Featured Researches

Audio And Speech Processing

Learning Efficient Representations for Keyword Spotting with Triplet Loss

In the past few years, triplet loss-based metric embeddings have become a de-facto standard for several important computer vision problems, most no-tably, person reidentification. On the other hand, in the area of speech recognition the metric embeddings generated by the triplet loss are rarely used even for classification problems. We fill this gap showing that a combination of two representation learning techniques: a triplet loss-based embedding and a variant of kNN for classification instead of cross-entropy loss significantly (by 26% to 38%) improves the classification accuracy for convolutional networks on a LibriSpeech-derived LibriWords datasets. To do so, we propose a novel phonetic similarity based triplet mining approach. We also improve the current best published SOTA for Google Speech Commands dataset V1 10+2 -class classification by about 34%, achieving 98.55% accuracy, V2 10+2-class classification by about 20%, achieving 98.37% accuracy, and V2 35-class classification by over 50%, achieving 97.0% accuracy.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Learning Intonation Pattern Embeddings for Arabic Dialect Identification

This article presents a full end-to-end pipeline for Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI) using intonation patterns and acoustic representations. Recent approaches to language and dialect identification use linguistic-aware deep architectures that are able to capture phonetic differences amongst languages and dialects. Specifically, in ADI tasks, different combinations of linguistic features and acoustic representations have been successful with deep learning models. The approach presented in this article uses intonation patterns and hybrid residual and bidirectional LSTM networks to learn acoustic embeddings with no additional linguistic information. Results of the experiments show that intonation patterns for Arabic dialects provide sufficient information to achieve state-of-the-art results on the VarDial 17 ADI dataset, outperforming single-feature systems. The pipeline presented is robust to data sparsity, in contrast to other deep learning approaches that require large quantities of data. We conjecture on the importance of sufficient information as a criterion for optimality in a deep learning ADI task, and more generally, its application to acoustic modeling problems. Small intonation patterns, when sufficient in an information-theoretic sense, allow deep learning architectures to learn more accurate speech representations.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Learning Speech Representations from Raw Audio by Joint Audiovisual Self-Supervision

The intuitive interaction between the audio and visual modalities is valuable for cross-modal self-supervised learning. This concept has been demonstrated for generic audiovisual tasks like video action recognition and acoustic scene classification. However, self-supervision remains under-explored for audiovisual speech. We propose a method to learn self-supervised speech representations from the raw audio waveform. We train a raw audio encoder by combining audio-only self-supervision (by predicting informative audio attributes) with visual self-supervision (by generating talking faces from audio). The visual pretext task drives the audio representations to capture information related to lip movements. This enriches the audio encoder with visual information and the encoder can be used for evaluation without the visual modality. Our method attains competitive performance with respect to existing self-supervised audio features on established isolated word classification benchmarks, and significantly outperforms other methods at learning from fewer labels. Notably, our method also outperforms fully supervised training, thus providing a strong initialization for speech related tasks. Our results demonstrate the potential of multimodal self-supervision in audiovisual speech for learning good audio representations.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Learning to Denoise Historical Music

We propose an audio-to-audio neural network model that learns to denoise old music recordings. Our model internally converts its input into a time-frequency representation by means of a short-time Fourier transform (STFT), and processes the resulting complex spectrogram using a convolutional neural network. The network is trained with both reconstruction and adversarial objectives on a synthetic noisy music dataset, which is created by mixing clean music with real noise samples extracted from quiet segments of old recordings. We evaluate our method quantitatively on held-out test examples of the synthetic dataset, and qualitatively by human rating on samples of actual historical recordings. Our results show that the proposed method is effective in removing noise, while preserving the quality and details of the original music.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Length- and Noise-aware Training Techniques for Short-utterance Speaker Recognition

Speaker recognition performance has been greatly improved with the emergence of deep learning. Deep neural networks show the capacity to effectively deal with impacts of noise and reverberation, making them attractive to far-field speaker recognition systems. The x-vector framework is a popular choice for generating speaker embeddings in recent literature due to its robust training mechanism and excellent performance in various test sets. In this paper, we start with early work on including invariant representation learning (IRL) to the loss function and modify the approach with centroid alignment (CA) and length variability cost (LVC) techniques to further improve robustness in noisy, far-field applications. This work mainly focuses on improvements for short-duration test utterances (1-8s). We also present improved results on long-duration tasks. In addition, this work discusses a novel self-attention mechanism. On the VOiCES far-field corpus, the combination of the proposed techniques achieves relative improvements of 7.0% for extremely short and 8.2% for full-duration test utterances on equal error rate (EER) over our baseline system.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Leveraging End-to-End ASR for Endangered Language Documentation: An Empirical Study on Yoloxóchitl Mixtec

"Transcription bottlenecks", created by a shortage of effective human transcribers are one of the main challenges to endangered language (EL) documentation. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been suggested as a tool to overcome such bottlenecks. Following this suggestion, we investigated the effectiveness for EL documentation of end-to-end ASR, which unlike Hidden Markov Model ASR systems, eschews linguistic resources but is instead more dependent on large-data settings. We open source a Yoloxóchitl Mixtec EL corpus. First, we review our method in building an end-to-end ASR system in a way that would be reproducible by the ASR community. We then propose a novice transcription correction task and demonstrate how ASR systems and novice transcribers can work together to improve EL documentation. We believe this combinatory methodology would mitigate the transcription bottleneck and transcriber shortage that hinders EL documentation.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Lexical and syntactic gemination in Italian consonants -- Does a geminate Italian consonant consist of a repeated or a strengthened consonant?

Two types of consonant gemination characterize Italian: lexical and syntactic. Italian lexical gemination is contrastive, so that two words may differ by only one geminated consonant. In contrast, syntactic gemination occurs across word boundaries, and affects the initial consonant of a word in specific contexts, such as the presence of a monosyllabic morpheme before the word. This study investigates the acoustic correlates of Italian lexical and syntactic gemination, asking if the correlates for the two types are similar in the case of stop consonants. Results confirmed previous studies showing that duration is a prominent gemination cue, with a lengthened consonant closure and a shortened pre-consonant vowel for both types. Results also revealed the presence, in about 10-12% of instances, of a double stop-release burst, providing strong support for the biphonematic nature of Italian geminated stop consonants. Moreover, the timing of these bursts suggests a different planning process for lexical vs. syntactic geminates. The second burst, when present, is accommodated within the closure interval in syntactic geminates, while lexical geminates are lengthened by the extra burst. This suggests that syntactic gemination occurs during a post-lexical phase of production planning, after timing has already been established.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Libri-Adapt: A New Speech Dataset for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

This paper introduces a new dataset, Libri-Adapt, to support unsupervised domain adaptation research on speech recognition models. Built on top of the LibriSpeech corpus, Libri-Adapt contains English speech recorded on mobile and embedded-scale microphones, and spans 72 different domains that are representative of the challenging practical scenarios encountered by ASR models. More specifically, Libri-Adapt facilitates the study of domain shifts in ASR models caused by a) different acoustic environments, b) variations in speaker accents, c) heterogeneity in the hardware and platform software of the microphones, and d) a combination of the aforementioned three shifts. We also provide a number of baseline results quantifying the impact of these domain shifts on the Mozilla DeepSpeech2 ASR model.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Light Convolutional Neural Network with Feature Genuinization for Detection of Synthetic Speech Attacks

Modern text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) systems produce natural sounding speech that questions the security of automatic speaker verification (ASV). This makes detection of such synthetic speech very important to safeguard ASV systems from unauthorized access. Most of the existing spoofing countermeasures perform well when the nature of the attacks is made known to the system during training. However, their performance degrades in face of unseen nature of attacks. In comparison to the synthetic speech created by a wide range of TTS and VC methods, genuine speech has a more consistent distribution. We believe that the difference between the distribution of synthetic and genuine speech is an important discriminative feature between the two classes. In this regard, we propose a novel method referred to as feature genuinization that learns a transformer with convolutional neural network (CNN) using the characteristics of only genuine speech. We then use this genuinization transformer with a light CNN classifier. The ASVspoof 2019 logical access corpus is used to evaluate the proposed method. The studies show that the proposed feature genuinization based LCNN system outperforms other state-of-the-art spoofing countermeasures, depicting its effectiveness for detection of synthetic speech attacks.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Listener-Position and Orientation Dependency of Auditory Perception in an Enclosed Space: Elicitation of Salient Attributes

This paper presents a subjective study conducted on the perception of salient auditory attributes depending on the listener's position and head orientations in an enclosed space. Two elicitation experiments were carried out using the Repertory Grid Technique; in-situ and laboratory experiments aimed to identify perceptual attributes among ten different combinations of the listener's positions and head orientations in a concert hall. Results revealed that, between the in-situ and laboratory experiments, the listening positions and head orientations were clustered identically. Ten salient perceptual attributes were identified from the data obtained from the laboratory experiment. Whilst these included conventional attributes such as ASW (apparent source width) and LEV (listener envelopment), new attributes such as PRL (perceived reverb loudness), ARW (apparent reverb width) and Reverb Direction were identified, and they are hypothesised to be sub-attributes of LEV (listener envelopment). Timbral characteristics such as Reverb Brightness and Echo Brightness were also identified as salient attributes, which are considered to potentially contribute to the overall sound clarity.

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