Featured Researches

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Symmetries of Discrete Dynamical Systems Involving Two Species

The Lie point symmetries of a coupled system of two nonlinear differential-difference equations are investigated. It is shown that in special cases the symmetry group can be infinite dimensional, in other cases up to 10 dimensional. The equations can describe the interaction of two long molecular chains, each involving one type of atoms.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Systems of PDEs obtained from factorization in loop groups

We propose a generalization of a Drinfeld-Sokolov scheme of attaching integrable systems of PDEs to affine Kac-Moody algebras. With every affine Kac-Moody algebra ≫ and a parabolic subalgebra $\gp$, we associate two hierarchies of PDEs. One, called positive, is a generalization of the KdV hierarchy, the other, called negative, generalizes the Toda hierarchy. We prove a coordinatization theorem, which establishes that the number of functions needed to express all PDEs of the the total hierarchy equals the rank of ≫ . The choice of functions, however, is shown to depend in a noncanonical way on $\gp$. We employ a version of the Birkhoff decomposition and a ``2-loop'' formulation which allows us to incorporate geometrically meaningful solutions to those hierarchies. We illustrate our formalism for positive hierarchies with a generalization of the Boussinesq system and for the negative hierarchies with the stationary Bogoyavlenskii equation.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Tau-function for discrete sine-Gordon equation and quantum R-matrix

We prove that the tau-function of the integrable discrete sine-Gordon model apart from the "standard" bilinar identities obeys a number of "non-standard" ones. They can be combined into a bivector 3-dimensional difference equation which is shown to contain Hirota's difference analogue of the sine-Gordon equation and both auxiliary linear problems for it. We observe that this equation is most naturally written in terms of the quantum R-matrix for the XXZ spin chain and looks then like a relation of the "vertex-face correspondence" type.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Temperature correlators in the two-component one-dimensional gas

The quantum nonrelativistic two-component Bose and Fermi gases with the infinitely strong point-like coupling between particles in one space dimension are considered. Time and temperature dependent correlation functions are represented in the thermodynamic limit as Fredholm determinants of integrable linear integral operators.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Camassa-Holm Equation: A Loop Group Approach

A map is presented that associates with each element of a loop group a solution of an equation related by a simple change of coordinates to the Camassa-Holm (CH) Equation. Certain simple automorphisms of the loop group give rise to Backlund transformations of the equation. These are used to find 2-soliton solutions of the CH equation, as well as some novel singular solutions.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Camassa-Holm Equation: Conserved Quantities and the Initial Value Problem

Using a Miura-Gardner-Kruskal type construction, we show that the Camassa-Holm equation has an infinite number of local conserved quantities. We explore the implications of these conserved quantities for global well-posedness.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Cole-Hopf and Miura transformations revisited

An elementary yet remarkable similarity between the Cole-Hopf transformation relating the Burgers and heat equation and Miura's transformation connecting the KdV and mKdV equations is studied in detail.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Complex Bateman Equation

The general solution to the Complex Bateman equation is constructed. It is given in implicit form in terms of a functional relationship for the unknown function. The known solution of the usual Bateman equation is recovered as a special case.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Complex Bateman Equation in a space of arbitrary dimension

A general solution to the Complex Bateman equation in a space of arbitrary dimensions is constructed.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The Constrained MKP Hierarchy and the Generalized Kupershmidt-Wilson Theorem

The constrained Modified KP hierarchy is considered from the viewpoint of modification. It is shown that its second Poisson bracket, which has a rather complicated form, is associated to a vastly simpler bracket via Miura-type map. The similar results are established for a natural reduction of MKP.

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