Featured Researches

Quantum Algebra

Existence of quantum symmetries for graphs on up to seven vertices: a computer based approach

The symmetries of a finite graph are described by its automorphism group; in the setting of Woronowicz's quantum groups, a notion of a quantum automorphism group has been defined by Banica capturing the quantum symmetries of the graph. In general, there are more quantum symmetries than symmetries and it is a non-trivial task to determine when this is the case for a given graph: The question is whether or not the algebra associated to the quantum automorphism group is commutative. We use Gröbner base computations in order to tackle this problem; the implementation uses GAP and the SINGULAR package LETTERPLACE. We determine the existence of quantum symmetries for all connected, undirected graphs without multiple edges and without self-edges, for up to seven vertices. As an outcome, we infer within our regime that a classical automorphism group of order one or two is an obstruction for the existence of quantum symmetries.

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Quantum Algebra

Explicit generators and relations for the centre of the quantum group

For the standard Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group U q (g) associated with a simple Lie algebra g , we construct explicit generators of the centre Z( U q (g)) , and determine the relations satisfied by the generators. For g of type A n (n??) , D 2k+1 (k??) or E 6 , the centre Z( U q (g)) is isomorphic to a quotient of a polynomial algebra in multiple variables, which is described in a uniform manner for all cases. For g of any other type, Z( U q (g)) is generated by n= rank (g) algebraically independent elements.

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Quantum Algebra

Extended TQFTs and Algebraic Geometry

We study a potential method for constructing the Rozansky--Witten TQFT as an extended (1+1+1) -TQFT. We construct a 2 -category consisting of schemes, complexes of sheaves and sheaf morphisms and show that there are (1+1) -TQFTs valued in the truncation of this category which have state spaces that agree with the Rozansky--Witten TQFT. However, we also show that if such a TQFT is based on a reduced Noetherian scheme, it cannot be extended upwards to a (1+1+1) -TQFT.

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Quantum Algebra

Extended TQFTs via Generators and Relations I: The Extended Toric Code

In his PhD thesis, Goosen combined the string-net and the generators-and-relations formalisms for arbitrary once-extended 3-dimensional TQFTs. In this paper we work this out in detail for the simplest non-trivial example, where the underlying spherical fusion category is the category of Z/2Z -graded vector spaces. This allows us to give an elementary string-net description of the linear maps associated to 3-dimensional bordisms. The string-net formalism also simplifies the description of the mapping class group action in the resulting TQFT. We conclude the paper by performing some example calculations from this viewpoint.

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Quantum Algebra

Extended affine Lie algebras, vertex algebras, and reductive groups

In this paper, we explore natural connections among the representations of the extended affine Lie algebra s l N ˆ ( C q ) with C q = C q [ t ±1 0 , t ±1 1 ] an irrational quantum 2-torus, the simple affine vertex algebra L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0) with ℓ a positive integer, and Levi subgroups G of G L ℓ (C) . First, we give a canonical isomorphism between the category of integrable restricted s l N ˆ ( C q ) -modules of level ℓ and that of equivariant quasi L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0) -modules. Second, we classify irreducible N -graded equivariant quasi L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0) -modules. Third, we establish a duality between irreducible N -graded equivariant quasi L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0) -modules and irreducible regular G -modules on certain fermionic Fock spaces. Fourth, we obtain an explicit realization of every irreducible N -graded equivariant quasi L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0) -module. Fifth, we completely determine the following branchings: 1 The branching from L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ,0)⊗ L s l ∞ ˆ ( ℓ ′ ,0) to L s l ∞ ˆ (ℓ+ ℓ ′ ,0) for quasi modules. 2 The branching from s l N ˆ ( C q ) to its Levi subalgebras. 3 The branching from s l N ˆ ( C q ) to its subalgebras s l N ˆ ( C q [ t ± M 0 0 , t ± M 1 1 ]) .

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Quantum Algebra

FS-indicators of pq-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras

We compute higher Frobenius-Schur indicators of pq-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras in characteristic p through their associated graded Hopf algebras. These indicators are gauge invariants for the monoidal categories of representations of these algebras.

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Quantum Algebra

Factorization Algebras for Classical Bulk-Boundary Systems

We study a certain class of bulk-boundary systems in the Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) formalism. We construct factorization algebras of observables for such bulk-boundary systems, and show that these factorization algebras have a natural Poisson bracket of cohomological degree 1.

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Quantum Algebra

Factorization Homology and 4D TQFT

In [BK], it is shown that the Turaev-Viro invariants defined for a spherical fusion category A extends to invariants of 3-manifolds with corners. In [Kir], an equivalent formulation for the 2-1 part of the theory (2-manifolds with boundary) is described using the space of "stringnets with boundary conditions" as the vector spaces associated to 2-manifolds with boundary. Here we construct a similar theory for the 3-2 part of the 4-3-2 theory in [CY1993].

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Quantum Algebra

Factorization algebras and abelian CS/WZW-type correspondences

We develop a method of quantization for free field theories on manifolds with boundary where the bulk theory is topological in the direction normal to the boundary and a local boundary condition is imposed. Our approach is within the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. At the level of observables, the construction produces a stratified factorization algebra that in the bulk recovers the factorization algebra developed by Costello and Gwilliam. The factorization algebra on the boundary stratum enjoys a perturbative bulk-boundary correspondence with this bulk factorization algebra. A central example is the factorization algebra version of the abelian Chern-Simons/Wess-Zumino-Witten correspondence, but we examine higher dimensional generalizations that are related to holomorphic truncations of string theory and M -theory and involve intermediate Jacobians.

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Quantum Algebra

Finite GK-Dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of super and standard type

We prove that finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of super and standard type are quotients of the corresponding distinguished pre-Nichols algebras, except when the braiding matrix is of type super A and the dimension of the braided vector space is three. For these two exceptions we explicitly construct substitutes as braided central extensions of the corresponding pre-Nichols algebras by a polynomial ring in one variable. Via bosonization this gives new examples of finite GK-dimensional Hopf algebras.

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