Featured Researches

Other Condensed Matter

Generalisation of Gilbert damping and magnetic inertia parameter as a series of higher-order relativistic terms

The phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation of motion remains as the cornerstone of contemporary magnetisation dynamics studies, wherein the Gilbert damping parameter has been attributed to first-order relativistic effects. To include magnetic inertial effects the LLG equation has previously been extended with a supplemental inertia term and the arising inertial dynamics has been related to second-order relativistic effects. Here we start from the relativistic Dirac equation and, performing a Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, derive a generalised Pauli spin Hamiltonian that contains relativistic correction terms to any higher order. Using the Heisenberg equation of spin motion we derive general relativistic expressions for the tensorial Gilbert damping and magnetic inertia parameters, and show that these tensors can be expressed as series of higher-order relativistic correction terms. We further show that, in the case of a harmonic external driving field, these series can be summed and we provide closed analytical expressions for the Gilbert and inertial parameters that are functions of the frequency of the driving field.

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Other Condensed Matter

Generalized Exact Holographic Mapping with Wavelets

The idea of renormalization and scale invariance is pervasive across disciplines. It has not only drawn numerous surprising connections between physical systems under the guise of holographic duality, but has also inspired the development of wavelet theory now widely used in signal processing. Synergizing on these two developments, we describe in this paper a generalized exact holographic mapping that maps a generic N-dimensional lattice system to a N+1-dimensional holographic dual, with the emergent dimension representing scale. In previous works, this was achieved via the iterations of the simplest of all unitary mappings, the Haar mapping, which fails to preserve the form of most Hamiltonians. By taking advantage of the full generality of biorthogonal wavelets, our new generalized holographic mapping framework is able to preserve the form of a large class of lattice Hamiltonians. By explicitly separating features that are fundamentally associated with the physical system from those that are basis-specific, we also obtain a clearer understanding of how the resultant bulk geometry arises. For instance, the number of nonvanishing moments of the high pass wavelet filter is revealed to be proportional to the radius of the dual Anti deSitter (AdS) space geometry. We conclude by proposing modifications to the mapping for systems with generic Fermi pockets.

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Other Condensed Matter

Graphene may help to solve the Casimir conundrum in indium tin oxide systems

We reconsider the long-explored problem that the magnitude of the measured Casimir force between an Au sphere and an indium tin oxide (ITO) film decreases significantly with no respective changes in the ITO dielectric permittivity required by the Lifshitz theory. Two plausible resolutions of this conundrum are discussed: the phase transition of an ITO film from metallic to dielectric state and the modification of a film surface under the action of UV light. To exclude the latter option, we propose an improvement in the experimental scheme by adding a graphene sheet on top of an ITO film. The formalism is developed allowing precise calculation of the Casimir force between an Au sphere and a graphene sheet on top of ITO film deposited on a quartz substrate. In doing so Au, ITO, and quartz are described by the frequency-dependent dielectric permittivities and real graphene sheet with nonzero mass-gap parameter and chemical potential by the polarization tensor at nonzero temperature. Numerical computations performed both before and after the phase transition resulting from the UV treatment show that the presence of graphene leads to only a minor decrease in the drop of the Casimir force which remains quite measurable. At the same time, in the presence of graphene the guess that an observed drop originates from the modification of an ITO surface by the UV light breaks down. Similar results are obtained for the configuration of two parallel plates consisting of a graphene sheet, an ITO film and a quartz substrate. The proposed experiments involving additional graphene sheets may help in resolution of the problems arising in application of the Lifshitz theory to real materials.

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Other Condensed Matter

Ground-state wavefunction of macroscopic electron systems

Wavefunctions for large electron numbers N are plagued by the Exponential Wall Problem (EWP), i.e., an exponential increase in the dimensions of Hilbert space with N . Therefore they loose their meaning for macroscopic systems, a point stressed in particular by W. Kohn. The EWP has to be resolved in order to be able to perform electronic structure calculations, e.g., for solids. The origin of the EWP is the multiplicative property of wavefunctions when independent subsystems are considered. Therefore it can only be avoided when wavefunctions are formulated so that they are additive instead, in particular when matrix elements involving them are calculated. We describe how this is done for the ground state of a macroscopic electron system. Going over from a multiplicative to an additive quantity requires taking a logarithm. Here it implies going over from Hilbert space to the operator- or Liouville space with a metric based on cumulants. The operators which define the ground-state wavefunction generate fluctuations from a mean-field state. The latter does not suffer from an EWP and therefore may serve as a vacuum state. The fluctuations have to be {\it connected} like the ones caused by pair interactions in a classical gas when the free energy is calculated (Meyer's cluster expansion). This fixes the metric in Liouville space. The scheme presented here provides a solid basis for electronic structure calculations for the ground state of solids. In fact, its applicability has already been proven. We discuss also matrix product states, which have been applied to one-dimensional systems with results of high precision. Although these states are formulated in Hilbert space they are processed by using operators in Liouville space. We show that they fit into the general formalism described above.

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Other Condensed Matter

Half-quantum vortices and walls bounded by strings in the polar-distorted phases of topological superfluid 3 He

Symmetries of the physical world have guided formulation of fundamental laws, including relativistic quantum field theory and understanding of possible states of matter. Topological defects (TDs) often control the universal behavior of macroscopic quantum systems, while topology and broken symmetries determine allowed TDs. Taking advantage of the symmetry-breaking patterns in the phase diagram of nanoconfined superfluid 3 He, we show that half-quantum vortices (HQVs) -- linear topological defects carrying half quantum of circulation -- survive transitions from the polar phase to other superfluid phases with polar distortion. In the polar-distorted A phase, HQV cores in 2D systems should harbor non-Abelian Majorana modes. In the polar-distorted B phase, HQVs form composite defects -- walls bounded by strings hypothesized decades ago in cosmology. Our experiments establish the superfluid phases of 3 He in nanostructured confinement as a promising topological media for further investigations ranging from topological quantum computing to cosmology and grand unification scenarios.

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Other Condensed Matter

Hall Viscosity and the Acoustic Faraday Effect

For more than 20 years, observation of the non-dissipative Hall viscosity in the quantum Hall effect has been impeded by the difficulty to probe directly the momentum of the two-dimensional electron gas. However, in three-dimensional systems such as superfluid 3 He?�B , the momentum density is readily probed through transverse acoustic waves. We show that in a three-dimensional elastic medium supporting transverse waves, a non-vanishing Hall viscosity induces circular birefringence. Such an effect has been observed in 3 He?�B in the presence of a weak magnetic field, and is known as the acoustic Faraday effect. The acoustic Faraday effect has been understood in terms of the Zeeman splitting of the excited order parameter modes which support the transverse wave propagation in the superfluid. We show that the Zeeman effect can generically lead to a non-zero Hall viscosity coefficient, and confirm this prediction using a simple phenomenological model for the 3 He?�B collective modes. Therefore, we claim that the observation of the acoustic Faraday effect can be leveraged to make a direct observation of the Hall viscosity in superfluid 3 He?�B in a magnetic field and other systems such as the crystalline Tb 3 Ga 5 O 12 material.

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Other Condensed Matter

Hartree potential dependent exchange functional

We introduce a novel non-local ingredient for the construction of exchange density functionals: the reduced Hartree parameter, which is invariant under the uniform scaling of the density and represents the exact exchange enhancement factor for one- and two-electron systems. The reduced Hartree parameter is used together with the conventional meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) semilocal ingredients (i.e. the electron density, its gradient and the kinetic energy density) to construct a new generation exchange functional, termed u-meta-GGA. This u-meta-GGA functional is exact for {the exchange of} any one- and two-electron systems, is size-consistent and non-empirical, satisfies the uniform density scaling relation, and recovers the modified gradient expansion derived from the semiclassical atom theory. For atoms, ions, jellium spheres, and molecules, it shows a good accuracy, being often better than meta-GGA exchange functionals. Our construction validates the use of the reduced Hartree ingredient in exchange-correlation functional development, opening the way to an additional rung in the Jacob's ladder classification of non-empirical density functionals.

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Other Condensed Matter

High frequency dynamics modulated by collective magnetization reversal in artificial spin ice

Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) arises in heavy metal/ferromagnet heterostructures when an alternating charge current is passed through the bilayer stack. The methodology to detect the resonance is based on the anisotropic magnetoresistance, which is the change in the electrical resistance due to different orientations of the magnetization. In connected networks of ferromagnetic nanowires, known as artificial spin ice, the magnetoresistance is rather complex owing to the underlying collective behavior of the geometrically frustrated magnetic domain structure. Here, we demonstrate ST-FMR investigations in a square artificial spin-ice system and correlate our observations to magnetotransport measurements. The experimental findings are described using a simulation approach that highlights the importance of the correlated dynamics response of the magnetic system. Our results open the possibility of designing reconfigurable microwave oscillators and magnetoresistive devices based on connected networks of nanomagnets.

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Other Condensed Matter

High-harmonic generation in solids

We analytically and numerically investigate the emission of high-harmonic radiation from model solids by intense few-cycle mid-infrared laser pulses. In single-active-electron approximation, we expand the active electron's wavefunction in a basis of adiabatic Houston states and describe the solid's electronic band structure in terms of an adjustable Kronig-Penney model potential. For high-harmonic generation (HHG) from MgO crystals, we examine spectra from two-band and converged multiband numerical calculations. We discuss the characteristics of intra- and interband contributions to the HHG spectrum for computations including initial crystal momenta either from the Γ− point at the center of the first Brioullin zone (BZ) only or from the entire first BZ, demonstrating relevant contributions from the entire first BZ. From the numerically calculated spectra we derive cutoff harmonic orders as a function of the laser peak intensity that compare favorably with our analytical stationary-phase-approximation predictions and published data.

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Other Condensed Matter

Higher-order Dirac sonic crystals

Discovering new topological phases of matter is a major theme in fundamental physics and materials science1,2. Dirac semimetal features isolated fourfold linear band crossings, i.e., Dirac points, and provides an exceptional platform for exploring topological phase transitions under symmetry breaking3. Recent theoretical studies4,5 have revealed that a three-dimensional Dirac semimetal can harbor fascinating hinge states, a high-order (HO) topological manifestation not known before. However, realization of such a HO Dirac phase in experiment is yet to be achieved, not to mention the fascinating hinge states, although candidate solid-state materials have been suggested5. Here we propose a minimum model to construct a spinless HO Dirac semimetal protected by C_6v symmetry. By breaking different symmetries, this parent phase transitions into a variety of novel topological phases including HO topological insulator, HO Weyl semimetal, and HO nodal-ring semimetal. Furthermore, for the first time, we experimentally realize this unprecedented HO topological phase in a sonic crystal and unambiguously present the smoking-gun observation of the desired hinge states via momentun-space spectroscopy and real-space visualization. Our findings may offer new opportunities to manipulate classical waves such as sound and light.

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