Featured Researches


Prenex normal form theorems in semi-classical arithmetic

Akama et al. systematically studied an arithmetical hierarchy of the law of excluded middle and related principles in the context of first-order arithmetic. In that paper, they first provide a prenex normal form theorem as a justification of their semi-classical principles restricted to prenex formulas. However, there are some errors in their proof. In this paper, we provide a simple counterexample of their prenex normal form theorem, then modify it in an appropriate way. In addition, we characterize several prenex normal form theorems with respect to semi-classical arithmetic.

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Preservation of splitting families and cardinal characteristics of the continuum

We show how to construct, via forcing, splitting families than are preserved by a certain type of finite support iterations. As an application, we construct a model where 15 classical characteristics of the continuum are pairwise different, concretely: the 10 (non-dependent) entries in Cichoń's diagram, m(2-Knaster) , p , h , the splitting number s and the reaping number r .

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Priestley duality for MV-algebras and beyond

We provide a new perspective on extended Priestley duality for a large class of distributive lattices equipped with binary double quasioperators. Under this approach, non-lattice binary operations are each presented as a pair of partial binary operations on dual spaces. In this enriched environment, equational conditions on the algebraic side of the duality may more often be rendered as first-order conditions on dual spaces. In particular, we specialize our general results to the variety of MV-algebras, obtaining a duality for these in which the equations axiomatizing MV-algebras are dualized as first-order conditions.

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Priestley-style duality for filter-distributive congruential logics

We first present a Priestley-style dualitiy for the classes of algebras that are the algebraic counterpart of some congruential, finitary and filter-distributive logic with theorems. Then we analyze which properties of the dual spaces correspond to properties that the logic might enjoy, like the deduction theorem or the existence of a disjunction.

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Probabilities with Gaps and Gluts

Belnap-Dunn logic (BD), sometimes also known as First Degree Entailment, is a four-valued propositional logic that complements the classical truth values of True and False with two non-classical truth values Neither and Both. The latter two are to account for the possibility of the available information being incomplete or providing contradictory evidence. In this paper, we present a probabilistic extension of BD that permits agents to have probabilistic beliefs about the truth and falsity of a proposition. We provide a sound and complete axiomatization for the framework defined and also identify policies for conditionalization and aggregation. Concretely, we introduce four-valued equivalents of Bayes' and Jeffrey updating and also suggest mechanisms for aggregating information from different sources.

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Probability over Plonka sums of Boolean algebras: states, metrics and topology

The paper introduces the notion of state for involutive bisemilattices, a variety which plays the role of algebraic counterpart of paraconsistent weak Kleene logic and whose elements are represented as Plonka sum of Boolean algebras. We investigate the relations between states over an involutive bisemilattice and probability measures over the (Boolean) algebras in the Plonka sum representation and, the direct limit of these algebras. Moreover, we study completition of involutive bisemilattices, as pseudometric spaces, and the topology induced by the pseudometric.

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Projectivity in (bounded) integral residuated lattices

In this paper we study projective algebras in varieties of (bounded) commutative integral residuated lattices from an algebraic (as opposed to categorical) point of view. In particular we use a well-established construction in residuated lattices: the ordinal sum. Its interaction with divisibility makes our results have a better scope in varieties of divisibile commutative integral residuated lattices, and it allows us to show that many such varieties have the property that every finitely presented algebra is projective. In particular, we obtain results on (Stonean) Heyting algebras, certain varieties of hoops, and product algebras. Moreover, we study varieties with a Boolean retraction term, showing for instance that in a variety with a Boolean retraction term all finite Boolean algebras are projective. Finally, we connect our results with the theory of Unification.

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Proof Complexity of Substructural Logics

In this paper, we investigate the proof complexity of a wide range of substructural systems. For any proof system P at least as strong as Full Lambek calculus, FL , and polynomially simulated by the extended Frege system for some infinite branching super-intuitionistic logic, we present an exponential lower bound on the proof lengths. More precisely, we will provide a sequence of P -provable formulas { A n } ∞ n=1 such that the length of the shortest P -proof for A n is exponential in the length of A n . The lower bound also extends to the number of proof-lines (proof-lengths) in any Frege system (extended Frege system) for a logic between FL and any infinite branching super-intuitionistic logic. We will also prove a similar result for the proof systems and logics extending Visser's basic propositional calculus BPC and its logic BPC , respectively. Finally, in the classical substructural setting, we will establish an exponential lower bound on the number of proof-lines in any proof system polynomially simulated by the cut-free version of CF L ew .

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Propositional proof systems and fast consistency provers

A fast consistency prover is a consistent poly-time axiomatized theory that has short proofs of the finite consistency statements of any other poly-time axiomatized theory. Kraj\'ıček and Pudlák proved that the existence of an optimal propositional proof system is equivalent to the existence of a fast consistency prover. It is an easy observation that NP=coNP implies the existence of a fast consistency prover. The reverse implication is an open question. In this paper we define the notion of an unlikely fast consistency prover and prove that its existence is equivalent to NP=coNP . Next it is proved that fast consistency provers do not exist if one considers RE axiomatized theories rather than theories with an axiom set that is recognizable in polynomial time.

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Provability and interpretability logics with restricted realizations

The provability logic of a theory T is the set of modal formulas, which under any arithmetical realization are provable in T . We slightly modify this notion by requiring the arithmetical realizations to come from a specified set Γ . We make an analogous modification for interpretability logics. This is a paper from 2012. We first studied provability logics with restricted realizations, and show that for various natural candidates of theory T and restriction set Γ , where each sentence in Γ has a well understood (meta)-mathematical content in T, the result is the logic of linear frames. However, for the theory Primitive Recursive Arithmetic (PRA), we define a fragment that gives rise to a more interesting provability logic, by capitalizing on the well-studied relationship between PRA and I Σ 1 . We then study interpretability logics, obtaining some upper bounds for IL(PRA), whose characterization remains a major open question in interpretability logic. Again this upper bound is closely relatively to linear frames. The technique is also applied to yield the non-trivial result that IL(PRA) ⊂ ILM.

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