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Other Condensed Matter

Is spin superfluidity possible in YIG films?

Recently it was suggested that stationary spin supercurrents (spin superfluidity) are possible in the magnon condensate observed in yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) magnetic films under strong external pumping. Here we analyze this suggestion. From topology of the equilibrium order parameter in YIG one must not expect energetic barriers making spin supercurrents metastable. However some small barriers of dynamical origin are possible nevertheless. The critical phase gradient (analog of the Landau critical velocity in superfluids) is proportional to intensity of the coherent spin wave (number of condensed magnons). The conclusion is that although spin superfluidity in YIG films is possible in principle, the published claim of its observation is not justified. The analysis revealed that the widely accepted spin-wave spectrum in YIG films with magnetostatic and exchange interaction required revision. This led to revision of non-linear corrections, which determine stability of the magnon condensate with and without spin supercurrents.

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Other Condensed Matter

Jellium-with-gap model applied to semilocal kinetic functionals

We investigate a highly-nonlocal generalization of the Lindhard function, given by the jellium-with-gap model. We find a band-gap-dependent gradient expansion of the kinetic energy, which performs noticeably well for large atoms. Using the static linear response theory and the simplest semilocal model for the local band gap, we derive a non-empirical generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of the kinetic energy. This GGA kinetic energy functional is remarkably accurate for the description of weakly interacting molecular systems within the subsystem formulation of Density Functional Theory.

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Other Condensed Matter

Jordan-Wigner transformations for tree structures

The celebrated Jordan--Wigner transformation provides an efficient mapping between spin chains and fermionic systems in one dimension. Here we extend this spin-fermion mapping to arbitrary tree structures, which enables mapping between fermionic and spin systems with nearest-neighbor coupling. The mapping is achieved with the help of additional spins at the junctions between one-dimensional chains. This property allows for straightforward simulation of Majorana braiding in spin or qubit systems.

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Other Condensed Matter

Kinetic energy and momentum distribution of isotopic liquid helium mixtures

The momentum distribution and atomic kinetic energy of the two isotopes of helium in a liquid mixture at temperature T=2 K are computed by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Quantum statistics is fully included for He-4, whereas He-3 atoms are treated as distinguishable. Comparison of theoretical estimates with a collection of the most recent experimental measurements shows reasonable agreement for the energetics of He-4 and pure He-3. On the other hand, a significant discrepancy (already observed in previous works) is reported between computed and measured values of the He-3 kinetic energy in the mixture, in the limit of low He-3 concentration. We assess quantitatively the importance of Fermi statistics and find it to be negligible for a He-3 concentration less than approximately 20%. Our results for the momentum distributions lend support to what already hypothesized by other authors, namely that the discrepancy is likely due to underestimation of the He-3 kinetic energy contribution associated with the tail of the experimentally measured momentum distribution.

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Other Condensed Matter

Kolmogorov and Kelvin wave cascades in a generalized model for quantum turbulence

We performed numerical simulations of decaying quantum turbulence by using a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, that includes a beyond mean field correction and a nonlocal interaction potential. The nonlocal potential is chosen in order to mimic He II by introducing a roton minimum in the excitation spectrum. We observe that at large scales the statistical behavior of the flow is independent of the interaction potential, but at scales smaller than the intervortex distance a Kelvin wave cascade is enhanced in the generalized model. In this range, the incompressible kinetic energy spectrum obeys the weak wave turbulence prediction for Kelvin wave cascade not only for the scaling with wave numbers but also for the energy fluxes and the intervortex distance.

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Other Condensed Matter

Landau level broadening, hyperuniformity, and discrete scale invariance

We study the energy spectrum of a two-dimensional electron in the presence of both a perpendicular magnetic field and a potential. In the limit where the potential is small compared to the Landau level spacing, we show that the broadening of Landau levels is simply expressed in terms of the structure factor of the potential. For potentials that are either periodic or random, we recover known results. Interestingly, for potentials with a dense Fourier spectrum made of Bragg peaks (as found, e.g., in quasicrystals), we find an algebraic broadening with the magnetic field characterized by the hyperuniformity exponent of the potential. Furthermore, if the potential is self-similar such that its structure factor has a discrete scale invariance, the broadening displays log-periodic oscillations together with an algebraic envelope.

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Other Condensed Matter

Laplacian-dependent models of the kinetic energy density: Applications in subsystem density functional theory with meta-generalized gradient approximation functionals

The development of semilocal models for the kinetic energy density (KED) is an important topic in density functional theory (DFT). This is especially true for subsystem DFT, where these models are necessary to construct the required non-additive embedding contributions. In particular, these models can also be efficiently employed to replace the exact KED in meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation (meta-GGA) exchange-correlation functionals allowing to extend the subsystem DFT applicability to the meta-GGA level of theory. Here, we present a two-dimensional scan of semilocal KED models as linear functionals of the reduced gradient and of the reduced Laplacian, for atoms and weakly-bound molecular systems. We find that several models can perform well but in any case the Laplacian contribution is extremely important to model the local features of the KED. Indeed a simple model constructed as the sum of Thomas-Fermi KED and 1/6 of the Laplacian of the density yields the best accuracy for atoms and weakly-bound molecular systems. These KED models are tested within subsystem DFT with various meta-GGA exchange-correlation functionals for non-bonded systems, showing a good accuracy of the method.

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Other Condensed Matter

Learning to measure resistance noise demystifies the ubiquitous 1/f excess noise

To study resistance noise (DeltaR) by a spectrum analyzer we must convert this noise into a noise voltage (DeltaV) at the reach of such generalized voltmeter. Whenever a current Iconv is set in a resistor to convert its resistance noise into noise voltage by Ohm's Law: DeltaV=DeltaR*Iconv, the converted noise thus obtained does not track DeltaRte (its resistance noise in Thermal Equilibrium, TE) but DeltaR, that is: a resistance noise out of TE due to Iconv itself. Thus, backgating noises in the channel of resistors (i. e. Field-Induced Resistance Noise, FIRN) found by this method always are noises out of TE. The way the Lorentzian DeltaRte of a resistor is converted by Iconv into nine decades of resistance noise DeltaR with 1/f spectrum is the lesson we give on this unexpected spectral change that we could express as: "To measure is to disturb, particularly in resistance noise measurements".

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Other Condensed Matter

Lifshitz interaction can promote ice growth at water-silica interfaces

At air-water interfaces, the Lifshitz interaction by itself does not promote ice growth. On the contrary, we find that the Lifshitz force promotes the growth of an ice film, up to 1-8 nm thickness, near silica-water interfaces at the triple point of water. This is achieved in a system where the combined effect of the retardation and the zero frequency mode influences the short-range interactions at low temperatures, contrary to common understanding. Cancellation between the positive and negative contributions in the Lifshitz spectral function is reversed in silica with high porosity. Our results provide a model for how water freezes on glass and other surfaces.

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Other Condensed Matter

Lifshitz transitions, type-II Dirac and Weyl fermions, event horizon and all that

The type-II Weyl and type-II Dirac points emerge in semimetals and also in relativistic systems. In particular, the type-II Weyl fermions may emerge behind the event horizon of black holes. In this case the horizon with Painleve-Gullstrand metric serves as the surface of the Lifshitz transition. This relativistic analogy allows us to simulate the black hole horizon and Hawking radiation using the fermionic superfluid with supercritical velocity, and the Dirac and Weyl semimetals with the interface separating the type-I and type-II states. The difference between such type of the artificial event horizon and that which arises in acoustic metric is discussed. At the Lifshitz transition between type-I and type-II fermions the Dirac lines may also emerge, which are supported by the combined action of topology and symmetry. The type-II Weyl and Dirac points also emerge as the intermediate states of the topological Lifshitz transitions. Different configurations of the Fermi surfaces, involved in such Lifshitz transition, are discussed. In one case the type-II Weyl point connects the Fermi pockets, and the Lifshitz transition corresponds to the transfer of the Berry flux between the Fermi pockets. In the other case the type-II Weyl point connects the outer and inner Fermi surfaces. At the Lifshitz transition the Weyl point is released from both Fermi surfaces. These examples reveal the complexity and universality of topological Lifshitz transitions, which originate from the ubiquitous interplay of a variety of topological characters of the momentum-space manifolds. For the interacting electrons, the Lifshitz transitions may lead to the formation of the dispersionless (flat) band with zero energy and singular density of states, which opens the route to room-temperature superconductivity.

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