Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Chaotic Scattering with Localized Losses: S-Matrix Zeros and Reflection Time Difference for Systems with Broken Time Reversal Invariance

Motivated by recent studies of the phenomenon of Coherent Perfect Absorption, we develop the random matrix theory framework for understanding statistics of the zeros of the (subunitary) scattering matrices in the complex energy plane, as well as of the recently introduced Refection Time Difference (RTD). The latter plays the same role for S-matrix zeros as the Wigner time delay does for its poles. For systems with broken time-reversal invariance, we derive the n -point correlation functions of the zeros in a closed determinantal form, and study various asymptotics and special cases of the associated kernel. The time-correlation function of the RTD is then evaluated and compared with numerical simulations. This allows to identify a cubic tail in the distribution of RTD, which we conjecture to be a superuniversal characteristic valid for all symmetry classes. We also discuss two methods for possible extraction of S-matrix zeroes from scattering data by harmonic inversion.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Characterization of many-body mobility edges with random matrices

Whether the many-body mobility edges can exist in a one-dimensional interacting quantum system is a controversial problem, mainly hampered by the limited system sizes amenable to numerical simulations. We investigate the transition from chaos to localization by constructing a combined random matrix, which has two extremes, one of Gaussian orthogonal ensemble and the other of Poisson statistics, drawn from different distributions. We find that by fixing a scaling parameter, the mobility edges can exist while increasing the matrix dimension D→∞ , depending on the distribution of matrix elements of the diagonal uncorrelated matrix. By applying those results to a specific one-dimensional isolated quantum system of random diagonal elements, we confirm the existence of a many-body mobility edge, connecting it with results on the onset of level repulsion extracted from ensembles of mixed random matrices.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Characterizing many-body localization via exact disorder-averaged quantum noise

Many-body localized (MBL) phases of disordered quantum many-particle systems have a number of unique properties, including failure to act as a thermal bath and protection of quantum coherence. Studying MBL is complicated by the effects of rare ergodic regions, necessitating large system sizes and averaging over many disorder configurations. Here, building on the Feynman-Vernon theory of quantum baths, we characterize the quantum noise that a disordered spin system exerts on its parts via an influence matrix (IM). In this approach, disorder averaging is implemented exactly, and the thermodynamic-limit IM obeys a self-consistency equation. Viewed as a wavefunction in the space of trajectories of an individual spin, the IM exhibits slow scaling of temporal entanglement in the MBL phase. This enables efficient matrix product states computations to obtain temporal correlations, providing a benchmark for quantum simulations of non-equilibrium matter. The IM quantum noise formulation provides an alternative starting point for novel rigorous studies of MBL.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Characterizing the many-body localization transition through correlations

Closed, interacting, quantum systems have the potential to transition to a many-body localized (MBL) phase under the presence of sufficiently strong disorder, hence breaking ergodicity and failing to thermalize. In this work we study the distribution of correlations throughout the ergodic-MBL phase diagram. We find the typical correlations in the MBL phase decay as a stretched exponential with range r eventually crossing over to an exponential decay deep in the MBL phase. At the transition, the stretched exponential goes as e −A r √ , a decay that is reminiscent of the random singlet phase. While the standard deviation of the log(QMI) has a range dependence, the log(QMI) converges to a range-invariant distribution on all other moments (i.e., the skewness and higher) at the transition. The universal nature of these distributions provides distinct phenomenology of the transition different from both the ergodic and MBL phenomenologies. In addition to the typical correlations, we study the extreme correlations in the system, finding that the probability of strong long-range correlations is maximal at the transition, suggesting the proliferation of resonances there. Finally, we analyze the probability that a single bit of information is shared across two halves of a system, finding that this probability is non-zero deep in the MBL phase but vanishes at moderate disorder well above the transition.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Charge ordering in the three-dimensional Coulomb glass at finite temperatures and low disorders

In this paper, we have studied the three dimensional Coulomb glass lattice model at half-filling using Monte Carlo Simulations. Annealing of the system shows a second-order transition from paramagnetic to charge-ordered phase for zero as well as small disorders. We have also calculated the critical exponents and transition temperature using a finite sizing scaling approach. The Monte Carlo simulation is done using the Metropolis algorithm, which allowed us to study larger lattice sizes. The transition temperature and the critical exponents at zero disorder matched the previous studies within numerical error. We found that the transition temperature of the system decreased as the disorder is increased. The values of critical exponents α and γ were less and value of ν more than the corresponding zero disorder values. The use of large system sizes led to the correct variation of critical exponents with the disorder.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Circumventing spin glass traps by microcanonical spontaneous symmetry breaking

The planted p-spin interaction model is a paradigm of random-graph systems possessing both a ferromagnetic phase and a disordered phase with the latter splitting into many spin glass states at low temperatures. Conventional simulated annealing dynamics is easily blocked by these low-energy spin glass states. Here we demonstrate that, actually this planted system is exponentially dominated by a microcanonical polarized phase at intermediate energy densities. There is a discontinuous microcanonical spontaneous symmetry breaking transition from the paramagnetic phase to the microcanonical polarized phase. This transition can serve as a mechanism to avoid all the spin glass traps, and it is accelerated by the restart strategy of microcanonical random walk. We also propose an unsupervised learning problem on microcanonically sampled configurations for inferring the planted ground state.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Classical Models of Entanglement in Monitored Random Circuits

The evolution of entanglement entropy in quantum circuits composed of Haar-random gates and projective measurements shows versatile behavior, with connections to phase transitions and complexity theory. We reformulate the problem in terms of a classical Markov process for the dynamics of bipartition purities and establish a probabilistic cellular-automaton algorithm to compute entanglement entropy in monitored random circuits on arbitrary graphs. In one dimension, we further relate the evolution of the entropy to a simple classical spin model that naturally generalizes a two-dimensional lattice percolation problem. We also establish a Markov model for the evolution of the zeroth Rényi entropy and demonstrate that, in one dimension and in the limit of large local dimension, it coincides with the corresponding second-Rényi-entropy model. Finally, we extend the Markovian description to a more general setting that incorporates continuous-time dynamics, defined by stochastic Hamiltonians and weak local measurements continuously monitoring the system.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Classification of Strongly Disordered Topological Wires Using Machine Learning

In this article we apply the random forest machine learning model to classify 1D topological phases when strong disorder is present. We show that using the entanglement spectrum as training features the model gives high classification accuracy. The trained model can be extended to other regions in phase space, and even to other symmetry classes on which it was not trained and still provides accurate results. After performing a detailed analysis of the trained model we find that its dominant classification criteria captures degeneracy in the entanglement spectrum.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Coherent Forward Scattering Peak and Multifractality

It has recently been shown that interference effects in disordered systems give rise to two non-trivial structures: the coherent backscattering (CBS) peak, a well-known signature of interference effects in the presence of disorder, and the coherent forward scattering (CFS) peak, which emerges when Anderson localization sets in. We study here the CFS effect in the presence of quantum multifractality, a fundamental property of several systems, such as the Anderson model at the metal-insulator transition. We find that the CFS peak shape and its peak height dynamics are generically controlled by the multifractal dimensions D 1 and D 2 , and by the spectral form factor. We check our results using a 1D Floquet system whose states have multifractal properties controlled by a single parameter. Our predictions are fully confirmed by numerical simulations and analytic perturbation expansions on this model. Our results provide an original and direct way to detect and characterize multifractality in experimental systems.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Comment on "Collective modes and gapped momentum states in liquid Ga: Experiment, theory, and simulation"

We show that the presented in Phys.Rev.B, v.101, 214312 (2020) theoretical expressions for longitudinal current spectral function C L (k,ω) and dispersion of collective excitations are not correct. Indeed, they are not compatible with the continuum limit and C L (k,ω→0) contradicts the continuity equation.

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