Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

High harmonic spectroscopy of disorder-induced Anderson localization

Exponential localization of wavefunctions in lattices, whether in real or synthetic dimensions, is a fundamental wave interference phenomenon. Localization of Bloch-type functions in space-periodic lattice, triggered by spatial disorder, is known as Anderson localization and arrests diffusion of classical particles in disordered potentials. In time-periodic Floquet lattices, exponential localization in a periodically driven quantum system similarly arrests diffusion of its classically chaotic counterpart in the action-angle space. Here we demonstrate that nonlinear optical response allows for clear detection of the disorder-induced phase transition between delocalized and localized states. The optical signature of the transition is the emergence of symmetry-forbidden even-order harmonics: these harmonics are enabled by Anderson-type localization and arise for sufficiently strong disorder even when the overall charge distribution in the field-free system spatially symmetric. The ratio of even to odd harmonic intensities as a function of disorder maps out the phase transition even when the associated changes in the band structure are negligibly small.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

High-dimensional inference: a statistical mechanics perspective

Statistical inference is the science of drawing conclusions about some system from data. In modern signal processing and machine learning, inference is done in very high dimension: very many unknown characteristics about the system have to be deduced from a lot of high-dimensional noisy data. This "high-dimensional regime" is reminiscent of statistical mechanics, which aims at describing the macroscopic behavior of a complex system based on the knowledge of its microscopic interactions. It is by now clear that there are many connections between inference and statistical physics. This article aims at emphasizing some of the deep links connecting these apparently separated disciplines through the description of paradigmatic models of high-dimensional inference in the language of statistical mechanics. This article has been published in the issue on artificial intelligence of Ithaca, an Italian popularization-of-science journal. The selected topics and references are highly biased and not intended to be exhaustive in any ways. Its purpose is to serve as introduction to statistical mechanics of inference through a very specific angle that corresponds to my own tastes and limited knowledge.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Higher-order level spacings in random matrix theory based on Wigner's conjecture

The distribution of higher order level spacings, i.e. the distribution of { s (n) i = E i+n − E i } with n≥1 is derived analytically using a Wigner-like surmise for Gaussian ensembles of random matrix as well as Poisson ensemble. It is found s (n) in Gaussian ensembles follows a generalized Wigner-Dyson distribution with rescaled parameter α=ν C 2 n+1 +n−1 , while that in Poisson ensemble follows a generalized semi-Poisson distribution with index n . Numerical evidences are provided through simulations of random spin systems as well as non-trivial zeros of Riemann zeta function. The higher order generalizations of gap ratios are also discussed.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Higher-order simplicial synchronization of coupled topological signals

Simplicial complexes capture the underlying network topology and geometry of complex systems ranging from the brain to social networks. Here we show that algebraic topology is a fundamental tool to capture the higher-order dynamics of simplicial complexes. In particular we consider topological signals, i.e., dynamical signals defined on simplices of different dimension, here taken to be nodes and links for simplicity. We show that coupling between signals defined on nodes and links leads to explosive topological synchronization in which phases defined on nodes synchronize simultaneously to phases defined on links at a discontinuous phase transition. We study the model on real connectomes and on simplicial complexes and network models. Finally, we provide a comprehensive theoretical approach that captures this transition on fully connected networks and on random networks treated within the annealed approximation, establishing the conditions for observing a closed hysteresis loop in the large network limit.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Hilbert-space geometry of random-matrix eigenstates

The geometry of multi-parameter families of quantum states is important in numerous contexts, including adiabatic or nonadiabatic quantum dynamics, quantum quenches, and the characterization of quantum critical points. Here, we discuss the Hilbert-space geometry of eigenstates of parameter-dependent random-matrix ensembles, deriving the full probability distribution of the quantum geometric tensor for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble. Our analytical results give the exact joint distribution function of the Fubini-Study metric and the Berry curvature. We discuss relations to Levy stable distributions and compare our results to numerical simulations of random-matrix ensembles as well as electrons in a random magnetic field.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Hopf Bifurcation in Mean Field Explains Critical Avalanches in Excitation-Inhibition Balanced Neuronal Networks: A Mechanism for Multiscale Variability

Cortical neural circuits display highly irregular spiking in individual neurons but variably sized collective firing, oscillations and critical avalanches at the population level, all of which have functional importance for information processing. Theoretically, the balance of excitation and inhibition inputs is thought to account for spiking irregularity and critical avalanches may originate from an underlying phase transition. However, the theoretical reconciliation of these multilevel dynamic aspects in neural circuits remains an open question. Herein, we study excitation-inhibition (E-I) balanced neuronal network with biologically realistic synaptic kinetics. It can maintain irregular spiking dynamics with different levels of synchrony and critical avalanches emerge near the synchronous transition point. We propose a novel semi-analytical mean-field theory to derive the field equations governing the network macroscopic dynamics. It reveals that the E-I balanced state of the network manifesting irregular individual spiking is characterized by a macroscopic stable state, which can be either a fixed point or a periodic motion and the transition is predicted by a Hopf bifurcation in the macroscopic field. Furthermore, by analyzing public data, we find the coexistence of irregular spiking and critical avalanches in the spontaneous spiking activities of mouse cortical slice in vitro, indicating the universality of the observed phenomena. Our theory unveils the mechanism that permits complex neural activities in different spatiotemporal scales to coexist and elucidates a possible origin of the criticality of neural systems. It also provides a novel tool for analyzing the macroscopic dynamics of E-I balanced networks and its relationship to the microscopic counterparts, which can be useful for large-scale modeling and computation of cortical dynamics.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

How many longest increasing subsequences are there?

We study the entropy S of longest increasing subsequences (LIS), i.e., the logarithm of the number of distinct LIS. We consider two ensembles of sequences, namely random permutations of integers and sequences drawn i.i.d.\ from a limited number of distinct integers. Using sophisticated algorithms, we are able to exactly count the number of LIS for each given sequence. Furthermore, we are not only measuring averages and variances for the considered ensembles of sequences, but we sample very large parts of the probability distribution p(S) with very high precision. Especially, we are able to observe the tails of extremely rare events which occur with probabilities smaller than 10 −600 . We show that the distribution of the entropy of the LIS is approximately Gaussian with deviations in the far tails, which might vanish in the limit of long sequences. Further we propose a large-deviation rate function which fits best to our observed data.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

How periodic driving stabilises and destabilises Anderson localisation on random trees

Motivated by the link between Anderson localisation on high-dimensional graphs and many-body localisation, we study the effect of periodic driving on Anderson localisation on random trees. The time dependence is eliminated in favour of an extra dimension, resulting in an extended graph wherein the disorder is correlated along the new dimension. The extra dimension increases the number of paths between any two sites and allows for interference between their amplitudes. We study the localisation problem within the forward scattering approximation (FSA) which we adapt to this extended graph. At low frequency, this favours delocalisation as the availability of a large number of extra paths dominates. By contrast, at high frequency, it stabilises localisation compared to the static system. These lead to a regime of re-entrant localisation in the phase diagram. Analysing the statistics of path amplitudes within the FSA, we provide a detailed theoretical picture of the physical mechanisms governing the phase diagram.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

How spectrum-wide quantum criticality protects surface states of topological superconductors from Anderson localization: Quantum Hall plateau transitions (almost) all the way down

We review recent numerical studies of two-dimensional (2D) Dirac fermion theories that exhibit an unusual mechanism of topological protection against Anderson localization. These describe surface-state quasiparticles of time-reversal invariant, three-dimensional (3D) topological superconductors (TSCs), subject to the effects of quenched disorder. Numerics reveal a surprising connection between 3D TSCs in classes AIII, CI, and DIII, and 2D quantum Hall effects in classes A, C, and D. Conventional arguments derived from the non-linear ? -model picture imply that most TSC surface states should Anderson localize for arbitrarily weak disorder (CI, AIII), or exhibit weak antilocalizing behavior (DIII). The numerical studies reviewed here instead indicate spectrum-wide surface quantum criticality, characterized by robust eigenstate multifractality throughout the surface-state energy spectrum. In other words, there is an "energy stack" of critical wave functions. For class AIII, multifractal eigenstate and conductance analysis reveals identical statistics for states throughout the stack, consistent with the class A integer quantum-Hall plateau transition (QHPT). Class CI TSCs exhibit surface stacks of class C spin QHPT states. Critical stacking of a third kind, possibly associated to the class D thermal QHPT, is identified for nematic velocity disorder of a single Majorana cone in class DIII. The Dirac theories studied here can be represented as perturbed 2D Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten sigma models; the numerical results link these to Pruisken models with the topological angle ?=? . Beyond applications to TSCs, all three stacked Dirac theories (CI, AIII, DIII) naturally arise in the effective description of dirty d -wave quasiparticles, relevant to the high- T c cuprates.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

How we are leading a 3-XORSAT challenge: from the energy landscape to the algorithm and its efficient implementation on GPUs

A recent 3-XORSAT challenge required to minimize a very complex and rough energy function, typical of glassy models with a random first order transition and a golf course like energy landscape. We present the ideas beyond the quasi-greedy algorithm and its very efficient implementation on GPUs that are allowing us to rank first in such a competition. We suggest a better protocol to compare algorithmic performances and we also provide analytical predictions about the exponential growth of the times to find the solution in terms of free-energy barriers.

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