Featured Researches

Audio And Speech Processing

Estimation of the Frequency of Occurrence of Italian Phonemes in Text

The purpose of this project was to derive a reliable estimate of the frequency of occurrence of the 30 phonemes - plus consonant geminated counterparts - of the Italian language, based on four selected written texts. Since no comparable dataset was found in previous literature, the present analysis may serve as a reference in future studies. Four textual sources were considered: Come si fa una tesi di laurea: le materie umanistiche by Umberto Eco, I promessi sposi by Alessandro Manzoni, a recent article in Corriere della Sera (a popular daily Italian newspaper), and In altre parole by Jhumpa Lahiri. The sources were chosen to represent varied genres, subject matter, time periods, and writing styles. Results of the analysis, which also included an analysis of variance, showed that, for all four sources, the frequencies of occurrence reached relatively stable values after about 6,000 phonemes (approx. 1,250 words), varying by <0.025%. Estimated frequencies are provided for each single source and as an average across sources.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Evaluating the reliability of acoustic speech embeddings

Speech embeddings are fixed-size acoustic representations of variable-length speech sequences. They are increasingly used for a variety of tasks ranging from information retrieval to unsupervised term discovery and speech segmentation. However, there is currently no clear methodology to compare or optimise the quality of these embeddings in a task-neutral way. Here, we systematically compare two popular metrics, ABX discrimination and Mean Average Precision (MAP), on 5 languages across 17 embedding methods, ranging from supervised to fully unsupervised, and using different loss functions (autoencoders, correspondence autoencoders, siamese). Then we use the ABX and MAP to predict performances on a new downstream task: the unsupervised estimation of the frequencies of speech segments in a given corpus. We find that overall, ABX and MAP correlate with one another and with frequency estimation. However, substantial discrepancies appear in the fine-grained distinctions across languages and/or embedding methods. This makes it unrealistic at present to propose a task-independent silver bullet method for computing the intrinsic quality of speech embeddings. There is a need for more detailed analysis of the metrics currently used to evaluate such embeddings.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Event-Independent Network for Polyphonic Sound Event Localization and Detection

Polyphonic sound event localization and detection is not only detecting what sound events are happening but localizing corresponding sound sources. This series of tasks was first introduced in DCASE 2019 Task 3. In 2020, the sound event localization and detection task introduces additional challenges in moving sound sources and overlapping-event cases, which include two events of the same type with two different direction-of-arrival (DoA) angles. In this paper, a novel event-independent network for polyphonic sound event localization and detection is proposed. Unlike the two-stage method we proposed in DCASE 2019 Task 3, this new network is fully end-to-end. Inputs to the network are first-order Ambisonics (FOA) time-domain signals, which are then fed into a 1-D convolutional layer to extract acoustic features. The network is then split into two parallel branches. The first branch is for sound event detection (SED), and the second branch is for DoA estimation. There are three types of predictions from the network, SED predictions, DoA predictions, and event activity detection (EAD) predictions that are used to combine the SED and DoA features for on-set and off-set estimation. All of these predictions have the format of two tracks indicating that there are at most two overlapping events. Within each track, there could be at most one event happening. This architecture introduces a problem of track permutation. To address this problem, a frame-level permutation invariant training method is used. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect polyphonic sound events and their corresponding DoAs. Its performance on the Task 3 dataset is greatly increased as compared with that of the baseline method.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Evolutionary Algorithm Enhanced Neural Architecture Search for Text-Independent Speaker Verification

State-of-the-art speaker verification models are based on deep learning techniques, which heavily depend on the handdesigned neural architectures from experts or engineers. We borrow the idea of neural architecture search(NAS) for the textindependent speaker verification task. As NAS can learn deep network structures automatically, we introduce the NAS conception into the well-known x-vector network. Furthermore, this paper proposes an evolutionary algorithm enhanced neural architecture search method called Auto-Vector to automatically discover promising networks for the speaker verification task. The experimental results demonstrate our NAS-based model outperforms state-of-the-art speaker verification models.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Evolutionary optimization of contexts for phonetic correction in speech recognition systems

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is an area of growing academic and commercial interest due to the high demand for applications that use it to provide a natural communication method. It is common for general purpose ASR systems to fail in applications that use a domain-specific language. Various strategies have been used to reduce the error, such as providing a context that modifies the language model and post-processing correction methods. This article explores the use of an evolutionary process to generate an optimized context for a specific application domain, as well as different correction techniques based on phonetic distance metrics. The results show the viability of a genetic algorithm as a tool for context optimization, which, added to a post-processing correction based on phonetic representations, can reduce the errors on the recognized speech.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Evolving Multi-Resolution Pooling CNN for Monaural Singing Voice Separation

Monaural Singing Voice Separation (MSVS) is a challenging task and has been studied for decades. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are the current state-of-the-art methods for MSVS. However, the existing DNNs are often designed manually, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In addition, the network architectures are usually pre-defined, and not adapted to the training data. To address these issues, we introduce a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) method to the structure design of DNNs for MSVS. Specifically, we propose a new multi-resolution Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) framework for MSVS namely Multi-Resolution Pooling CNN (MRP-CNN), which uses various-size pooling operators to extract multi-resolution features. Based on the NAS, we then develop an evolving framework namely Evolving MRP-CNN (E-MRP-CNN), by automatically searching the effective MRP-CNN structures using genetic algorithms, optimized in terms of a single-objective considering only separation performance, or multi-objective considering both the separation performance and the model complexity. The multi-objective E-MRP-CNN gives a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, each providing a trade-off between separation performance and model complexity. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on the MIR-1K and DSD100 datasets are used to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed framework over several recent baselines.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Experimental investigations of psychoacoustic characteristics of household vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaners are one of the most widely used household appliances associated with unpleasant noises. Previous studies have indicated the severity of vacuum cleaner noise and its impact on the users nearby. The quantified measurements of the generated noise standalone are not sufficient for the selection or designing of vacuum cleaners. The human perception must also be included for a better assessment of the quality of sound. A hybrid approach known as psychoacoustics, which comprises subjective and objective evaluations of sounds, is widely used in recent times. This paper focuses on the experimental assessment of psychoacoustical matrices for household vacuum cleaners. Three vacuum cleaners with different specifications have been selected as test candidates, and their sound qualities have been analyzed. Besides, the annoyance index has been assessed for these vacuum cleaners.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Exploiting Cross-Lingual Knowledge in Unsupervised Acoustic Modeling for Low-Resource Languages

(Short version of Abstract) This thesis describes an investigation on unsupervised acoustic modeling (UAM) for automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the zero-resource scenario, where only untranscribed speech data is assumed to be available. UAM is not only important in addressing the general problem of data scarcity in ASR technology development but also essential to many non-mainstream applications, for examples, language protection, language acquisition and pathological speech assessment. The present study is focused on two research problems. The first problem concerns unsupervised discovery of basic (subword level) speech units in a given language. Under the zero-resource condition, the speech units could be inferred only from the acoustic signals, without requiring or involving any linguistic direction and/or constraints. The second problem is referred to as unsupervised subword modeling. In its essence a frame-level feature representation needs to be learned from untranscribed speech. The learned feature representation is the basis of subword unit discovery. It is desired to be linguistically discriminative and robust to non-linguistic factors. Particularly extensive use of cross-lingual knowledge in subword unit discovery and modeling is a focus of this research.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Exploiting Deep Sentential Context for Expressive End-to-End Speech Synthesis

Attention-based seq2seq text-to-speech systems, especially those use self-attention networks (SAN), have achieved state-of-art performance. But an expressive corpus with rich prosody is still challenging to model as 1) prosodic aspects, which span across different sentential granularities and mainly determine acoustic expressiveness, are difficult to quantize and label and 2) the current seq2seq framework extracts prosodic information solely from a text encoder, which is easily collapsed to an averaged expression for expressive contents. In this paper, we propose a context extractor, which is built upon SAN-based text encoder, to sufficiently exploit the sentential context over an expressive corpus for seq2seq-based TTS. Our context extractor first collects prosodic-related sentential context information from different SAN layers and then aggregates them to learn a comprehensive sentence representation to enhance the expressiveness of the final generated speech. Specifically, we investigate two methods of context aggregation: 1) direct aggregation which directly concatenates the outputs of different SAN layers, and 2) weighted aggregation which uses multi-head attention to automatically learn contributions for different SAN layers. Experiments on two expressive corpora show that our approach can produce more natural speech with much richer prosodic variations, and weighted aggregation is more superior in modeling expressivity.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Exploiting Fully Convolutional Network and Visualization Techniques on Spontaneous Speech for Dementia Detection

In this paper, we exploit a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) to analyze the audio data of spontaneous speech for dementia detection. A fully convolutional network accommodates speech samples with varying lengths, thus enabling us to analyze the speech sample without manual segmentation. Specifically, we first obtain the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) feature map from each participant's audio data and convert the speech classification task on audio data to an image classification task on MFCC feature maps. Then, to solve the data insufficiency problem, we apply transfer learning by adopting a pre-trained backbone Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model from the MobileNet architecture and the ImageNet dataset. We further build a convolutional layer to produce a heatmap using Otsu's method for visualization, enabling us to understand the impact of the time-series audio segments on the classification results. We demonstrate that our classification model achieves 66.7% over the testing dataset, 62.5% of the baseline model provided in the ADReSS challenge. Through the visualization technique, we can evaluate the impact of audio segments, such as filled pauses from the participants and repeated questions from the investigator, on the classification results.

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