Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Holographic study of entanglement and complexity for mixed states

In this paper, we holographically quantify the entanglement and complexity for mixed states by following the prescription of purification. The bulk theory we consider in this work is a hyperscaling violating solution, characterized by two parameters, hyperscaling violating exponentθand dynamical exponentz. This geometry is dual to a non-relativistic strongly coupled theory with hidden Fermi surfaces. We first compute the holographic analogy of entanglement of purification (EoP), denoted as the minimal area of the entanglement wedge cross section and observe the effects ofzandθ. Then in order to probe the mixed state complexity we compute the mutual complexity for the BTZ black hole and the hyperscaling violating geometry by incorporating the holographic subregion complexity conjecture. We carry this out for two disjoint subsystems separated by a distance and also when the subsystems are adjacent with subsystems making up the full system. Furthermore, various aspects of holographic entanglement entropy such as entanglement Smarr relation, Fisher information metric and the butterfly velocity has also been discussed.

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High Energy Physics Theory

How to Make Traversable Wormholes: Eternal AdS4Wormholes from Coupled CFT's

We construct an eternal traversable wormhole connecting two asymptoticallyAdS4regions. The wormhole is dual to the ground state of a system of two identical holographic CFT's coupled via a single low-dimension operator. The coupling between the two CFT's leads to negative null energy in the bulk, which supports a static traversable wormhole. As the ground state of a simple Hamiltonian, it may be possible to make these wormholes in the lab or on a quantum computer.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Hydrodynamic fluctuations and long-time tails in a fluid on an anisotropic background

The effective low-energy late-time description of many body systems near thermal equilibrium provided by classical hydrodynamics in terms of dissipative transport phenomena receives important corrections once the effects of stochastic fluctuations are taken into account. One such physical effect is the occurrence of long-time power law tails in correlation functions of conserved currents. In the hydrodynamic regimek????this amounts to non-analytic dependence of the correlation functions on the frequency?. In this article, we consider a relativistic fluid with a conserved globalU(1)charge in the presence of a strong background magnetic field, and compute the long-time tails in correlation functions of the stress tensor. The presence of the magnetic field renders the system anisotropic. In the absence of the magnetic field, there are three out-of-equilibrium transport parameters that arise at the first order in the hydrodynamic derivative expansion, all of which are dissipative. In the presence of a background magnetic field, there are ten independent out-of-equilibrium transport parameters at the first order, three of which are non-dissipative and the rest are dissipative. We provide the most general linearized equations about a given state of thermal equilibrium involving the various transport parameters in the presence of a magnetic field, and use them to compute the long-time tails for the fluid.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Hydrodynamic magneto-transport in charge density wave states

In this paper we study the dynamical properties of charged systems immersed in an external magnetic field and perturbed by a set of scalar operators breaking translations either spontaneously or pseudo-spontaneously. By combining hydrodynamic and quantum field theory arguments we provide analytic expressions for all the hydrodynamic transport coefficients relevant for the diffusive regime in terms of thermodynamic quantities and DC thermo-electric conductivities. This includes the momentum dissipation rate. We shed light on the role of the momentum dissipation rate in the transition between the pseudo-spontaneous and the purely explicit regimes in this class of systems. Finally, we clarify several relations between the hydrodynamic transport coefficients which have been observed in the holographic literature of charge density wave models.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Hydrodynamics of spin currents

We study relativistic hydrodynamics in the presence of a non vanishing spin chemical potential. Using a variety of techniques we carry out an exhaustive analysis, and identify the constitutive relations for the stress tensor and spin current in such a setup, allowing us to write the hydrodynamic equations of motion to second order in derivatives. We then solve the equations of motion in a perturbative setup and find surprisingly good agreement with measurements of global?-hyperon polarization carried out at RHIC.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Hyperbolic Three-String Vertex

We begin developing tools to compute off-shell string amplitudes with the recently proposed hyperbolic string vertices of Costello and Zwiebach. Exploiting the relation between a boundary value problem for Liouville's equation and a monodromy problem for a Fuchsian equation, we construct the local coordinates around the punctures for the generalized hyperbolic three-string vertex and investigate their various limits. This vertex corresponds to the general pants diagram with three boundary geodesics of unequal lengths. We derive the conservation laws associated with such vertex and perform sample computations. We note the relevance of our construction to the calculations of the higher-order string vertices using the pants decomposition of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Hypergraph States in SU(N)1, N odd prime, Chern-Simons Theory

Graph states and hypergraph states can be constructed from products of basic operations that appear in SU(N)1. The level-rank dual of a theorem of Salton, Swingle, and Walter implies that these operations can be prepared topologically in the n-torus Hilbert space of Chern-Simons theory for N neq 5 mod 4. For SU(N)1, N = 5 mod 4, only stabilizer states can be prepared on the n-torus Hilbert space, which restricts the construction to graph states.

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High Energy Physics Theory


We study stable circular orbits in spherically symmetric AdS black holes in various dimensions and their limiting innermost stable circular orbits (ISCOs). We provide analytic expressions for their size, angular velocity and angular momentum in a large black hole mass regime. The dual interpretation is in terms of meta-stable states not thermalising in typical thermal scales and whose existence is due to non-perturbative effects on the spatial curvature. Our calculations reproduce the binding energy known in the literature, but also include a binding energy in the radial fluctuations corresponding to near circular trajectories. We also describe how particles are placed on these orbits from integrated operators on the boundary: they tunnel inside in a way that can be computed from both complex geodesics in the black hole background and from the WKB approximation of the wave equation. We explain how these two computations are related.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Incoherent hydrodynamics of density waves in magnetic fields

We use holography to derive effective theories of fluctuations in spontaneously broken phases of systems with finite temperature, chemical potential, magnetic field and momentum relaxation in which the order parameters break translations. We analytically construct the hydrodynamic modes corresponding to the coupled thermoelectric and density wave fluctuations and all of them turn out to be purely diffusive for our system. Upon introducing pinning for the density waves, some of these modes acquire not only a gap, but also a finite resonance due to the magnetic field. Finally, we study the optical properties and perform numerical checks of our analytical results. A crucial byproduct of our analysis is the identification of the correct current which describes the transport of heat in our system.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Inflation, Gravity Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking, and de Sitter Vacua in Supergravity with a Kähler-Invariant FI Term

We use a new mechanism for generating a Fayet-Iliopoulos term in supergravity, which is not associated to an R symmetry, to construct a semi-realistic theory of slow-roll inflation for a theory with the same Kähler potential and superpotential as the KKLT string background (without anti-D3 branes). In our model, supersymmetry must be broken at a high scale in a hidden sector to ensure that the cutoff of the effective field theory is above the Hubble scale of inflation. The gravitino has a super-EeV mass and supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the observable sector through gravity mediation. Some mass scales of the supersymmetry-breaking soft terms in the observable sector can be parametrically smaller than the SUSY breaking scale. If a string realization of the new FI term were found, our model could be the basis for a low energy effective supergravity description of realistic superstring models of inflation.

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