Featured Researches

Multiagent Systems

Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Intersection Management: A Survey

Intersection is a major source of traffic delays and accidents within modern transportation systems. Compared to signalized intersection management, autonomous intersection management (AIM) coordinates the intersection crossing at an individual vehicle level with additional flexibility. AIM can potentially eliminate stopping in intersection crossing due to traffic lights while maintaining a safe separation among conflicting movements. In this paper, the state-of-the-art AIM research among various disciplines (e.g., traffic engineering, control engineering) is surveyed from the perspective of three hierarchical layers: corridor coordination layer, intersection management layer, and vehicle control layer. The key aspects of AIM designs are discussed in details, including conflict detection schemes, priority rules, control centralization, computation complexity, etc. The potential improvements for AIM evaluation with the emphasis of realistic scenarios are provided. This survey serves as a comprehensive review of AIM design and provides promising directions for future research.

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Multiagent Systems

B-ETS: A Trusted Blockchain-based Emissions Trading System for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks

Urban areas are negatively impacted by Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions. In order to achieve a cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to combat climate change, the European Union (EU) introduced an Emissions Trading System (ETS) where organizations can buy or receive emission allowances as needed. The current ETS is a centralized one, consisting of a set of complex rules. It is currently administered at the organizational level and is used for fixed-point sources of pollution such as factories, power plants, and refineries. However, the current ETS cannot efficiently cope with vehicle mobility, even though vehicles are one of the primary sources of CO2 and NOx emissions. In this study, we propose a new distributed Blockchain-based emissions allowance trading system called B-ETS. This system enables transparent and trustworthy data exchange as well as trading of allowances among vehicles, relying on vehicle-to-vehicle communication. In addition, we introduce an economic incentive-based mechanism that appeals to individual drivers and leads them to modify their driving behavior in order to reduce emissions. The efficiency of the proposed system is studied through extensive simulations, showing how increased vehicle connectivity can lead to a reduction of the emissions generated from those vehicles. We demonstrate that our method can be used for full life-cycle monitoring and fuel economy reporting. This leads us to conjecture that the proposed system could lead to important behavioral changes among the drivers

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Multiagent Systems

BARK: Open Behavior Benchmarking in Multi-Agent Environments

Predicting and planning interactive behaviors in complex traffic situations presents a challenging task. Especially in scenarios involving multiple traffic participants that interact densely, autonomous vehicles still struggle to interpret situations and to eventually achieve their own mission goal. As driving tests are costly and challenging scenarios are hard to find and reproduce, simulation is widely used to develop, test, and benchmark behavior models. However, most simulations rely on datasets and simplistic behavior models for traffic participants and do not cover the full variety of real-world, interactive human behaviors. In this work, we introduce BARK, an open-source behavior benchmarking environment designed to mitigate the shortcomings stated above. In BARK, behavior models are (re-)used for planning, prediction, and simulation. A range of models is currently available, such as Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Reinforcement Learning-based behavior models. We use a public dataset and sampling-based scenario generation to show the inter-exchangeability of behavior models in BARK. We evaluate how well the models used cope with interactions and how robust they are towards exchanging behavior models. Our evaluation shows that BARK provides a suitable framework for a systematic development of behavior models.

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Multiagent Systems

Bayesian Optimization of Area-based Road Pricing

This study presents a Bayesian Optimization framework for area- and distance-based time-of-day pricing (TODP) for urban networks. The road pricing optimization problem can reach high level of complexity depending on the pricing scheme considered, its associated detailed network properties and the affected heterogeneous demand features. We consider heterogeneous travellers with individual-specific trip attributes and departure-time choice parameters together with a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) model for the urban network. Its mathematical formulation is presented and an agent-based simulation framework is constructed as evaluation function for the TODP optimization problem. The latter becomes highly nonlinear and relying on an expensive-to-evaluate objective function. We then present and test a Bayesian Optimization approach to compute different time-of-day pricing schemes by maximizing social welfare. Our proposed method learns the relationship between the prices and welfare within a few iterations and is able to find good solutions even in scenarios with high dimensionality in the decision variables space, setting a path for complexity reduction in more realistic road pricing optimization problems. Furthermore and as expected, the simulation results show that TODP improves the social welfare against the no-pricing case.

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Multiagent Systems

Beyond Reynolds: A Constraint-Driven Approach to Cluster Flocking

In this paper, we present an original set of flocking rules using an ecologically-inspired paradigm for control of multi-robot systems. We translate these rules into a constraint-driven optimal control problem where the agents minimize energy consumption subject to safety and task constraints. We prove several properties about the feasible space of the optimal control problem and show that velocity consensus is an optimal solution. We also motivate the inclusion of slack variables in constraint-driven problems when the global state is only partially observable by each agent. Finally, we analyze the case where the communication topology is fixed and connected, and prove that our proposed flocking rules achieve velocity consensus.

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Multiagent Systems

Bi-level Actor-Critic for Multi-agent Coordination

Coordination is one of the essential problems in multi-agent systems. Typically multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) methods treat agents equally and the goal is to solve the Markov game to an arbitrary Nash equilibrium (NE) when multiple equilibra exist, thus lacking a solution for NE selection. In this paper, we treat agents \emph{unequally} and consider Stackelberg equilibrium as a potentially better convergence point than Nash equilibrium in terms of Pareto superiority, especially in cooperative environments. Under Markov games, we formally define the bi-level reinforcement learning problem in finding Stackelberg equilibrium. We propose a novel bi-level actor-critic learning method that allows agents to have different knowledge base (thus intelligent), while their actions still can be executed simultaneously and distributedly. The convergence proof is given, while the resulting learning algorithm is tested against the state of the arts. We found that the proposed bi-level actor-critic algorithm successfully converged to the Stackelberg equilibria in matrix games and find an asymmetric solution in a highway merge environment.

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Multiagent Systems

Biased Opinion Dynamics: When the Devil Is in the Details

We investigate opinion dynamics in multi-agent networks when a bias toward one of two possible opinions exists; for example, reflecting a status quo vs a superior alternative. Starting with all agents sharing an initial opinion representing the status quo, the system evolves in steps. In each step, one agent selected uniformly at random adopts the superior opinion with some probability α , and with probability 1−α it follows an underlying update rule to revise its opinion on the basis of those held by its neighbors. We analyze convergence of the resulting process under two well-known update rules, namely majority and voter. The framework we propose exhibits a rich structure, with a non-obvious interplay between topology and underlying update rule. For example, for the voter rule we show that the speed of convergence bears no significant dependence on the underlying topology, whereas the picture changes completely under the majority rule, where network density negatively affects convergence. We believe that the model we propose is at the same time simple, rich, and modular, affording mathematical characterization of the interplay between bias, underlying opinion dynamics, and social structure in a unified setting.

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Multiagent Systems

Biases for Emergent Communication in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

We study the problem of emergent communication, in which language arises because speakers and listeners must communicate information in order to solve tasks. In temporally extended reinforcement learning domains, it has proved hard to learn such communication without centralized training of agents, due in part to a difficult joint exploration problem. We introduce inductive biases for positive signalling and positive listening, which ease this problem. In a simple one-step environment, we demonstrate how these biases ease the learning problem. We also apply our methods to a more extended environment, showing that agents with these inductive biases achieve better performance, and analyse the resulting communication protocols.

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Multiagent Systems

Büchi automata for distributed temporal logic

The distributed temporal logic DTL is a logic for reasoning about temporal properties of distributed systems from the local point of view of the system's agents, which are assumed to execute sequentially and to interact by means of synchronous event sharing. Different versions of DTL have been provided over the years for a number of different applications, reflecting different perspectives on how non-local information can be accessed by each agent. In this paper, we propose a novel notion of distributed Büchi automaton envisaged to encompass DTL with a model-checking mechanism.

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Multiagent Systems

CIMAX: Collective Information Maximization in Robotic Swarms Using Local Communication

Robotic swarms and mobile sensor networks are used for environmental monitoring in various domains and areas of operation. Especially in otherwise inaccessible environments decentralized robotic swarms can be advantageous due to their high spatial resolution of measurements and resilience to failure of individuals in the swarm. However, such robotic swarms might need to be able to compensate misplacement during deployment or adapt to dynamical changes in the environment. Reaching a collective decision in a swarm with limited communication abilities without a central entity serving as decision-maker can be a challenging task. Here we present the CIMAX algorithm for collective decision making for maximizing the information gathered by the swarm as a whole. Agents negotiate based on their individual sensor readings and ultimately make a decision for collectively moving in a particular direction so that the swarm as a whole increases the amount of relevant measurements and thus accessible information. We use both simulation and real robotic experiments for presenting, testing and validating our algorithm. CIMAX is designed to be used in underwater swarm robots for troubleshooting an oxygen depletion phenomenon known as "anoxia".

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