Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Infrared Effects in the Late Stages of Black Hole Evaporation

As a black hole evaporates, each outgoing Hawking quantum carries away some of the black holes asymptotic charges associated with the extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. These include the Poincaré charges of energy, linear momentum, intrinsic angular momentum, and orbital angular momentum or center-of-mass charge, as well as extensions of these quantities associated with supertranslations and super-Lorentz transformations, namely supermomentum, superspin and super center-of-mass charges (also known as soft hair). Since each emitted quantum has fluctuations that are of order unity, fluctuations in the black hole's charges grow over the course of the evaporation. We estimate the scale of these fluctuations using a simple model. The results are, in Planck units: (i) The black hole position has a uncertainty of??M2iat late times, whereMiis the initial mass (previously found by Page). (ii) The black hole massMhas an uncertainty of order the massMitself at the epoch whenM??M2/3i, well before the Planck scale is reached. Correspondingly, the time at which the evaporation ends has an uncertainty of order??M2i. (iii) The supermomentum and superspin charges are not independent but are determined from the Poincare charges and the super center-of-mass charges. (iv) The supertranslation that characterizes the super center-of-mass charges has fluctuations at multipole orderslof order unity that that are of order unity in Planck units. At largel, there is a power law spectrum of fluctuations that extends up tol??M2i/M, beyond which the fluctuations fall off exponentially, with corresponding total rms shear tensor fluctuations??MiM??/2.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Inquiring electromagnetic quantum fluctuations about the orientability of space

Orientability is an important topological property of spacetime manifolds. It is generally assumed that a test for spatial orientability requires a journey across the whole 3-space to check for orientation-reversing paths. Since such a global expedition is not feasible, theoretical arguments that combine universality of physical experiments with local arrow of time, CP violation and CPT invariance are offered to support the choosing of time- and space-orientable spacetime manifolds. We show that it is possible to access spatial orientability of Minkowski spacetime through local physical effects involving quantum electromagnetic fluctuations. To this end, we study the motions of a charged particle and an electric dipole under these fluctuations in Minkowski spacetime with orientable and non-orientable spatial topologies. We derive expressions for an orientability indicator for both point-like particles in two spatially flat topologies. For the particle, we show that it is possible to distinguish the orientable from the non-orientable topology by contrasting the evolution of the indicators. This shows that it is possible to access orientability through electromagnetic quantum fluctuations.The answer to the question on how to locally probe the orientability of Minkowski 3-space intrinsically arises in the study of the dipole's motions. We find that a characteristic inversion pattern exhibited by the dipole indicator curves is a signature of non-orientability. This result makes it clear that it is possible to locally unveil spatial non-orientability by the inversion pattern of orientability indicator curves of an electric dipole under electromagnetic fluctuations. Our findings open the way to a conceivable experiment involving quantum electromagnetic fluctuations to locally probe the spatial orientability on the microscopic scale of Minkowski spacetime.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Inside the Hologram: Reconstructing the bulk observer's experience

We develop a holographic framework for describing the experience of bulk observers in AdS/CFT, that allows us to compute the proper time and energy distribution measured along any bulk worldline. Our method is formulated directly in the CFT language and is universal: It does not require knowledge of the bulk geometry as an input. When used to propagate operators along the worldline of an observer falling into an eternal black hole, our proposal resolves a conceptual puzzle raised by Marolf and Wall. Notably, the prescription does not rely on an external dynamical Hamiltonian or the AdS boundary conditions and is, therefore, outlining a general framework for the emergence of time.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Instability of cosmic Yang-Mills fields

There exists a small family of analytic SO(4)-invariant but time-dependent SU(2) Yang-Mills solutions in any conformally flat four-dimensional spacetime. These might play a role in early-universe cosmology for stabilizing the symmetric Higgs vacuum. We analyze the linear stability of these "cosmic gauge fields" against general perturbations, by diagonalizing the (time-dependent) fluctuation operator around them and applying Floquet theory to its eigenfrequencies and normal modes. Except for the exactly solvable SO(4) singlet perturbation, which is found to be marginally stable linearly but bounded nonlinearly, generic normal modes often grow exponentially due to resonance effects. Even at very high energies, all cosmic Yang-Mills backgrounds are rendered linearly unstable.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Instantons to the people: the power of one-form symmetries

We show that the non-perturbative dynamics ofN=2super Yang-Mills theories in a self-dualΩ-background and with an arbitrary simple gauge group is fully determined by studying renormalization group equations of vevs of surface operators generating one-form symmetries. The corresponding system of equations is a {\it non-autonomous} Toda chain, the time being the RG scale. We obtain new recurrence relations which provide a systematic algorithm computing multi-instanton corrections from the tree-level one-loop prepotential as the asymptotic boundary condition of the RGE. We exemplify by computing theE6andG2cases up to two-instantons.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Integrability, intertwiners and non-linear algebras in Calogero models

For the rational quantum Calogero systems of typeA1??A2,AD3andBC3, we explicitly present complete sets of independent conserved charges and their nonlinear algebras. Using intertwining (or shift) operators, we include the extra `odd' charges appearing for integral couplings. Formulae for the energy eigenstates are used to tabulate the low-level wave functions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Integrable Models and Supersymmetry Breaking

We elaborate on integrable dynamical systems from scalar-gravity Lagrangians that include the leading dilaton tadpole potentials of broken supersymmetry. In the static Dudas-Mourad compactifications from ten to nine dimensions, which rest on these leading potentials, the string coupling and the space-time curvature become unbounded in some regions of the internal space. On the other hand, the string coupling remains bounded in several corresponding solutions of these integrable models. One can thus identify corrected potential shapes that could grant these features generically when supersymmetry is absent or non-linearly realized. On the other hand, large scalar curvatures remain present in all our examples. However, as in other contexts, the combined effects of the higher-derivative corrections of String Theory could tame them.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Integrable bootstrap for AdS3/CFT2 correlation functions

We propose an integrable bootstrap framework for the computation of correlation functions for superstrings inAdS3?S3?T4backgrounds supported by an arbitrary mixture or Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz fluxes. The framework extends the "hexagon tessellation" approach which was originally proposed forAdS5?S5and for the first time it demonstrates its applicability to other (less supersymmetric) setups. We work out the hexagon form factor for two-particle states, including its dressing factors which follow from those of the spectral problem, and we show that it satisfies non-trivial consistency conditions. We propose a bootstrap principle, slightly different from that ofAdS5?S5, which allows to extend the form factor to arbitrarily many particles. Finally, we compare its predictions with some correlation functions of protected operators. Possible applications of this construction include the study of wrapping corrections, of higher-point correlation functions, and of non-planar corrections.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Interacting Thermofield Doubles and Critical Behavior in Random Regular Graphs

We discuss numerically the non-perturbative effects in exponential random graphs which are analogue of eigenvalue instantons in matrix models. The phase structure of exponential random graphs with chemical potential for 4-cycles and degree preserving constraint is clarified. The first order phase transition at critical value of chemical potential for 4-cycles into bipartite phase with a formation of fixed number of bipartite clusters is found for ensemble of random regular graphs (RRG). We consider the similar phase transition in combinatorial quantum gravity based of the Ollivier graph curvature for RRG supplemented with hard-core constraint and show that a order of a phase transition and the structure of emerging phase depend on a vertex degree d in RRG. For d = 3 the bipartite closed ribbon emerges at bipartite phase while for d > 3 the ensemble of isolated or weakly interacting hypercubes supplemented with the bipartite closed ribbon gets emerged at the first order phase transition with a clear-cut hysteresis. If the additional connectedness condition is imposed the bipartite phase gets identified as the closed chain of weakly coupled hypercubes. Since the ground state of isolated hypercube is the thermofield double (TFD) we suggest that the dual holographic picture involves multiboundary wormholes. Treating RRG as a model of a Hilbert space for a interacting many-body system we discuss the patterns of the Hilbert space fragmentation at the phase transition. We also briefly comment on a possible relation of the found phase transition to the problem of holographic interpretation of a partial deconfinement transition in the gauge theories.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Internal structure of cuscuton Bloch brane

This work deals with thick branes in bulk with a single extra dimension modeled by a two-field configuration. We first consider the inclusion of the cuscuton to also control the dynamics of one of the fields and investigate how it contributes to change the internal structure of the configuration in three distinct situations, with the standard, the modified and the asymmetric Bloch brane. The results show that the branes get a rich internal structure, with the geometry presenting a novel behavior which is also governed by the parameter that controls the strength of the cuscuton term. We also study the case where the dynamics of one of the two fields is only described by the cuscuton. All the models support analytical solutions which are stable against fluctuations in the metric, and the main results unveil significant modifications in the warp factor and energy density of the branes.

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