Featured Researches

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Separation of variables via integral transformations

For a system of linear partial differential equations (LPDEs) we introduce an operator equation for auxiliary operators. These operators are used to construct a kernel of an integral transformation leading the LPDE to the separation of variables (SoV). The auxiliary operators are found for various types of the SoV including conventional SoV in the scalar second order LPDE and the SoV by the functional Bethe anzatz. The operators are shown to relate to separable variables. This approach is similar to the position-momentum transformation to action angle coordinates in the classical mechanics. General statements are illustrated by some examples.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Singular sector of the KP hierarchy, ∂ ¯ -operators of non-zero index and associated integrable systems

Integrable hierarchies associated with the singular sector of the KP hierarchy, or equivalently, with $\dbar$-operators of non-zero index are studied. They arise as the restriction of the standard KP hierarchy to submanifols of finite codimension in the space of independent variables. For higher $\dbar$-index these hierarchies represent themselves families of multidimensional equations with multidimensional constraints. The $\dbar$-dressing method is used to construct these hierarchies. Hidden KdV, Boussinesq and hidden Gelfand-Dikii hierarchies are considered too.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Singular solution of the Liouville equation under perturbation

Small perturbation of the Liouville equation under singular initial data is considered. An asymptotics of the singular solution is constructed by the method which is similar to Bogolubov -- Krylov one. The main object is an asymptotics of the singular lines.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Singularity analysis towards nonintegrability of nonhomogeneous nonlinear lattices

We show non-integrability of the nonlinear lattice of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam type via the singularity analysis(Picard-Vessiot theory) of normal variational equations of Lamé type.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Singularity confinement and algebraic entropy: the case of the discrete Painlevé equations

We examine the validity of the results obtained with the singularity confinement integrability criterion in the case of discrete Painlevé equations. The method used is based on the requirement of non-exponential growth of the homogeneous degree of the iterate of the mapping. We show that when we start from an integrable autonomous mapping and deautonomise it using singularity confinement the degrees of growth of the nonautonomous mapping and of the autonomous one are identical. Thus this low-growth based approach is compatible with the integrability of the results obtained through singularity confinement. The origin of the singularity confinement property and its necessary character for integrability are also analysed.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Soliton Cellular Automata Associated With Crystal Bases

We introduce a class of cellular automata associated with crystals of irreducible finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras U'_q(\hat{\geh}_n). They have solitons labeled by crystals of the smaller algebra U'_q(\hat{\geh}_{n-1}). We prove stable propagation of one soliton for \hat{\geh}_n = A^{(2)}_{2n-1}, A^{(2)}_{2n}, B^{(1)}_n, C^{(1)}_n, D^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1}. For \gh_n = C^{(1)}_n, we also prove that the scattering matrices of two solitons coincide with the combinatorial R matrices of U'_q(C^{(1)}_{n-1})-crystals.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Soliton Collisions in the Ion Acoustic Plasma Equations

Numerical experiments involving the interaction of two solitary waves of the ion acoustic plasma equations are described. An exact 2-soliton solution of the relevant KdV equation was fitted to the initial data, and good agreement was maintained throughout the entire interaction. The data demonstrates that the soliton interactions are virtually elastic

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Soliton solutions, Liouville integrability and gauge equivalence of Sasa Satsuma equation

Exact integrability of the Sasa Satsuma eqation (SSE) in the Liouville sense is established by showing the existence of an infinite set of conservation laws. The explicit form of the conserved quantities in term of the fields are obtained by solving the Riccati equation for the associated 3x3 Lax operator. The soliton solutions in particular, one and two soliton solutions, are constructed by the Hirota's bilinear method. The one soliton solutions is also compared with that found through the inverse scattering method. The gauge equivalence of the SSE with a generalized Landau Lifshitz equation is established with the explicit construction o

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