Featured Researches

Other Condensed Matter

Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons and spin superfluidity in the polar phase of 3 He

The polar phase of 3 He, which is topological spin-triplet superfluid with the Dirac nodal line in the spectrum of Bogolubov quasiparticles, has been recently stabilized in a nanoconfined geometry. We pump magnetic excitations (magnons) into the sample of polar phase and observe how they form a Bose-Einstein condensate, revealed by coherent precession of the magnetization of the sample. Spin superfluidity, which supports this coherence, is associated with the spontaneous breaking of U(1) symmetry by the phase of precession. We observe the corresponding Nambu-Goldstone boson and measure its mass emerging when applied rf field violates the U(1) symmetry explicitly. We suggest that the magnon BEC in the polar phase is a powerful probe for topological objects such as vortices and solitons and topological nodes in the fermionic spectrum.

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Other Condensed Matter

Breakdown of Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill spin echoes in inhomogeneous fields

The Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) experiment has been used for decades to measure nuclear-spin transverse ( T 2 ) relaxation times. In the presence of magnetic-field inhomogeneities, the limit of short interpulse spacings yields the intrinsic T 2 time. Here we show that the signal decay in such experiments exhibits fundamentally different behaviors between liquids and gases. In gases, CPMG unexpectedly fails to eliminate the inhomogeneous broadening due to the non-Fickian nature of the motional averaging.

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Other Condensed Matter

Breaking the superfluid speed limit

Coherent condensates appear as emergent phenomena in many systems, sharing the characteristic feature of an energy gap separating the lowest excitations from the condensate ground state. This implies that a scattering object, moving through the system with high enough velocity for the excitation spectrum in the scatter frame to become gapless, can create excitations at no energy cost, initiating the breakdown of the condensate. This limit is the well-known Landau velocity. While, for the neutral Fermionic superfluid 3He-B in the T=0 limit, flow around an oscillating body displays a very clear critical velocity for the onset of dissipation, here we show that for uniform linear motion there is no discontinuity whatsoever in the dissipation as the Landau critical velocity is passed and exceeded. Since the Landau velocity is such a pillar of our understanding of superfluidity, this is a considerable surprise, with implications for the understanding of the dissipative effects of moving objects in all coherent condensate systems.

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Other Condensed Matter

CHEERS: A tool for Correlated Hole-Electron Evolution from Real-time Simulations

We put forward a practical nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) scheme to perform real-time evolutions of many-body interacting systems driven out of equilibrium by external fields. CHEERS is a computational tool to solve the NEGF equation of motion in the so called generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz and it can be used for model systems as well as first-principles Hamiltonians. Dynamical correlation (or memory) effects are added to the Hartree-Fock dynamics through a many-body self-energy. Applications to time-dependent quantum transport, time-resolved photoabsorption and other ultrafast phenomena are discussed.

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Other Condensed Matter

Calculation of Kapitza resistance with kinetic equation

A new method is introduced for calculation of interfacial thermal resistance in the case of heat transport through the interface by phonons. A unique feature of the method is taking into account all the consequences of a non-equilibrium character of phonon distribution functions during the heat transport. We introduce a model set of transmission and reflection amplitudes of phonons at the interface based on the most common in the literature Diffusive Mismatch Model. For the proposed model we derive an exact analytical solution. The problem is also solved for a set of transmission and reflection amplitudes characterized by a free parameter. We found that the calculation results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

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Other Condensed Matter

Calorimetric observation of single He2* excimers in a 100 mK He bath

We report the first calorimetric detection of individual He2* excimers within a bath of superfluid 4He. The detector used in this work is a single superconducting titanium transition edge sensor (TES) with an energy resolution of ~1 eV, immersed directly in the helium bath. He2* excimers are produced in the surrounding bath using an external gamma-ray source. These excimers exist either as short-lived singlet or long-lived triplet states. We demonstrate detection of both states: in the singlet case the calorimeter records the absorption of a prompt 15 eV photon, and in the triplet case the calorimeter records a direct interaction of the molecule with the TES surface, which deposits a distinct fraction of the 15 eV, released upon decay, into the surface. We also briefly discuss the detector fabrication and characterization.

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Other Condensed Matter

Can a crystal be the ground state of a Bose system?

It is usually assumed that the Bose crystal at T=0 corresponds to the genuine ground state of a Bose system, i.e., it is described by the wave function without nodes. By means of a simple analysis based on the general principles, we prove that the ground state of a periodic Bose system corresponds to a liquid or gas, but not to a crystal. One can expect that it is true also for a system with zero boundary conditions, because the boundaries should not affect the bulk properties. Hence, a zero-temperature natural crystal should correspond to an excited state of a Bose system. The wave functions Ψ 0 of a zero-temperature Bose crystal are proposed for zero and periodic boundary conditions. Such Ψ 0 describe highly excited states of the system that correspond to a local minimum of energy (absolute minimum corresponds to a liquid). Those properties yield the possibility of existence of superfluid liquid H 2 , Ne, Ar, and other inert elements. We propose possible experimental ways of obtaining them.

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Other Condensed Matter

Cavity formation in confined growing crystals

Growing crystals form a cavity when placed against a wall. The birth of the cavity is observed both by optical microscopy of sodium chlorate crystals (NaClO 3 ) growing in the vicinity of a glass surface, and in simulations with a thin film model. The cavity appears when growth cannot be maintained in the center of the contact region due to an insufficient supply of growth units through the liquid film between the crystal and the wall. We obtain a non-equilibrium morphology diagram characterizing the conditions under which a cavity appears. Cavity formation is a generic phenomenon at the origin of the formation of growth rims observed in many experiments, and is a source of complexity for the morphology of growing crystals in natural environments. Our results also provide restrictions for the conditions under which compact crystals can grow in confinement.

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Other Condensed Matter

Characterizing Real-space Topology in Rice-Mele Model by Thermodynamics

The thermodynamic quantities which are related to energy-level statistics are used to characterize the real-space topology of the Rice-Mele model. Through studying the energy spectrum of the model under different boundary conditions, we found that the non-normalizable wave function for the infinite domain is reduced to the edge state adhered to the boundary. For the finite domain with symmetric boundary condition, the critical point for the topological phase transition is equal to the inverse of the domain length. In contrast, the critical point is zero for the semi-infinite domain. Additionally, the symmetry of the energy spectrum is found to be sensitive to the boundary conditions of the Rice-Mele model, and the emergence of the edge states as well as the topological phase transition can be reflected in the thermodynamic properties. A potentially practical scheme is proposed for simulating the Rice-Mele model and detecting the relevant thermodynamic quantities in the context of Bose-Einstein condensate.

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Other Condensed Matter

Characterizing vortex tangle properties in steady-state He II counterflow using particle tracking velocimetry

Historically, there is little faith in particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) as a tool to make quantitative measurements of thermal counterflow in He II, since tracer particle motion is complicated by influences from the normal fluid, superfluid, and quantized vortex lines, or a combination thereof. Recently, we introduced a scheme for differentiating particles trapped on vortices (G1) from particles entrained by the normal fluid (G2). In this paper, we apply this scheme to demonstrate the utility of PTV for quantitative measurements of vortex dynamics in He II counterflow. We estimate ℓ , the mean vortex line spacing, using G2 velocity data, and c 2 , a parameter related to the mean curvature radius of vortices and energy dissipation in quantum turbulence, using G1 velocity data. We find that both estimations show good agreement with existing measurements that were obtained using traditional experimental methods. This is of particular consequence since these parameters likely vary in space, and PTV offers the advantage of spatial resolution. We also show a direct link between power-law tails in transverse particle velocity probability density functions (PDFs) and reconnection of vortex lines on which G1 particles are trapped.

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