Featured Researches

Quantum Algebra

Delta sets and polynomial identities in pointed Hopf algebras

We survey a vast array of known results and techniques in the area of polynomial identities in pointed Hopf algebras. Some new results are proven in the setting of Hopf algebras that appeared in papers of D. Radford and N. Andruskiewitsch - H.-J. Schneider.

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Quantum Algebra

Derivations of the Positive Part of the Two-parameter Quantum Group of type G 2

In this paper, we compute the derivations of the positive part of the two-parameter quantum group of type G 2 by embedding it into a quantum torus. We also show that the Hochschild cohomology group of degree 1 of this algebra is a two dimensional vector space over the complex field.

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Quantum Algebra

Derived gluing construction of chiral algebras

We discuss the gluing construction of class S chiral algebras in derived setting. The gluing construction in non-derived setting was introduced by Arakawa to construct a family of vertex algebras of which the associated varieties give genus zero Moore-Tachikawa symplectic varieties. Motivated by the higher genus case, we introduce a dg vertex algebra version MT ch of the category of Moore-Tachikawa symplectic varieties, where a morphism is given by a dg vertex algebra equipped with action of the universal affine vertex algebra, and composition of morphisms is given by the BRST reduction. We also show that the procedure taking the associated scheme of gives a functor from MT ch to the category MT of derived Moore-Tachikawa varieties, which would imply compatibility of gluing constructions in both categories.

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Quantum Algebra

Derived invariants of the fixed ring of enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras

Let g be a semisimple complex Lie algebra, and let W be a finite subgroup of C -algebra automorphisms of the enveloping algebra U(g) . We show that the derived category of U(g ) W -modules determines isomorphism classes of both g and W. Our proofs are based on the geometry of the Zassenhaus variety of the reduction modulo p≫0 of g. Specifically, we use non-existence of certain étale coverings of its smooth locus

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Quantum Algebra

Determinants in Quantum Matrix Algebras and Integrable Systems

We define quantum determinants in Quantum Matrix Algebras, related to couples of compatible braidings following the scheme from [G]. We establish relations between these determinants and the so-called column-(row-)determinants, often used in the theory of integrable systems. Also, we generalize the quantum integrable spin systems from [CFRS] by using generalized Yangians, related to couples of compatible braidings. We demonstrate that such quantum integrable spin systems are not uniquely determined by the "quantum coordinate ring" of the basic space V. For instance, the "quantum plane" xy=qyx gives rise to two different integrable systems: rational and trigonometric ones.

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Quantum Algebra

Digital quantum groups

We find and classify all bialgebras and Hopf algebras or `quantum groups' of dimension ≤4 over the field F 2 ={0,1} . We summarise our results as a quiver, where the vertices are the inequivalent algebras and there is an arrow for each inequivalent bialgebra or Hopf algebra built from the algebra at the source of the arrow and the dual of the algebra at the target of the arrow. There are 314 distinct bialgebras, and among them 25 Hopf algebras with at most one of these from one vertex to another. We find a unique smallest noncommutative and noncocommutative one, which is moreover self-dual and resembles a digital version of u q (s l 2 ) . We also find a unique self-dual Hopf algebra in one anyonic variable x 4 =0 . For all our Hopf algebras we determine the integral and associated Fourier transform operator, viewed as a representation of the quiver. We also find all quasitriangular or `universal R-matrix' structures on our Hopf algebras. These induce solutions of the Yang-Baxter or braid relations in any representation.

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Quantum Algebra

Dimensional Reduction, Extended Topological Field Theories and Orbifoldization

We prove a decomposition formula for the dimensional reduction of an extended topological field theory that arises as an orbifold of an equivariant topological field theory. Our decomposition formula can be expressed in terms of a categorification of the integral with respect to groupoid cardinality. The application of our result to topological field theories of Dijkgraaf-Witten type proves a recent conjecture of Qiu-Wang.

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Quantum Algebra

Dirac operators on noncommutative hypersurfaces

This paper studies geometric structures on noncommutative hypersurfaces within a module-theoretic approach to noncommutative Riemannian (spin) geometry. A construction to induce differential, Riemannian and spinorial structures from a noncommutative embedding space to a noncommutative hypersurface is developed and applied to obtain noncommutative hypersurface Dirac operators. The general construction is illustrated by studying the sequence T 2 θ ↪ S 3 θ ↪ R 4 θ of noncommutative hypersurface embeddings.

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Quantum Algebra

Direct limit completions of vertex tensor categories

We show that direct limit completions of vertex tensor categories inherit vertex and braided tensor category structures, under conditions that hold for example for all known Virasoro and affine Lie algebra tensor categories. A consequence is that the theory of vertex operator (super)algebra extensions also applies to infinite-order extensions. As an application, we relate rigid and non-degenerate vertex tensor categories of certain modules for both the affine vertex superalgebra of osp(1|2) and the N=1 super Virasoro algebra to categories of Virasoro algebra modules via certain cosets.

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Quantum Algebra

Distributive biracks and solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation

We investigate a class of non-involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation which generalize self-distributive (derived) solutions. In particular, we study generalized multipermutation solutions in this class. We show that the Yang-Baxter (permutation) groups of such solutions are nilpotent. We formulate the results in the language of biracks.

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