Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Aging Dynamics

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) replaces the many-body dynamical problem with one for a single degree of freedom in a thermal bath whose features are determined self-consistently. By focusing on models with soft disordered p -spin interactions, we show how to incorporate the mean-field theory of aging within dynamical mean-field theory. We study cases with only one slow time-scale, corresponding statically to the one-step replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) phase, and cases with an infinite number of slow time-scales, corresponding statically to the full replica symmetry breaking (FRSB) phase. For the former, we show that the effective temperature of the slow degrees of freedom is fixed by requiring critical dynamical behavior on short time-scales, i.e. marginality. For the latter, we find that aging on an infinite number of slow time-scales is governed by a stochastic equation where the clock for dynamical evolution is fixed by the change of effective temperature, hence obtaining a dynamical derivation of the stochastic equation at the basis of the FRSB phase. Our results extend the realm of the mean-field theory of aging to all situations where DMFT holds.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Dynamical evolution in a one-dimensional incommensurate lattice with PT symmetry

We investigate the dynamical evolution of a parity-time ( PT ) symmetric extension of the Aubry-André (AA) model, which exhibits the coincidence of a localization-delocalization transition point with a PT symmetry breaking point. One can apply the evolution of the profile of the wave packet and the long-time survival probability to distinguish the localization regimes in the PT symmetric AA model. The results of the mean displacement show that when the system is in the PT symmetry unbroken regime, the wave-packet spreading is ballistic, which is different from that in the PT symmetry broken regime. Furthermore, we discuss the distinctive features of the Loschmidt echo with the post-quench parameter being localized in different PT symmetric regimes.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Dynamics of Many-Body Delocalization in the Time-dependent Hartree-Fock Approximation

We explore dynamics of disordered and quasi-periodic interacting lattice models using a self-consistent time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) approximation, accessing both large systems (up to L=400 sites) and very long times (up to t= 10 5 ). We find that, in the t?��? limit, the many-body localization (MBL) is always destroyed within the TDHF approximation. At the same time, this approximation provides important information on the long-time character of dynamics in the ergodic side of the MBL transition. Specifically, for one-dimensional (1D) disordered chains, we find slow power-law transport up to the longest times, supporting the rare-region (Griffiths) picture. The information on this subdiffusive dynamics is obtained by the analysis of three different observables - temporal decay ??t ?��?of real-space and energy-space imbalances as well as domain wall melting - which all yield consistent results. For two-dimensional (2D) systems, the decay is faster than a power law, in consistency with theoretical predictions that β grows as logt for the decay governed by rare regions. At longest times and moderately strong disorder, β approaches the limiting value β=1 corresponding to 2D diffusion. In quasi-periodic (Aubry-André) 1D systems, where rare regions are absent, we find considerably faster decay that reaches the ballistic value β=1 , which provides further support to the Griffiths picture of the slow transport in random systems.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the Aubry-André-Harper model with p -wave superconductivity

We investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics of the one-dimension Aubry-André-Harper model with p -wave superconductivity by changing the potential strength with slow and sudden quench. Firstly, we study the slow quench dynamics from localized phase to critical phase by linearly decreasing the potential strength V . The localization length is finite and its scaling obeys the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. The results show that the second-order phase transition line shares the same critical exponent zν , giving the correlation length ν=0.997 and dynamical exponent z=1.373 , which are different from the Aubry-André model. Secondly, we also study the sudden quench dynamics between three different phases: localized phase, critical phase, and extended phase. In the limit of V=0 and V=∞ , we analytically study the sudden quench dynamics via the Loschmidt echo. The results suggest that, if the initial state and the post-quench Hamiltonian are in different phases, the Loschmidt echo vanishes at some time intervals. Furthermore, we found that, if the initial value is in the critical phase, the direction of the quench is the same as one of the two limits mentioned before, and similar behaviors will occur.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Edge state critical behavior of the integer quantum Hall transition

The integer quantum Hall effect features a paradigmatic quantum phase transition. Despite decades of work, experimental, numerical, and analytical studies have yet to agree on a unified understanding of the critical behavior. Based on a numerical Green function approach, we consider the quantum Hall transition in a microscopic model of non-interacting disordered electrons on a simple square lattice. In a strip geometry, topologically induced edge states extend along the system rim and undergo localization-delocalization transitions as function of energy. We investigate the boundary critical behavior in the lowest Landau band and compare it with a recent tight-binding approach to the bulk critical behavior [Phys. Rev. B 99, 121301(R) (2019)] as well as other recent studies of the quantum Hall transition with both open and periodic boundary conditions.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Effect of short-ranged spatial correlations on the Anderson localization of phonons in mass-disordered systems

We investigate the effect of spatially correlated disorder on the Anderson transition of phonons in three dimensions using a Greens function based approach, namely, the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation (TMDCA), in mass-disordered systems. We numerically demonstrate that correlated disorder with pairwise correlations mitigates the localization of the vibrational modes. A correlation driven localization-delocalization transition can emerge in a three-dimensional disordered system with an increase in the strength of correlations.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Effective Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida-like interaction in diluted double-exchange model: self-learning Monte Carlo approach

We study the site-diluted double exchange (DE) model and its effective Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida-like interactions, where localized spins are randomly distributed, with the use of the Self-learning Monte Carlo (SLMC) method. The SLMC method is an accelerating technique for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation using trainable effective models. We apply the SLMC method to the site-diluted DE model to explore the utility of the SLMC method for random systems. We check the acceptance ratios and investigate the properties of the effective models in the strong coupling regime. The effective two-body spin-spin interaction in the site-diluted DE model can describe the original DE model with a high acceptance ratio, which depends on temperatures and spin concentration. These results support a possibility that the SLMC method could obtain independent configurations in systems with a critical slowing down near a critical temperature or in random systems where a freezing problem occurs in lower temperatures.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Effective Trap-like Activated Dynamics in a Continuous Landscape

We use a simple model to extend network models for activated dynamics to a continuous landscape with a well-defined notion of distance and a direct connection to many-body systems. The model consists of a tracer in a high-dimensional funnel landscape with no disorder. We find a non-equilibrium low-temperature phase with aging dynamics, that is effectively equivalent to that of models with built-in disorder, such as Trap Model, Step Model and REM.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Effectively Trainable Semi-Quantum Restricted Boltzmann Machine

We propose a novel quantum model for the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), in which the visible units remain classical whereas the hidden units are quantized as noninteracting fermions. The free motion of the fermions is parametrically coupled to the classical signal of the visible units. This model possesses a quantum behaviour such as coherences between the hidden units. Numerical experiments show that this fact makes it more powerful than the classical RBM with the same number of hidden units. At the same time, a significant advantage of the proposed model over the other approaches to the Quantum Boltzmann Machine (QBM) is that it is exactly solvable and efficiently trainable on a classical computer: there is a closed expression for the log-likelihood gradient with respect to its parameters. This fact makes it interesting not only as a model of a hypothetical quantum simulator, but also as a quantum-inspired classical machine-learning algorithm.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Effects of Disorder in the Fibonacci Quasicrystal

We study the properties of the one-dimensional Fibonacci chain, subjected to the placement of on-site impurities. The resulting disruption of quasiperiodicity can be classified in terms of the renormalization path of the site at which the impurity is placed, which greatly reduces the possible amount of disordered behavior that impurities can induce. Moreover, it is found that, to some extent, the addition of multiple, weak impurities can be treated by superposing the individual contributions together and ignoring nonlinear effects. This means that a transition regime between quasiperiodic order and disorder exists, in which some parts of the system still exhibit quasiperiodicity, while other parts start to be characterized by different localisation behaviours of the wavefunctions. This is manifested through a symmetry in the wavefunction amplitude map, expressed in terms of conumbers, and through the inverse participation ratio. For the latter, we find that its average of states can also be grouped in terms of the renormalization path of the site at which the impurity has been placed.

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