Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization and delocalization in one-dimensional systems with translation-invariant hopping

We present a theory of Anderson localization on a one-dimensional lattice with translation-invariant hopping. We find by analytical calculation, the localization length for arbitrary finite-range hopping in the single propagating channel regime. Then by examining the convergence of the localization length, in the limit of infinite hopping range, we revisit the problem of localization criteria in this model and investigate the conditions under which it can be violated. Our results reveal possibilities of having delocalized states by tuning the long-range hopping.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization and universality of eigenvectors in directed random graphs

Although the spectral properties of random graphs have been a long-standing focus of network theory, the properties of right eigenvectors of directed graphs have so far eluded an exact analytic treatment. We present a general theory for the statistics of the right eigenvector components in directed random graphs with a prescribed degree distribution and with randomly weighted links. We obtain exact analytic expressions for the inverse participation ratio and show that right eigenvectors of directed random graphs with a small average degree are localized. Remarkably, if the fourth moment of the degree distribution is finite, then the critical mean degree of the localization transition is independent of the degree fluctuations, which is different from localization in undirected graphs that is governed by degree fluctuations. We also show that in the high connectivity limit the distribution of the right eigenvector components is solely determined by the degree fluctuations. For delocalized eigenvectors, we recover the universal results from standard random matrix theory that are independent of the degree distribution, while for localized eigenvectors the eigenvector distribution depends on the degree distribution.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization dynamics in a centrally coupled system

In systems where interactions couple a central degree of freedom and a bath, one would expect signatures of the bath's phase to be reflected in the dynamics of the central degree of freedom. This has been recently explored in connection with many-body localized baths coupled with a central qubit or a single cavity mode -- systems with growing experimental relevance in various platforms. Such models also have an interesting connection with Floquet many-body localization via quantizing the external drive, although this has been relatively unexplored. Here we adapt the multilayer multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) method, a well-known tree tensor network algorithm, to numerically simulate the dynamics of a central degree of freedom, represented by a d -level system (qudit), coupled to a disordered interacting 1D spin bath. ML-MCTDH allows us to reach ??10 2 lattice sites, a far larger system size than what is feasible with exact diagonalization or kernel polynomial methods. From the intermediate time dynamics, we find a well-defined thermodynamic limit for the qudit dynamics upon appropriate rescaling of the system-bath coupling. The spin system shows similar scaling collapse in the Edward-Anderson spin glass order parameter or entanglement entropy at relatively short times. At longer time scales, we see slow growth of the entanglement, which may arise from dephasing mechanisms in the localized system or long-range interactions mediated by the central degree of freedom. Similar signs of localization are shown to appear as well with unscaled system-bath coupling.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization in one-dimensional relativistic quantum mechanics

We present the relativistic analogue of Anderson localization in one dimension. We use Dirac equation to calculate the transmission probability for a spin- 1 2 particle incident upon a rectangular barrier. Using the transfer matrix formalism, we numerically compute the transmission probability for the case of a large number of identical barriers spread randomly in one dimension. The particular case when the incident particle has three component momentum and shows spin-flip phenomena is also considered. Our calculations suggest that the incident relativistic particle shows localization behaviour similar to that of Anderson localization. A number of results which are generalizations of the non-relativistic case are also obtained.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization of light in a three-dimensional disordered crystal of atoms

We demonstrate that a weak disorder in atomic positions introduces spatially localized optical modes in a dense three-dimensional ensemble of immobile two-level atoms arranged in a diamond lattice and coupled by the electromagnetic field. The frequencies of the localized modes concentrate near band edges of the unperturbed lattice. Finite-size scaling analysis of the percentiles of Thouless conductance reveals two mobility edges and yields an estimation ν=0.8 --1.1 for the critical exponent of the localization length. The localized modes disappear when the disorder becomes too strong and the system starts to resemble a fully disordered one where all modes are extended.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization properties in Lieb lattices and their extensions

We study the localization properties of generalized, two- and three-dimensional Lieb lattices, L 2 (n) and L 3 (n) , n=1,2,3 and 4 , at energies corresponding to flat and dispersive bands using the transfer matrix method (TMM) and finite size scaling (FSS). We find that the scaling properties of the flat bands are different from scaling in dispersive bands for all L d (n) . For the d=3 dimensional case, states are extended for disorders W down to W=0.01t at the flat bands, indicating that the disorder can lift the degeneracy of the flat bands quickly. The phase diagram with periodic boundary condition for L 3 (1) looks similar to the one for hard boundaries. We present the critical disorder W c at energy E=0 and find a decreasing W c for increasing n for L 3 (n) , up to n=3 . Last, we show a table of FSS parameters including so-called irrelevant variables; but the results indicate that the accuracy is too low to determine these reliably. \end{abstract}

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization transition on the Random Regular Graph as an unstable tricritical point in a log-normal Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble

Gaussian Rosenzweig-Porter (GRP) random matrix ensemble is the only one in which the robust multifractal phase and ergodic transition have a status of a mathematical theorem. Yet, this phase in GRP model is oversimplified: the spectrum of fractal dimensions is degenerate and the mini-band in the local spectrum is not multifractal. In this paper we suggest an extension of the GRP model by adopting a logarithmically-normal (LN) distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements. A family of such LN-RP models is parametrized by a symmetry parameter p and it interpolates between the GRP at p→0 and Levy ensembles at p→∞ . A special point p=1 is shown to be the simplest approximation to the Anderson localization model on a random regular graph.We study in detail the phase diagram of LN-RP model and show that p=1 is a tricritical point where the multifractal phase first collapses. This collapse is shown to be unstable with respect to the truncation of the log-normal distribution. We suggest a new criteria of stability of the non-ergodic phases and prove that the Anderson transition in LN-RP model is discontinuous at all p>0 .

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localization, phases and transitions in the three-dimensional extended Lieb lattices

We study the localization properties and the Anderson transition in the 3D Lieb lattice L 3 (1) and its extensions L 3 (n) in the presence of disorder. We compute the positions of the flat bands, the disorder-broadened density of states and the energy-disorder phase diagrams for up to 4 different such Lieb lattices. Via finite-size scaling, we obtain the critical properties such as critical disorders and energies as well as the universal localization lengths exponent ν . We find that the critical disorder W c decreases from ∼16.5 for the cubic lattice, to ∼8.6 for L 3 (1) , ∼5.9 for L 3 (2) and ∼4.8 for L 3 (3) . Nevertheless, the value of the critical exponent ν for all Lieb lattices studied here and across disorder and energy transitions agrees within error bars with the generally accepted universal value ν=1.590(1.579,1.602) .

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Long-range influence of manipulating disordered-insulators locally

Localization of wavefunctions is arguably the most familiar effect of disorder in quantum systems. It has been recently argued [[V. Khemani, R. Nandkishore, and S. L. Sondhi, Nature Physics, 11, 560 (2015)] that, contrary to naive expectation, manipulation of a localized-site in the disordered medium may produce a disturbance over a length-scale much larger than the localization-length ξ . Here we report on the observation of this nonlocal phenomenon in electronic transport experiment. Being a wave property, visibility of this effect hinges upon quantum-coherence, and its spatial-scale may be ultimately limited by the phase-coherent length of the disordered insulator. Evidence for quantum coherence in the Anderson-insulating phase may be obtained from magneto-resistance measurements which however are useful mainly in thin-films. The technique used in this work offers an empirical method to measure this fundamental aspect of Anderson-insulators even in relatively thick samples.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Longitudinal modes in diffusion and localization of light

In this work we include the elastic scattering of longitudinal electromagnetic waves in transport theory using a medium filled with point-like, electric dipoles. The interference between longitudinal and transverse waves creates two new channels among which one allows energy transport. This picture is worked out by extending the independent scattering framework of radiative transfer to include binary dipole-dipole interactions. We calculate the diffusion constant of light in the new transport channel and investigate the role of longitudinal waves in other aspects of light diffusion by considering the density of states, equipartition, and Lorentz local field. In the strongly scattering regime, the different transport mechanisms couple and impose a minimum conductivity of electromagnetic waves, thereby preventing Anderson localization of light in the medium. We extend the self-consistent theory of localization and compare the predictions to extensive numerical simulations.

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