Featured Researches


On Farkas' Lemma and Related Propositions in BISH

In this paper we analyse in the framework of constructive mathematics (BISH) the validity of Farkas' lemma and related propositions, namely the Fredholm alternative for solvability of systems of linear equations, optimality criteria in linear programming, Stiemke's lemma and the Superhedging Duality from mathematical finance, and von Neumann's minimax theorem with application to constructive game theory.

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On Intermediate Justification Logics

We study abstract intermediate justification logics, that is arbitrary intermediate propositional logics extended with a subset of specific axioms of (classical) justification logics. For these, we introduce various semantics by combining either Heyting algebras or Kripke frames with the usual semantic machinery used by Mkrtychev's, Fitting's or Lehmann's and Studer's models for classical justification logics. We prove unified completeness theorems for all intermediate justification logics and their corresponding semantics using a respective propositional completeness theorem of the underlying intermediate logic. Further, by a modification of a method of Fitting, we prove unified realization theorems for a large class of intermediate justification logics and accompanying intermediate modal logics.

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On Matrix Consequence (Extended Abstract)

These results are a contribution to the model theory of matrix consequence. We give a semantic characterization of uniform and couniform consequence relations. These properties have never been treated individually, at least in a semantic manner. We consider these notions from a purely semantic point of view and separately, introducing the notion of a uniform bundle/atlas and that of a couniform class of logical matrices. Then, we show that any uniform bundle defines a uniform consequence; and if a structural consequence is uniform, then its Lindenbaum atlas is uniform. Thus, any structural consequence is uniform if, and only if, it is determined by a uniform bundle/atlas. On the other hand, any couniform set of matrices defines a couniform structural consequence. Also, the Lindenbaum atlas of a couniform structural consequence is couniform. Thus, any structural consequence is couniform if, and only if, it is determined by a couniform bundle/atlas. We then apply these observations to compare structural consequence relations that are defined in different languages when one language is a primitive extension of another. We obtain that for any structural consequence defined in a language having (at least) a denumerable set of sentential variables, if this consequence is uniform and couniform, then it and the \emph{ Wójcicki's consequence} corresponding to it, which is defined in any primitive extension of the given language, are determined by one and the same atlas which is both uniform and couniform.

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On Non-standard Models of Arithmetic with Uncountable Standard Systems

In 1960s, Dana Scott gave a recursion theoretic characterization of standard systems of countable non-standard models of arithmetic, i.e., collections of sets of standard natural numbers coded in non-standard models. Later, Knight and Nadel proved that Scott's characterization also applies to non-standard models of arithmetic with cardinality ℵ 1 . But the question, whether the limit on cardinality can be removed from the above characterization, remains a long standing question, known as the Scott Set Problem. This article presents two constructions of non-standard models of arithmetic with non-trivial uncountable standard systems. The first one leads to a new proof of the above theorem of Knight and Nadel, and the second proves the existence of models with non-trivial standard systems of cardinality the continuum. A partial answer to the Scott Set Problem under certain set theoretic hypothesis also follows from the second construction.

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On The Model Of Hyperrational Numbers With Selective Ultrafilter

In standard construction of hyperrational numbers using an ultrapower we assume that the ultrafilter is selective. It makes possible to assign real value to any finite hyperrational number. So, we can consider hyperrational numbers with selective ultrafilter as extension of traditional real numbers. Also proved the existence of strictly monotonic or stationary representing sequence for any hyperrational number.

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On a question of Slaman and Steel

We consider an old question of Slaman and Steel: whether Turing equivalence is an increasing union of Borel equivalence relations none of which contain a uniformly computable infinite sequence. We show this question is deeply connected to problems surrounding Martin's conjecture, and also in countable Borel equivalence relations. In particular, if Slaman and Steel's question has a positive answer, it implies there is a universal countable Borel equivalence which is not uniformly universal, and that there is a ( ≡ T , ≡ m ) -invariant function which is not uniformly invariant on any pointed perfect set.

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On abstract F-systems. A graph-theoretic model for paradoxes involving a falsity predicate and its application to argumentation frameworks

F-systems are digraphs that enable to model sentences that predicate the falsity of other sentences. Paradoxes like the Liar and Yablo's can be analyzed with that tool to find graph-theoretic patterns. In this paper we present the F-systems model abstracting from all the features of the language in which the represented sentences are expressed. All that is assumed is the existence of sentences and the binary relation '... affirms the falsity of ...' among them. The possible existence of non-referential sentences is also considered. To model the sets of all the sentences that can jointly be valued as true we introduce the notion of conglomerate, the existence of which guarantees the absence of paradox. Conglomerates also enable to characterize referential contradictions, i.e. sentences that can only be false under a classical valuation due to the interactions with other sentences in the model. A Kripke's style fixed point characterization of groundedness is offered and fixed points which are complete (meaning that every sentence is deemed either true or false) and consistent (meaning that no sentence is deemed true and false) are put in correspondence with conglomerates. Furthermore, argumentation frameworks are special cases of F-systems. We show the relation between local conglomerates and admissible sets of arguments and argue about the usefulness of the concept for argumentation theory.

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On axioms and rexpansions

We study the general problem of strengthening the logic of a given (partial) (non-deterministic) matrix with a set of axioms, using the idea of rexpansion. We obtain two characterization methods: a very general but not very effective one, and then an effective method which only applies under certain restrictions on the given semantics and the shape of the axioms. We show that this second method covers a myriad of examples in the literature. Finally, we illustrate how to obtain analytic multiple-conclusion calculi for the resulting logics.

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On bi-embeddable categoricity of algebraic structures

In several classes of countable structures it is known that every hyperarithmetic structure has a computable presentation up to bi-embeddability. In this article we investigate the complexity of embeddings between bi-embeddable structures in two such classes, the classes of linear orders and Boolean algebras. We show that if L is a computable linear order of Hausdorff rank n , then for every bi-embeddable copy of it there is an embedding computable in 2n−1 jumps from the atomic diagrams. We furthermore show that this is the best one can do: Let L be a computable linear order of Hausdorff rank n≥1 , then 0 (2n−2) does not compute embeddings between it and all its computable bi-embeddable copies. We obtain that for Boolean algebras which are not superatomic, there is no hyperarithmetic degree computing embeddings between all its computable bi-embeddable copies. On the other hand, if a computable Boolean algebra is superatomic, then there is a least computable ordinal α such that 0 (α) computes embeddings between all its computable bi-embeddable copies. The main technique used in this proof is a new variation of Ash and Knight's pairs of structures theorem.

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On cardinal characteristics associated with the strong measure zero ideal

Let SN be the strong measure zero σ -ideal. We prove a result providing bounds for cof(SN) which implies Yorioka's characterization of the cofinality of the strong measure zero. In addition, we use forcing matrix iterations to construct a model of ZFC that satisfies add(SN)=cov(SN)<non(SN)<cof(SN) .

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