Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

A fast algorithm for solving linearly recurrent sequences

We present an algorithm which computes the D th term of a sequence satisfying a linear recurrence relation of order d over a field K in O(M( d ¯ )log(D)+M(d)log(d)) operations in K , where d ¯ ≤d is the degree of the squarefree part of the annihilating polynomial of the recurrence and M is the cost of polynomial multiplication in K . This is a refinement of the previously optimal result of O(M(d)log(D)) operations, due to Fiduccia.

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Symbolic Computation

A fast, deterministic algorithm for computing a Hermite Normal Form of a polynomial matrix

Given a square, nonsingular matrix of univariate polynomials F∈K[x ] n×n over a field K , we give a fast, deterministic algorithm for finding the Hermite normal form of F with complexity O ∼ ( n ω d) where d is the degree of F . Here soft- O notation is Big- O with log factors removed and ω is the exponent of matrix multiplication. The method relies of a fast algorithm for determining the diagonal entries of its Hermite normal form, having as cost O ∼ ( n ω s) operations with s the average of the column degrees of F .

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Symbolic Computation

A lattice formulation of the F4 completion procedure

We write a procedure for constructing noncommutative Groebner bases. Reductions are done by particular linear projectors, called reduction operators. The operators enable us to use a lattice construction to reduce simultaneously each S-polynomial into a unique normal form. We write an implementation as well as an example to illustrate our procedure. Moreover, the lattice construction is done by Gaussian elimination, which relates our procedure to the F4 algorithm for constructing commutative Groebner bases.

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Symbolic Computation

A localized version of the basic triangle theorem

In this short note, we give a localized version of the basic triangle theorem, first published in 2011 (see [4]) in order to prove the independence of hyperlogarithms over various function fields. This version provides direct access to rings of scalars and avoids the recourse to fraction fields as that of meromorphic functions for instance.

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Symbolic Computation

A machine learning based software pipeline to pick the variable ordering for algorithms with polynomial inputs

We are interested in the application of Machine Learning (ML) technology to improve mathematical software. It may seem that the probabilistic nature of ML tools would invalidate the exact results prized by such software, however, the algorithms which underpin the software often come with a range of choices which are good candidates for ML application. We refer to choices which have no effect on the mathematical correctness of the software, but do impact its performance. In the past we experimented with one such choice: the variable ordering to use when building a Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD). We used the Python library Scikit-Learn (sklearn) to experiment with different ML models, and developed new techniques for feature generation and hyper-parameter selection. These techniques could easily be adapted for making decisions other than our immediate application of CAD variable ordering. Hence in this paper we present a software pipeline to use sklearn to pick the variable ordering for an algorithm that acts on a polynomial system. The code described is freely available online.

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Symbolic Computation

A nearly optimal algorithm to decompose binary forms

Symmetric tensor decomposition is an important problem with applications in several areas for example signal processing, statistics, data analysis and computational neuroscience. It is equivalent to Waring's problem for homogeneous polynomials, that is to write a homogeneous polynomial in n variables of degree D as a sum of D-th powers of linear forms, using the minimal number of summands. This minimal number is called the rank of the polynomial/tensor. We focus on decomposing binary forms, a problem that corresponds to the decomposition of symmetric tensors of dimension 2 and order D. Under this formulation, the problem finds its roots in invariant theory where the decompositions are known as canonical forms. In this context many different algorithms were proposed. We introduce a superfast algorithm that improves the previous approaches with results from structured linear algebra. It achieves a softly linear arithmetic complexity bound. To the best of our knowledge, the previously known algorithms have at least quadratic complexity bounds. Our algorithm computes a symbolic decomposition in O(M(D)log(D)) arithmetic operations, where M(D) is the complexity of multiplying two polynomials of degree D. It is deterministic when the decomposition is unique. When the decomposition is not unique, our algorithm is randomized. We present a Monte Carlo version of it and we show how to modify it to a Las Vegas one, within the same complexity. From the symbolic decomposition, we approximate the terms of the decomposition with an error of 2 −−$ϵ$ , in O(Dlo g 2 (D)(lo g 2 (D)+log( \epsilon ))) arithmetic operations. We use results from Kaltofen and Yagati (1989) to bound the size of the representation of the coefficients involved in the decomposition and we bound the algebraic degree of the problem by min(rank, D -- rank + 1). We show that this bound can be tight. When the input polynomial has integer coefficients, our algorithm performs, up to poly-logarithmic factors, O_bit(Dℓ+ D 4 + D 3 \tau ) bit operations, where τ is the maximum bitsize of the coefficients and 2 −−ℓ is the relative error of the terms in the decomposition.

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Symbolic Computation

A non-commutative algorithm for multiplying (7 × 7) matrices using 250 multiplications

We present a non-commutative algorithm for multiplying (7x7) matrices using 250 multiplications and a non-commutative algorithm for multiplying (9x9) matrices using 520 multiplications. These algorithms are obtained using the same divide-and-conquer technique.

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Symbolic Computation

A note about "Faster algorithms for computing Hong's bound on absolute positiveness" by K. Mehlhorn and S. Ray

We show that a linear-time algorithm for computing Hong's bound for positive roots of a univariate polynomial, described by K. Mehlhorn and S. Ray in an article "Faster algorithms for computing Hong's bound on absolute positiveness", is incorrect. We present a corrected version.

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Symbolic Computation

A proof of Hilbert's theorem on ternary quartic forms with the ladder technique

This paper proposes a totally constructive approach for the proof of Hilbert's theorem on ternary quartic forms. The main contribution is the ladder technique, with which the Hilbert's theorem is proved vividly.

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Symbolic Computation

A refined machinery to calculate large moments from coupled systems of linear differential equations

The large moment method can be used to compute a large number of moments of physical quantities that are described by coupled systems of linear differential equations. Besides these systems the algorithm requires a certain number of initial values as input, that are often hard to derive in a preprocessing step.Thus a major challenge is to keep the number of initial values as small as possible. We present the basic ideas of the underlying large moment method and present refined versions that reduce significantly the number of required initial values.

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