Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Schwinger-Keldysh path integral for the quantum harmonic oscillator

I review the generating function for quantum-statistical mechanics, known as the Feynman-Vernon influence functional, the decoherence functional, or the Schwinger-Keldysh path integral. I describe a probability-conservingiεprescription from a path-integral implementation of Lindblad evolution. I also explain how to generalize the formalism to accommodate out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs), leading to a Larkin-Ovchinnikov path integral. My goal is to provide step-by-step calculations of path integrals associated to the harmonic oscillator.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Self-dual models inD=2+1from dimensional reduction

Here we perform a Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction of Vasiliev's first-order description of massless spin-s particles fromD=3+1toD=2+1and derive first-order self-dual models describing particles with helicities±sfor the casess=1,2,3. In the first two cases we recover known (parity singlets) self-dual models. In the spin-3 case we derive a new first order self-dual model with a local Weyl symmetry which lifts the traceless restriction on the rank-3 tensor. A gauge fixed version of this model corresponds to a known spin-3 self-dual model. We conjecture that our procedure can be generalized to arbitrary integer spins.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Semi-Abelian gauge theories, non-invertible symmetries, and string tensions beyondN-ality

We study a 3d lattice gauge theory with gauge groupU(1)N????SN, which is obtained by gauging theSNglobal symmetry of a pureU(1)N??gauge theory, and we call it the semi-Abelian gauge theory. We compute mass gaps and string tensions for both theories using the monopole-gas description. We find that the effective potential receives equal contributions at leading order from monopoles associated with the entireSU(N)root system. Even though the center symmetry of the semi-Abelian gauge theory is given byZN, we observe that the string tensions do not obey theN-ality rule and carry more detailed information on the representations of the gauge group. We find that this refinement is due to the presence of non-invertible topological lines as a remnant ofU(1)N??one-form symmetry in the original Abelian lattice theory. Upon adding charged particles corresponding toW-bosons, such non-invertible symmetries are explicitly broken so that theN-ality rule should emerge in the deep infrared regime.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Separability in Consistent Truncations

The separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation has a well-known connection to the existence of Killing vectors and rank-two Killing tensors. This paper combines this connection with the detailed knowledge of the compactification metrics of consistent truncations on spheres. The fact that both the inverse metric of such compactifications, as well as the rank-two Killing tensors can be written in terms of bilinears of Killing vectors on the underlying "round metric," enables us to perform a detailed analyses of the separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for consistent truncations. We introduce the idea of a separating isometry and show that when a consistent truncation, without reduction gauge vectors, has such an isometry, then the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is always separable. When gauge vectors are present, the gauge group is required to be an abelian subgroup of the separating isometry to not impede separability. We classify the separating isometries for consistent truncations on spheres,Sn, forn=2,??7, and exhibit all the corresponding Killing tensors. These results may be of practical use in both identifying when supergravity solutions belong to consistent truncations and generating separable solutions amenable to scalar probe calculations. Finally, while our primary focus is the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, we also make some remarks about separability of the wave equation.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Sharp Boundaries for the Swampland

We reconsider the problem of bounding higher derivative couplings in consistent weakly coupled gravitational theories, starting from general assumptions about analyticity and Regge growth of the S-matrix. Higher derivative couplings are expected to be of order one in the units of the UV cutoff. Our approach justifies this expectation and allows to prove precise bounds on the order one coefficients. Our main tool are dispersive sum rules for the S-matrix. We overcome the difficulties presented by the graviton pole by measuring couplings at small impact parameter, rather than in the forward limit. We illustrate the method in theories containing a massless scalar coupled to gravity, and in theories with maximal supersymmetry.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Size and momentum of an infalling particle in the black hole interior

The future interior of black holes in AdS/CFT can be described in terms of a quantum circuit. We investigate boundary quantities detecting properties of this quantum circuit. We discuss relations between operator size, quantum complexity, and the momentum of an infalling particle in the black hole interior. We argue that the trajectory of the infalling particle in the interior close to the horizon is related to the growth of operator size. The notion of size here differs slightly from the size which has previously been related to momentum of exterior particles and provides an interesting generalization. The fact that both exterior and interior momentum are related to operator size growth is a manifestation of complementarity.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Small Flux Superpotentials for Type IIB Flux Vacua Close to a Conifold

We generalize the recently proposed mechanism by Demirtas, Kim, McAllister and Moritz arXiv:1912.10047 for the explicit construction of type IIB flux vacua with|W0|≪1to the region close to the conifold locus in the complex structure moduli space. For that purpose tools are developed to determine the periods and the resulting prepotential close to such a codimension one locus with all the remaining moduli still in the large complex structure regime. As a proof of principle we present a working example for the Calabi-Yau manifoldP1,1,2,8,12[24].

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High Energy Physics Theory

Soft Photon theorem in the small negative cosmological constant limit

We study the effect of electromagnetic interactions on the classical soft theorems on an asymptotically AdS background in 4 spacetime dimensions, in the limit of a small cosmological constant or equivalently a large AdS radiusl. This identifies1/l2perturbative corrections to the known asymptotically flat spacetime leading and subleading soft factors. Our analysis is only valid to leading order in1/l2. The leading soft factor can be expected to be universal and holds beyond tree level. This allows us to derive a1/l2corrected Ward identity, following the known equivalence between large gauge Ward identities and soft theorems in asymptotically flat spacetimes.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Some comments about emission channels of non abelian vortices

As is well established, several gauge theories admit vortices whose mean life time is very large. In some cases, this stability is a consequence of the topology of the symmetry group of the underlying theory. The main focus of the present work is, given a putative vortex, to determine if it is non abelian or not by analysis of its physical effects. The example considered here is the simplest one namely, aSU(2)gauge model whose internal orientational space is described byS2. Axion and gravitational emission are mainly considered. It is found that the non abelian property is basically reflected in a deviation of gravitational loop factorγlfound in \cite{vachaspati}-\cite{burden}. The axion emission instead, is not very sensitive to non abelianity, at least for this simple model. Another important discrepancy is that no point of the vortex reaches the speed of light when orientational modes are excited. In addition, the total power corresponding to each of these channels is compared, thus adapting the results of \cite{davis}-\cite{peloso} to the non abelian context. The excitations considered here are simple generalizations of rotating or spike string ansatz known in the literature \cite{ruso1}-\cite{kruczenski}. It is suggested however, that for certain type of semi-local strings whose internal moduli space is non compact, deviations due to non abelianity may be more pronounced.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Spacetime as a quantum circuit

We propose that finite cutoff regions of holographic spacetimes represent quantum circuits that map between boundary states at different times and Wilsonian cutoffs, and that the complexity of those quantum circuits is given by the gravitational action. The optimal circuit minimizes the gravitational action. This is a generalization of both the "complexity equals volume" conjecture to unoptimized circuits, and path integral optimization to finite cutoffs. Using tools from holographicTT¯, we find that surfaces of constant scalar curvature play a special role in optimizing quantum circuits. We also find an interesting connection of our proposal to kinematic space, and discuss possible circuit representations and gate counting interpretations of the gravitational action.

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