Featured Researches

Other Condensed Matter

Direct Access to Auger recombination in Graphene

Auger scattering channels are of fundamental importance to describe and understand the non-equilibrium charge carrier dynamics in graphene. While impact excitation increases the number of carriers in the conduction band and has been observed experimentally, direct access to its inverse process, Auger recombination, has so far been elusive. Here, we tackle this problem by applying our novel setup for ultrafast time-resolved photoelectron momentum microscopy. Our approach gives simultaneous access to charge carrier dynamics at all energies and in-plane momenta within the linearly dispersive Dirac cones. We thus provide direct evidence for Auger recombination on a sub-10~fs timescale by identifying transient energy- and momentum-dependent populations far above the excitation energy. We compare our results with model calculations of scattering processes in the Dirac cone to support our experimental findings.

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Other Condensed Matter

Direct control of the skyrmion phase stability by electric field in a magnetoelectric insulator

Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected spin-whirl quasiparticles currently considered as promising components for ultra-dense memory devices. In the bulk they form lattices that are stable over just a few Kelvin below the ordering temperature. This narrow stability range presents a key challenge for applications, and finding ways to tune the SkL stability over a wider phase space is a pressing issue. Here we show experimentally that the skyrmion phase in the magnetoelectric insulator Cu 2 OSe O 3 can either expand or shrink substantially depending on the polarity of a moderate applied electric field. The data are well-described by an expanded mean-field model with fluctuations that show how the electric field provides a direct control of the free energy difference between the skyrmion and the surrounding conical phase. Our finding of the direct electric field control of the skyrmion phase stability offers enormous potential for skyrmionic applications based on a magnetoelectric coupling.

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Other Condensed Matter

Direct determination of one-dimensional interphase structures using normalized crystal truncation rod analysis

A one-dimensional non-iterative direct method was employed for normalized crystal truncation rod. The non-iterative approach, utilizing Kramers-Kronig relation, avoids the ambiguities due to the improper initial model or the incomplete convergence in the conventional iterative methods. The validity and limitation of the present method are demonstrated through both numerical simulations and experiments with Pt (111) in 0.1 M CsF aqueous solution. The present method is compared to conventional iterative phase-retrieval methods.

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Other Condensed Matter

Directed polaron propagation in linear polypeptides induced by intramolecular vibrations and external electric pulses

We study the propagation of α -helix polarons in a model describing the non-adiabatic interaction between an electron and a lattice of quantum mechanical oscillators at physiological temperature. We show that when excited by a sub-picosecond electric pulse, as induced by experimentally observed sub-picosecond charge separation, the polaron is displaced by up to hundreds of lattice sites before the electron becomes delocalised. We discuss biophysical implications of our results.

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Other Condensed Matter

Directional optical switching and transistor functionality using optical parametric oscillation in a spinor polariton fluid

Over the past decade, spontaneously emerging patterns in the density of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities were found to be a promising candidate for all-optical switching. But recent approaches were mostly restricted to scalar fields, did not benefit from the polariton's unique spin-dependent properties, and utilized switching based on hexagon far-field patterns with 60° beam switching (i.e. in the far field the beam propagation direction is switched by 60°). Since hexagon far-field patterns are challenging, we present here an approach for a linearly polarized spinor field, that allows for a transistor-like (e.g., crucial for cascadability) orthogonal beam switching, i.e. in the far field the beam is switched by 90°. We show that switching specifications such as amplification and speed can be adjusted using only optical means.

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Other Condensed Matter

Discovery of voltage induced superfluid-like penetration effect in liquid metals at room temperature

We have discovered that room temperature liquid metal is capable of penetrating through macro- and microporous materials by applying a voltage. In this work, we demonstrate the liquid metal penetration effect in various porous materials such as tissue paper, thick and fine sponges, fabrics, and meshes. The penetration effect mimics one of the three well-known superfluid properties of liquid helium superfluid that only occur at near-zero Kelvin. The underlying mechanism is that the high surface tension of liquid metal can be significantly reduced to near-zero due to the voltage induced oxidation of the liquid metal surface in a solution. It is the extremely low surface tension and gravity that cause the liquid metal to superwet the solid surface, leading to the penetration phenomena. Our findings offer new opportunities for novel microfluidic applications and could promote further discovery of more exotic fluid states of liquid metals.

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Other Condensed Matter

Dissipation in quantum turbulence in superfluid 4 He above 1K

There are two commonly discussed forms of quantum turbulence in superfluid 4 He above 1K: in one there is a random tangle of quantizes vortex lines, existing in the presence of a non-turbulent normal fluid; in the second there is a coupled turbulent motion of the two fluids, often exhibiting quasi-classical characteristics on scales larger than the separation between the quantized vortex lines in the superfluid component. The decay of vortex line density, L , in the former case is often described by the equation dL/dt=− χ 2 (κ/2π) L 2 , where κ is the quantum of circulation, and χ 2 is a dimensionless parameter of order unity. The decay of total turbulent energy, E , in the second case is often characterized by an effective kinematic viscosity, ν ′ , such that dE/dt=− ν ′ κ 2 L 2 . We present new values of χ 2 derived from numerical simulations and from experiment, which we compare with those derived from a theory developed by Vinen and Niemela. We summarise what is presently known about the values of ν ′ from experiment, and we present a brief introductory discussion of the relationship between χ 2 and ν ′ , leaving a more detailed discussion to a later paper.

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Other Condensed Matter

Double-Ionization Satellites in the X-ray Emission Spectrum of Ni Metal

We report measurements of the nonresonant x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) from Ni metal in an energy range spanning the K_beta, valence-to-core, and double-ionization (DI) satellites that appear beyond the single-particle Fermi level. We make special use of a laboratory-based x-ray spectrometer capable of both x-ray emission and x-ray absorption measurements to accurately align the XES and x-ray absorption spectra to a common energy scale. The careful alignment of energy scales is requisite for correction of the strong sample absorption of DI fluorescence above the Ni K-edge energy. The successful correction of absorption effects allows a determination of the branching ratios for the [1s3d], [1s3p], [1s2p] and [1s2s] satellites with respect to their corresponding diagram lines. We compare our results with other work, finding good agreement with prior experiments and with theoretical calculations in the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock framework.

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Other Condensed Matter

Duality of bounded and scattering wave systems with local symmetries

We investigate the spectral properties of a class of hard-wall bounded systems, described by potentials exhibiting domain-wise different local symmetries. Tuning the distance of the domains with locally symmetric potential from the hard wall boundaries leads to extrema of the eigenenergies. The underlying wavefunction becomes then an eigenstate of the local symmetry transform in each of the domains of local symmetry. These extrema accumulate towards eigenenergies which do not depend on the position of the potentials inside the walls. They correspond to perfect transmission resonances of the associated scattering setup, obtained by removing the hard walls. We argue that this property characterizes the duality between scattering and bounded systems in the presence of local symmetries. Our findings are illustrated at hand of a numerical example with a potential consisting of two domains of local symmetry, each one comprised of Dirac ? barriers.

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Other Condensed Matter

Dynamic localization in an effective tight binding Hamiltonian model with a rapidly oscillating homogeneous electric field on a lattice

By the Magnus-Floquet approach we calculate the effective Hamiltonian for a charged particle on the lattice subject to a homogeneous high frequency oscillating electric field. The obtained result indicate the absence of dynamic localization of the particle for any value of the lattice constant and electric field applied, which completes the limit results obtained by Dunlap and Kenkre.

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