Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

The Schwarzian sector of higher spin CFTs

Two-dimensional conformal field theories with Virasoro symmetry generically contain a Schwarzian sector. This sector is related to the near-horizon region of the near-extremal BTZ black hole in the holographic dual. In this work we generalize this picture to CFTs with higher spin conserved currents. It is shown that the partition function in the near-extremal limit agrees with that of BF higher spin gravity in AdS2which is described by a generalized Schwarzian theory. We also provide a spectral decomposition of Schwarzian partition functions via theWNfusion kernel and consider supersymmetric generalizations.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The associahedron as a holographic entanglement polytope

By employing theAdS3/CFT2correspondence in this note we observe an analogy between the structures found in connection with the Arkani-Hamed-Bai-He-Yan (ABHY) associahedron used for understanding scattering amplitudes, and the one used for understanding space-time emerging from patterns of entanglement. The analogy suggests the natural interpretation for the associahedron as a holographic entanglement polytope associated to theCFT2vacuum. Our observations hint at the possibility that the factorization properties of scattering amplitudes are connected to the notion of separability of space-time as used in the theory of holographic quantum entanglement.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The damped harmonic oscillator at the classical limit of the Snyder-de Sitter space

Valtancoli in his paper entitled [P. Valtancoli, Canonical transformations, and minimal length J. Math. Phys. 56, 122107 (2015)] has shown how the deformation of the canonical transformations can be made compatible with the deformed Poisson brackets. Based on this work and through an appropriate canonical transformation, we solve the problem of one dimensional (1D) damped harmonic oscillator at the classical limit of the Snyder-de Sitter (SdS) space. We show that the equations of the motion can be described by trigonometric functions with frequency and period depending on the deformed and the damped parameters. We eventually discuss the influences of these parameters on the motion of the system.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The four-point function of determinant operators inN=4SYM

We calculate the four-point function of1/2-BPS determinant operators inN=4SYM at next-to-leading order at weak coupling. We use two complementary methods recently developed for a class of determinant three-point functions: one is based on Feynman diagrams and it extracts perturbative data at finiteN, while the other one expresses a generic correlator of determinants as the zero-dimensional integral over an auxiliary matrix field. We generalise the latter approach to calculate one-loop corrections and we solve the four-point function in a semi-classical approach at largeN. The results allow to comment on the order of the phase transition that the four-point function is expected to exhibit in an exact integrability-based description.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The higher-algebraic skeleton of the superstring -- a case study

A novel Lie-superalgebraic description of the superstring in the super-Minkowskian background is extracted from the Cartan-Eilenberg super-1-gerbe geometrising the higher gauge field (the Green-Schwarz super-3-cocycle) that couples to the supercharge carried by the superstring. The description assumes the form of a hierarchy of Lie superalgebras integrable to a hierarchy of Lie supergroups and provides a manifestly supersymmetric model of a family of supermanifolds defining a trivialisation of the super-1-gerbe over the embedded superstring worldsheet. The trivialisation, obtained in a purely topological formulation of the superstring dynamics dual to the standard Nambu-Goto-type one, conforms with the gerbe-theoretic representation of extended sources of higher gauge fields known from previous studies of the?-model of the bosonic string.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The massless irreducible representation in E theory and how bosons can appear as spinors

We study in detail the irreducible representation of E theory that corresponds to massless particles. This has little algebra Ic(E9) and contains 128 physical states that belong to the spinor representation of SO(16). These are the degrees of freedom of maximal supergravity in eleven dimensions. This smaller number of the degrees of freedom, compared to what might be expected, is due to an infinite number of duality relations which in turn can be traced to the existence of a subaglebra of Ic(E9) which forms an ideal and annihilates the representation. We explain how these features are inherited into the covariant theory. We also comment on the remarkable similarity between how the bosons and fermions arise in E theory.

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High Energy Physics Theory

The relation between instant and light-front formulations of quantum field theory

The scattering equivalence of quantum field theories formulated with light-front and instant-form kinematic subgroups is established using non-perturbative methods. The difficulty with field theoretic formulations of Dirac's forms of dynamics is that the free and interacting unitary representations of the Poincaré group are defined on inequivalent representations of the Hilbert space, which means that the concept of kinematic transformations must be modified on the Hilbert space of the field theory. This work addresses this problem by assuming the existence of a field theory with the expected properties and constructs equivalent representations with instant and front form kinematic subgroups. In this construction both the light-front and instant-form formulations share the same vacuum and one-particle states. The free field Fock space plays no role. There is no "quantization" of a classical theory. The property that survives from the perturbative approach is the notion of a kinematic subgroup, which means kinematic Poincaré transformations can be trivially implemented by acting on suitable basis vectors. This non-perturbative approach avoids dealing with issues that arise in perturbative treatments where is it necessary to have a consistent treatment of renormalization, rotational covariance, and the structure of the light-front vacuum. While addressing these issues in a computational framework is important for applications, this work may provide some insight into the nature of the expected resolution and identifies the origin of some of differences between the perturbative and non-perturbative approaches.

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High Energy Physics Theory

TheCPn−1-model with fermions: a new look

We elaborate the formulation of theCPn−1sigma model with fermions as a gauged Gross-Neveu model. This approach allows to identify the super phase space of the model as a supersymplectic quotient. Potential chiral gauge anomalies are shown to receive contributions from bosons and fermions alike and are related to properties of this phase space. Along the way we demonstrate that the worldsheet supersymmetric model is a supersymplectic quotient of a model with target space supersymmetry. Possible generalizations to other quiver supervarieties are briefly discussed.

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High Energy Physics Theory

TheSL(2,R)Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten spin-chain?-model

TheSL(2,R)Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model realises bosonic-string theory inAdS3with pure Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz flux. We construct an effective action in the semi-classical limit of the model, which corresponds to aSL(2,R)spin-chain?-model. We adopt two complementary points of view. Firstly, we consider the classical action. We identify fast and slow target-space coordinates. We impose a gauge-fixing condition to the former. By expanding the gauge-fixed action in an effective coupling, we obtain the effective action for the slow coordinates. Secondly, we consider the spin chain of the model. We postulate a set of coherent states to express a transition amplitude in the spin chain as a path integral. We observe that the temporal interval is discretised in terms of the step length of the spatial interval. This relationship implies that the Landau-Lifshitz limit of the spin chain involves both intervals. The limit yields a semi-classical path integral over coherent states, wherein we identify the effective action again.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Thermal extension of the screened massive expansion in the Landau gauge

The massive screened expansion for pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is extended to finite temperature in the Landau gauge. All thermal integrals are evaluated analytically up to an external one-dimensional integration, yielding explicit integral representations of analytic functions which can be continued to the whole complex plane. The gluon propagator is first explored in the Euclidean space by making use of parameters obtained from first principles, which were already found to accurately reproduce the lattice data at zero temperature. Within such a scheme, the agreement with the lattice atT??turns out to be only qualitative. The description improves provided that the parameters are tuned in a temperature-dependent way by a fit to the data, carried out separately for each component of the propagator; in particular, the transverse component closely follows the lattice data, while the agreement of the longitudinal component with the data is poor at small momenta and moderately high temperatures. The dispersion relations of the quasi-gluon are then extracted from the pole trajectory in the complex plane using the fitted parameters. A crossover is found for the mass, suppressed by temperature like an order parameter in the confined phase, while increasing like an ordinary thermal mass in the deconfined phase.

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