Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

Extended quantum diffusion approach to reactions of astrophysical interests

The quantum diffusion approach is extended to low energy fusion (capture) reactions of light- and medium-mass nuclei. The dependence of the friction parameter on bombarding energy is taken into account. A simple analytic expression is obtained for the capture probability at extreme sub-barrier energies. The calculated cross-sections are in a good agreement with the experimental data. The fusion excitation functions calculated within the quantum diffusion and WKB approaches are compared and presented in the astrophysical S -factor representation.

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Nuclear Theory

Extensive Studies of the Neutron Star Equation of State from the Deep Learning Inference with the Observational Data Augmentation

We discuss deep learning inference for the neutron star equation of state (EoS) using the real observational data of the mass and the radius. We make a quantitative comparison between the conventional polynomial regression and the neural network approach for the EoS parametrization. For our deep learning method to incorporate uncertainties in observation, we augment the training data with noise fluctuations corresponding to observational uncertainties. Deduced EoSs can accommodate a weak first-order phase transition, and we make a histogram for likely first-order regions. We also find that our observational data augmentation has a byproduct to tame the overfitting behavior. To check the performance improved by the data augmentation, we set up a toy model as the simplest inference problem to recover a double-peaked function and monitor the validation loss. We conclude that the data augmentation could be a useful technique to evade the overfitting without tuning the neural network architecture such as inserting the dropout.

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Nuclear Theory

Extracting σ πN from pionic atoms

We discuss a recent extraction of the πN σ term σ πN from a large-scale fit of pionic-atom strong-interaction data across the periodic table. The value thus derived, σ FG πN =57±7 MeV, is directly connected via the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner expression to the medium-renormalized πN isovector scattering amplitude near threshold. It compares well with the value derived recently by the Bern-Bonn-Jülich group, σ RS πN =58±5 MeV, using the Roy-Steiner equations to control the extrapolation of the vanishingly small near threshold πN isoscalar scattering amplitude to zero pion mass.

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Nuclear Theory

Extracting the temperature dependence in high- p ⊥ particle energy loss

The suppression of high- p ⊥ particles is one of the main signatures of parton energy loss during its passing through the QGP medium, and is reasonably reproduced by different theoretical models. However, a decisive test of the reliability of a certain energy loss mechanism, apart from its path-length, is its temperature dependence. Despite its importance and comprehensive dedicated studies, this issue is still awaiting for more stringent constraints. To this end, we here propose a novel observable to extract temperature dependence exponent of high- p ⊥ particle's energy loss, based on R AA . More importantly, by combining analytical arguments, full-fledged numerical calculations and comparison with experimental data, we argue that this observable is highly suited for testing (and rejecting) the long-standing ΔE/E∝ L 2 T 3 paradigm. The anticipated significant reduction of experimental errors will allow direct extraction of temperature dependence, by considering different centrality pair in A+A collisions (irrespective of the nucleus size) in high- p ⊥ region. Overall, our results imply that this observable, which reflects the underlying energy loss mechanism, is very important to distinguish between different theoretical models.

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Nuclear Theory

Extraction of baryonia from the lightest anti-protonic atoms

Anti-protonic hydrogen and helium atoms are analyzed. Level shifts and width are expressed in terms of p ¯ -nucleon sub-threshold scattering lengths and volumes. Experimental data are compared to results obtained from the 2009 version of the Paris N N ¯ interaction potential. Comparison with 1999 version is also made. Effects of N N ¯ quasi-bound states are discussed. Atomic 2P hyperfine structure is calculated for antiprotonic deuterium and the significance of new measurements is indicated.

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Nuclear Theory

Factorial cumulants from global baryon number conservation

The proton, antiproton and mixed proton-antiproton factorial cumulants originating from the global conservation of baryon number are calculated analytically up to the sixth order. Our results can be directly tested in experiments.

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Nuclear Theory

Far From Equilibrium Hydrodynamics and the Beam Energy Scan

The existence of hydrodynamic attractors in rapidly expanding relativistic systems has shed light on the success of relativistic hydrodynamics in describing heavy-ion collisions at zero chemical potential. As the search for the QCD critical point continues, it is important to investigate how out of equilibrium effects influence the trajectories on the QCD phase diagram. In this proceedings, we study a Bjorken expanding hydrodynamic system based on DMNR equations of motion with initial out of equilibrium effects and finite chemical potential in a system with a critical point. We find that the initial conditions are not unique for a specific freeze-out point, but rather the system can evolve to the same final state freeze-out point with a wide range of initial baryon chemical potential, μ B . For the same initial energy density and baryon density, depending on how far out of equilibrium the system begins, the initial μ B can vary by Δ μ B ∼350 MeV. Our results indicate that knowledge of the out-of-equilibrium effects in the initial state provide vital information that influences the search for the QCD critical point.

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Nuclear Theory

Far-from-equilibrium search for the QCD critical point

Initial conditions for relativistic heavy-ion collisions may be far from equilibrium (i.e. there are large initial contributions from the shear stress tensor and bulk pressure) but it is expected that on very short time scales the dynamics converge to a universal attractor that defines hydrodynamic behavior. Thus far, studies of this nature have only considered an idealized situation at LHC energies (high temperatures T and vanishing baryon chemical potential μ B =0 ) but, in this work, we investigate for the first time how far-from-equilibrium effects may influence experimentally driven searches for the Quantum Chromodynamic critical point at RHIC. We find that the path to the critical point is heavily influenced by far from equilibrium initial conditions where viscous effects lead to dramatically different {T, μ B } trajectories through the QCD phase diagram. We compare hydrodynamic equations of motion with shear and bulk coupled together at finite μ B for both DNMR and phenomenological Israel-Stewart equations of motion and discuss their influence on potential attractors at finite μ B and their corresponding {T, μ B } trajectories.

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Nuclear Theory

Fast Heating Dissociation of Upsilon(1S) in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC

With the adiabatic assumption in the cooling process, we discussed a new mechanism on Upsilon(1S) suppression that is due to the fast heating process at the early stage of the fireball instead of its finite decay width in finite temperature medium produced in the heavy ion collisions. We calculated the transition probability after the fast heating dissociation as a function of the temperature of the medium and the nuclear modification factor in central collisions, and found that the suppression is not negligible at RHIC, even if the width of Upsilon(1S) vanishes.

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Nuclear Theory

Fast neutrino cooling of nuclear pasta in neutron stars: molecular dynamics simulations

The direct URCA process of rapid neutrino emission can occur in nonuniform nuclear pasta phases that are expected in the inner crust of neutron stars. Here, the periodic potential for a nucleon in nuclear pasta allows momentum conservation to be satisfied for direct URCA reactions. We improve on earlier work by modeling a rich variety of pasta phases (gnocchi, waffle, lasagna, and anti-spaghetti) with large-scale molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the neutrino luminosity due to direct URCA reactions in nuclear pasta can be 3 to 4 orders of magnitude larger than that from the modified URCA process in the NS core. Thus neutrino radiation from pasta could dominate radiation from the core and this could significantly impact the cooling of neutron stars

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