Featured Researches

Logic In Computer Science

A Hennessy-Milner Theorem for ATL with Imperfect Information

We show that a history-based variant of alternating bisimulation with imperfect information allows it to be related to a variant of Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) with imperfect information by a full Hennessy-Milner theorem. The variant of ATL we consider has a common knowledge semantics, which requires that the uniform strategy available for a coalition to accomplish some goal must be common knowledge inside the coalition, while other semantic variants of ATL with imperfect information do not accommodate a Hennessy-Milner theorem. We also show that the existence of a history-based alternating bisimulation between two finite Concurrent Game Structures with imperfect information (iCGS) is undecidable.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Historical Account of My Early Research Interests

This paper presents a brief account of some of the my early research interests. This historical account starts from my laurea thesis on Signal Theory and my master thesis on Computation Theory. It recalls some results in Combinatory Logic and Term Rewriting Systems. Some other results concern Program Transformation, Parallel Computation, Theory of Concurrency, and Proof of Program Properties. My early research activity has been mainly done in cooperation with Andrzej Skowron, Anna Labella, and Maurizio Proietti.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Quantum Interpretation of Bunched Logic for Quantum Separation Logic

We propose a model of the substructural logic of Bunched Implications (BI) that is suitable for reasoning about quantum states. In our model, the separating conjunction of BI describes separable quantum states. We develop a program logic where pre- and post-conditions are BI formulas describing quantum states -- the program logic can be seen as a counterpart of separation logic for imperative quantum programs. We exercise the logic for proving the security of quantum one-time pad and secret sharing, and we show how the program logic can be used to discover a flaw in Google Cirq's tutorial on the Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA).

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Logic In Computer Science

A Rewriting Logic Approach to Specification, Proof-search, and Meta-proofs in Sequent Systems

This paper develops an algorithmic-based approach for proving inductive properties of propositional sequent systems such as admissibility, invertibility, cut-elimination, and identity expansion. Although undecidable in general, these structural properties are crucial in proof theory because they can reduce the proof-search effort and further be used as scaffolding for obtaining other meta-results such as consistency. The algorithms -- which take advantage of the rewriting logic meta-logical framework, and use rewrite- and narrowing-based reasoning -- are explained in detail and illustrated with examples throughout the paper. They have been fully mechanized in the L-Framework, thus offering both a formal specification language and off-the-shelf mechanization of the proof-search algorithms coming together with semi-decision procedures for proving theorems and meta-theorems of the object system. As illustrated with case studies in the paper, the L-Framework, achieves a great degree of automation when used on several propositional sequent systems, including single conclusion and multi-conclusion intuitionistic logic, classical logic, classical linear logic and its dyadic system, intuitionistic linear logic, and normal modal logics.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Separation Logic to Verify Termination of Busy-Waiting for Abrupt Program Exit

Programs for multiprocessor machines commonly perform busy-waiting for synchronisation. In this paper, we make a first step towards proving termination of such programs. We approximate (i) arbitrary waitable events by abrupt program termination and (ii) busy-waiting for events by busy-waiting to be abruptly terminated. We propose a separation logic for modularly verifying termination (under fair scheduling) of programs where some threads eventually abruptly terminate the program, and other threads busy-wait for this to happen.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Separation Logic to Verify Termination of Busy-Waiting for Abrupt Program Exit: Technical Report

Programs for multiprocessor machines commonly perform busy-waiting for synchronisation. In this paper, we make a first step towards proving termination of such programs. We approximate (i) arbitrary waitable events by abrupt program termination and (ii) busy-waiting for events by busy-waiting to be abruptly terminated. We propose a separation logic for modularly verifying termination (under fair scheduling) of programs where some threads eventually abruptly terminate the program, and other threads busy-wait for this to happen.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Strong Bisimulation for Control Operators by Means of Multiplicative and Exponential Reduction

The purpose of this paper is to identify programs with control operators whose reduction semantics are in exact correspondence. This is achieved by introducing a relation ??, defined over a revised presentation of Parigot's λμ -calculus we dub ?M . Our result builds on three main ingredients which guide our semantical development: (1) factorization of Parigot's λμ -reduction into multiplicative and exponential steps by means of explicit operators, (2) adaptation of Laurent's original ??? -equivalence to ?M , and (3) interpretation of ?M into Laurent's polarized proof-nets (PPN). More precisely, we first give a translation of ?M -terms into PPN which simulates the reduction relation of our calculus via cut elimination of PPN. Second, we establish a precise correspondence between our relation ??and Laurent's ??? -equivalence for λμ -terms. Moreover, ??-equivalent terms translate to structurally equivalent PPN. Most notably, ??is shown to be a strong bisimulation with respect to reduction in ?M , i.e. two ??-equivalent terms have the exact same reduction semantics, a result which fails for Regnier's ??? -equivalence in λ -calculus as well as for Laurent's ??? -equivalence in λμ .

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Logic In Computer Science

A Survey of Languages for Formalizing Mathematics

In order to work with mathematical content in computer systems, it is necessary to represent it in formal languages. Ideally, these are supported by tools that verify the correctness of the content, allow computing with it, and produce human-readable documents. These goals are challenging to combine and state-of-the-art tools typically have to make difficult compromises. In this paper we discuss languages that have been created for this purpose, including logical languages of proof assistants and other formal systems, semi-formal languages, intermediate languages for exchanging mathematical knowledge, and language frameworks that allow building customized languages. We evaluate their advantages based on our experience in designing and applying languages and tools for formalizing mathematics. We reach the conclusion that no existing language is truly good enough yet and derive ideas for possible future improvements.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Symmetric Lambda-Calculus Corresponding to the Negation-Free Bilateral Natural Deduction

Filinski constructed a symmetric lambda-calculus consisting of expressions and continuations which are symmetric, and functions which have duality. In his calculus, functions can be encoded to expressions and continuations using primitive operators. That is, the duality of functions is not derived in the calculus but adopted as a principle of the calculus. In this paper, we propose a simple symmetric lambda-calculus corresponding to the negation-free natural deduction based bilateralism in proof-theoretic semantics. In our calculus, continuation types are represented as not negations of formulae but formulae with negative polarity. Function types are represented as the implication and but-not connectives in intuitionistic and paraconsistent logics, respectively. Our calculus is not only simple but also powerful as it includes a call-value calculus corresponding to the call-by-value dual calculus invented by Wadler. We show that mutual transformations between expressions and continuations are definable in our calculus to justify the duality of functions. We also show that every typable function has dual types. Thus, the duality of function is derived from bilateralism.

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Logic In Computer Science

A Theoretical Framework for Symbolic Quick Error Detection

Symbolic quick error detection (SQED) is a formal pre-silicon verification technique targeted at processor designs. It leverages bounded model checking (BMC) to check a design for counterexamples to a self-consistency property: given the instruction set architecture (ISA) of the design, executing an instruction sequence twice on the same inputs must always produce the same outputs. Self-consistency is a universal, implementation-independent property. Consequently, in contrast to traditional verification approaches that use implementation-specific assertions (often generated manually), SQED does not require a full formal design specification or manually-written properties. Case studies have shown that SQED is effective for commercial designs and that SQED substantially improves design productivity. However, until now there has been no formal characterization of its bug-finding capabilities. We aim to close this gap by laying a formal foundation for SQED. We use a transition-system processor model and define the notion of a bug using an abstract specification relation. We prove the soundness of SQED, i.e., that any bug reported by SQED is in fact a real bug in the processor. Importantly, this result holds regardless of what the actual specification relation is. We next describe conditions under which SQED is complete, that is, what kinds of bugs it is guaranteed to find. We show that for a large class of bugs, SQED can always find a trace exhibiting the bug. Ultimately, we prove full completeness of a variant of SQED that uses specialized state reset instructions. Our results enable a rigorous understanding of SQED and its bug-finding capabilities and give insights on how to optimize implementations of SQED in practice.

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