Featured Researches

Audio And Speech Processing

FastLR: Non-Autoregressive Lipreading Model with Integrate-and-Fire

Lipreading is an impressive technique and there has been a definite improvement of accuracy in recent years. However, existing methods for lipreading mainly build on autoregressive (AR) model, which generate target tokens one by one and suffer from high inference latency. To breakthrough this constraint, we propose FastLR, a non-autoregressive (NAR) lipreading model which generates all target tokens simultaneously. NAR lipreading is a challenging task that has many difficulties: 1) the discrepancy of sequence lengths between source and target makes it difficult to estimate the length of the output sequence; 2) the conditionally independent behavior of NAR generation lacks the correlation across time which leads to a poor approximation of target distribution; 3) the feature representation ability of encoder can be weak due to lack of effective alignment mechanism; and 4) the removal of AR language model exacerbates the inherent ambiguity problem of lipreading. Thus, in this paper, we introduce three methods to reduce the gap between FastLR and AR model: 1) to address challenges 1 and 2, we leverage integrate-and-fire (I\&F) module to model the correspondence between source video frames and output text sequence. 2) To tackle challenge 3, we add an auxiliary connectionist temporal classification (CTC) decoder to the top of the encoder and optimize it with extra CTC loss. We also add an auxiliary autoregressive decoder to help the feature extraction of encoder. 3) To overcome challenge 4, we propose a novel Noisy Parallel Decoding (NPD) for I\&F and bring Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) into lipreading. Our experiments exhibit that FastLR achieves the speedup up to 10.97 × comparing with state-of-the-art lipreading model with slight WER absolute increase of 1.5\% and 5.5\% on GRID and LRS2 lipreading datasets respectively, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Few Shot Text-Independent speaker verification using 3D-CNN

Facial recognition system is one of the major successes of Artificial intelligence and has been used a lot over the last years. But, images are not the only biometric present: audio is another possible biometric that can be used as an alternative to the existing recognition systems. However, the text-independent audio data is not always available for tasks like speaker verification and also no work has been done in the past for text-independent speaker verification assuming very little training data. Therefore, In this paper, we have proposed a novel method to verify the identity of the claimed speaker using very few training data. To achieve this we are using a Siamese neural network with center loss and speaker bias loss. Experiments conducted on the VoxCeleb1 dataset show that the proposed model accuracy even on training with very few data is near to the state of the art model on text-independent speaker verification

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Audio And Speech Processing

Few-Shot Keyword Spotting With Prototypical Networks

Recognizing a particular command or a keyword, keyword spotting has been widely used in many voice interfaces such as Amazon's Alexa and Google Home. In order to recognize a set of keywords, most of the recent deep learning based approaches use a neural network trained with a large number of samples to identify certain pre-defined keywords. This restricts the system from recognizing new, user-defined keywords. Therefore, we first formulate this problem as a few-shot keyword spotting and approach it using metric learning. To enable this research, we also synthesize and publish a Few-shot Google Speech Commands dataset. We then propose a solution to the few-shot keyword spotting problem using temporal and dilated convolutions on prototypical networks. Our comparative experimental results demonstrate keyword spotting of new keywords using just a small number of samples.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Fine-grained Language Identification with Multilingual CapsNet Model

Due to a drastic improvement in the quality of internet services worldwide, there is an explosion of multilingual content generation and consumption. This is especially prevalent in countries with large multilingual audience, who are increasingly consuming media outside their linguistic familiarity/preference. Hence, there is an increasing need for real-time and fine-grained content analysis services, including language identification, content transcription, and analysis. Accurate and fine-grained spoken language detection is an essential first step for all the subsequent content analysis algorithms. Current techniques in spoken language detection may lack on one of these fronts: accuracy, fine-grained detection, data requirements, manual effort in data collection \& pre-processing. Hence in this work, a real-time language detection approach to detect spoken language from 5 seconds' audio clips with an accuracy of 91.8\% is presented with exiguous data requirements and minimal pre-processing. Novel architectures for Capsule Networks is proposed which operates on spectrogram images of the provided audio snippets. We use previous approaches based on Recurrent Neural Networks and iVectors to present the results. Finally we show a ``Non-Class'' analysis to further stress on why CapsNet architecture works for LID task.

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Audio And Speech Processing

FluentNet: End-to-End Detection of Speech Disfluency with Deep Learning

Strong presentation skills are valuable and sought-after in workplace and classroom environments alike. Of the possible improvements to vocal presentations, disfluencies and stutters in particular remain one of the most common and prominent factors of someone's demonstration. Millions of people are affected by stuttering and other speech disfluencies, with the majority of the world having experienced mild stutters while communicating under stressful conditions. While there has been much research in the field of automatic speech recognition and language models, there lacks the sufficient body of work when it comes to disfluency detection and recognition. To this end, we propose an end-to-end deep neural network, FluentNet, capable of detecting a number of different disfluency types. FluentNet consists of a Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual convolutional neural network which facilitate the learning of strong spectral frame-level representations, followed by a set of bidirectional long short-term memory layers that aid in learning effective temporal relationships. Lastly, FluentNet uses an attention mechanism to focus on the important parts of speech to obtain a better performance. We perform a number of different experiments, comparisons, and ablation studies to evaluate our model. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results by outperforming other solutions in the field on the publicly available UCLASS dataset. Additionally, we present LibriStutter: a disfluency dataset based on the public LibriSpeech dataset with synthesized stutters. We also evaluate FluentNet on this dataset, showing the strong performance of our model versus a number of benchmark techniques.

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Audio And Speech Processing

From Sound Representation to Model Robustness

In this paper, we investigate the impact of different standard environmental sound representations (spectrograms) on the recognition performance and adversarial attack robustness of a victim residual convolutional neural network. Averaged over various experiments on three benchmarking environmental sound datasets, we found the ResNet-18 model outperforms other deep learning architectures such as GoogLeNet and AlexNet both in terms of classification accuracy and the number of training parameters. Therefore we set this model as our front-end classifier for subsequent investigations. Herein, we measure the impact of different settings required for generating more informative mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), short-time Fourier transform (STFT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) representations on our front-end model. This measurement involves comparing the classification performance over the adversarial robustness. On the balance of average budgets allocated by adversary and the cost of attack, we demonstrate an inverse relationship between recognition accuracy and model robustness against six attack algorithms. Moreover, our experimental results show that while the ResNet-18 model trained on DWT spectrograms achieves the highest recognition accuracy, attacking this model is relatively more costly for the adversary compared to other 2D representations.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Fundamental Frequency Feature Normalization and Data Augmentation for Child Speech Recognition

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems for young children are needed due to the importance of age-appropriate educational technology. Because of the lack of publicly available young child speech data, feature extraction strategies such as feature normalization and data augmentation must be considered to successfully train child ASR systems. This study proposes a novel technique for child ASR using both feature normalization and data augmentation methods based on the relationship between formants and fundamental frequency ( f o ). Both the f o feature normalization and data augmentation techniques are implemented as a frequency shift in the Mel domain. These techniques are evaluated on a child read speech ASR task. Child ASR systems are trained by adapting a BLSTM-based acoustic model trained on adult speech. Using both f o normalization and data augmentation results in a relative word error rate (WER) improvement of 19.3% over the baseline when tested on the OGI Kids' Speech Corpus, and the resulting child ASR system achieves the best WER currently reported on this corpus.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Future Vector Enhanced LSTM Language Model for LVCSR

Language models (LM) play an important role in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR). However, traditional language models only predict next single word with given history, while the consecutive predictions on a sequence of words are usually demanded and useful in LVCSR. The mismatch between the single word prediction modeling in trained and the long term sequence prediction in read demands may lead to the performance degradation. In this paper, a novel enhanced long short-term memory (LSTM) LM using the future vector is proposed. In addition to the given history, the rest of the sequence will be also embedded by future vectors. This future vector can be incorporated with the LSTM LM, so it has the ability to model much longer term sequence level information. Experiments show that, the proposed new LSTM LM gets a better result on BLEU scores for long term sequence prediction. For the speech recognition rescoring, although the proposed LSTM LM obtains very slight gains, the new model seems obtain the great complementary with the conventional LSTM LM. Rescoring using both the new and conventional LSTM LMs can achieve a very large improvement on the word error rate.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Gated Recurrent Context: Softmax-free Attention for Online Encoder-Decoder Speech Recognition

Recently, attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) models have shown state-of-the-art performance in automatic speech recognition (ASR). As the original AED models with global attentions are not capable of online inference, various online attention schemes have been developed to reduce ASR latency for better user experience. However, a common limitation of the conventional softmax-based online attention approaches is that they introduce an additional hyperparameter related to the length of the attention window, requiring multiple trials of model training for tuning the hyperparameter. In order to deal with this problem, we propose a novel softmax-free attention method and its modified formulation for online attention, which does not need any additional hyperparameter at the training phase. Through a number of ASR experiments, we demonstrate the tradeoff between the latency and performance of the proposed online attention technique can be controlled by merely adjusting a threshold at the test phase. Furthermore, the proposed methods showed competitive performance to the conventional global and online attentions in terms of word-error-rates (WERs).

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Audio And Speech Processing

Gaussian Kernelized Self-Attention for Long Sequence Data and Its Application to CTC-based Speech Recognition

Self-attention (SA) based models have recently achieved significant performance improvements in hybrid and end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems owing to their flexible context modeling capability. However, it is also known that the accuracy degrades when applying SA to long sequence data. This is mainly due to the length mismatch between the inference and training data because the training data are usually divided into short segments for efficient training. To mitigate this mismatch, we propose a new architecture, which is a variant of the Gaussian kernel, which itself is a shift-invariant kernel. First, we mathematically demonstrate that self-attention with shared weight parameters for queries and keys is equivalent to a normalized kernel function. By replacing this kernel function with the proposed Gaussian kernel, the architecture becomes completely shift-invariant with the relative position information embedded using a frame indexing technique. The proposed Gaussian kernelized SA was applied to connectionist temporal classification (CTC) based ASR. An experimental evaluation with the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ) and TEDLIUM 3 benchmarks shows that the proposed SA achieves a significant improvement in accuracy (e.g., from 24.0% WER to 6.0% in CSJ) in long sequence data without any windowing techniques.

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