separation Logic

We present the first complete axiomatisation for quantifier-free separation logic. The logic is equipped with the standard concrete heaplet semantics and the proof system has no external feature such as nominals/labels. It is not possible to rely completely on proof systems for Boolean BI as the concrete semantics needs to be taken into account. Therefore, we present the first internal Hilbert-style axiomatisation for quantifier-free separation logic. The calculus is divided in three parts: the axiomatisation of core formulae where Boolean combinations of core formulae capture the expressivity of the whole logic, axioms and inference rules to simulate a bottom-up elimination of separating connectives, and finally structural axioms and inference rules from propositional calculus and Boolean BI with the magic wand.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Complete Proof System for 1-Free Regular Expressions Modulo Bisimilarity

Robin Milner (1984) gave a sound proof system for bisimilarity of regular expressions interpreted as processes: Basic Process Algebra with unary Kleene star iteration, deadlock 0, successful termination 1, and a fixed-point rule. He asked whether this system is complete. Despite intensive research over the last 35 years, the problem is still open. This paper gives a partial positive answer to Milner's problem. We prove that the adaptation of Milner's system over the subclass of regular expressions that arises by dropping the constant 1, and by changing to binary Kleene star iteration is complete. The crucial tool we use is a graph structure property that guarantees expressibility of a process graph by a regular expression, and is preserved by going over from a process graph to its bisimulation collapse.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Constructive, Type-Theoretic Approach to Regression via Global Optimisation

We examine the connections between deterministic, complete, and general global optimisation of continuous functions and a general concept of regression from the perspective of constructive type theory via the concept of 'searchability'. We see how the property of convergence of global optimisation is a straightforward consequence of searchability. The abstract setting allows us to generalise searchability and continuity to higher-order functions, so that we can formulate novel convergence criteria for regression, derived from the convergence of global optimisation. All the theory and the motivating examples are fully formalised in the proof assistant Agda.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Cook's tour of duality in logic: from quantifiers, through Vietoris, to measures

We identify and highlight certain landmark results in Samson Abramsky's work which we believe are fundamental to current developments and future trends. In particular, we focus on the use of (i) topological duality methods to solve problems in logic and computer science; (ii) category theory and, more particularly, free (and co-free) constructions; (iii) these tools to unify the `power' and `structure' strands in computer science.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Decision Procedure for Path Feasibility of String Manipulating Programs with Integer Data Type

Strings are widely used in programs, especially in web applications. Integer data type occurs naturally in string-manipulating programs, and is frequently used to refer to lengths of, or positions in, strings. Analysis and testing of string-manipulating programs can be formulated as the path feasibility problem: given a symbolic execution path, does there exist an assignment to the inputs that yields a concrete execution that realizes this path? Such a problem can naturally be reformulated as a string constraint solving problem. Although state-of-the-art string constraint solvers usually provide support for both string and integer data types, they mainly resort to heuristics without completeness guarantees. In this paper, we propose a decision procedure for a class of string-manipulating programs which includes not only a wide range of string operations such as concatenation, replaceAll, reverse, and finite transducers, but also those involving the integer data-type such as length, indexof, and substring. To the best of our knowledge, this represents one of the most expressive string constraint languages that is currently known to be decidable. Our decision procedure is based on a variant of cost register automata. We implement the decision procedure, giving rise to a new solver OSTRICH+. We evaluate the performance of OSTRICH+ on a wide range of existing and new benchmarks. The experimental results show that OSTRICH+ is the first string decision procedure capable of tackling finite transducers and integer constraints, whilst its overall performance is comparable with the state-of-the-art string constraint solvers.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Deontic Logic Analysis of Autonomous Systems' Safety

We consider the pressing question of how to model, verify, and ensure that autonomous systems meet certain \textit{obligations} (like the obligation to respect traffic laws), and refrain from impermissible behavior (like recklessly changing lanes). Temporal logics are heavily used in autonomous system design; however, as we illustrate here, temporal (alethic) logics alone are inappropriate for reasoning about obligations of autonomous systems. This paper proposes the use of Dominance Act Utilitarianism (DAU), a deontic logic of agency, to encode and reason about obligations of autonomous systems. We use DAU to analyze Intel's Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) proposal as a real-world case study. We demonstrate that DAU can express well-posed RSS rules, formally derive undesirable consequences of these rules, illustrate how DAU could help design systems that have specific obligations, and how to model-check DAU obligations.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Framework for Modelling, Verification and Transformation of Concurrent Imperative Programs

The paper gives a detailed presentation of a framework, embedded into the simply typed higher-order logic and aimed at sound and structured reasoning about models of imperative programs with interleaved computations. As a case study, a model of the Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm will be scrutinised in the course of the paper illustrating applicability of the framework.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Game Theoretical Semantics for Logics of Nonsense

Logics of non-sense allow a third truth value to express propositions that are \emph{nonsense}. These logics are ideal formalisms to understand how errors are handled in programs and how they propagate throughout the programs once they appear. In this paper, we give a Hintikkan game semantics for logics of non-sense and prove its correctness. We also discuss how a known solution method in game theory, the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, relates to semantic games for logics of nonsense. Finally, we extend the logics of nonsense only by means of semantic games, developing a new logic of nonsense, and propose a new game semantics for Priest's Logic of Paradox.

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