Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

Implications of PREX-II on the equation of state of neutron-rich matter

Laboratory experiments sensitive to the equation of state of neutron rich matter in the vicinity of nuclear saturation density provide the first rung in a "density ladder" that connects terrestrial experiments to astronomical observations. In this context, the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb (Rskin) provides a stringent laboratory constraint on the density dependence of the symmetry energy. In turn, an improved value of Rskin has been reported recently by the PREX collaboration. Exploiting the strong correlation between Rskin and the slope of the symmetry energy L within a specific class of relativistic energy density functionals, we report a value of L=(106 +/- 37)MeV -- that systematically overestimates current limits based on both theoretical approaches and experimental measurements. The impact of such a stiff symmetry energy on some critical neutron-star observables is also examined.

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Nuclear Theory

Importance of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Entropy Scaling

One of the greatest uncertainties in heavy-ion collisions is the description of the initial state. Different models predict a wide range of initial energy density distributions based on their underlying assumptions. Final flow harmonics are sensitive to these differences in the initial state due to the nearly linear mapping between eccentricities and anisotropic flow harmonics. The Trento code uses a model-agnostic approach by phenomenologically parameterizing the initial state and constraining those parameters from a Bayesian analysis. There the multiplicity fluctuations were determined by a one parameter Γ distribution. However, initial-state models arising from the Color-Glass Condensate (CGC) framework lead to an initial energy density which is outside the functional form considered in Trento and its later Bayesian analyses because they rely on log-normal multiplicity fluctuations. We compare T A T B scaling (CGC-like) to T A T B − − − − − √ scaling (preferred from a Trento Bayesian analysis) and find that the T A T B form together with log-normal fluctuations is a reasonable candidate to describe the multiplicity fluctuations but leads to larger eccentricities, which would affect the extraction of viscosity in small systems.

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Nuclear Theory

Imprint of nuclear bubble in nucleon-nucleus diffraction

Background: The density of most nuclei is constant in the central region and is smoothly decreasing at the surface. A depletion in the central part of the nuclear density can have nuclear structure effects leading to the formation of "bubble" nuclei. However, probing the density profile of the nuclear interior is, in general, very challenging. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the nuclear bubble structure, with nucleon-nucleus scattering, and quantify the effect that has on the nuclear surface profile. Method: We employed high-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering under the aegis of the Glauber model to analyze various reaction observables, which helps in quantifying the nuclear bubble. The effectiveness of this method is tested on 28 Si with harmonic-oscillator (HO) densities, before applying it on even-even N=14 isotones, in the 22≤A≤34 mass range, with realistic densities obtained from antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD). Results: Elastic scattering differential cross sections and reaction probability for the proton- 28 Si reaction are calculated using the HO density to design tests for signatures of nuclear bubble structure. We then quantify the degree of bubble structure for N=14 isotones with the AMD densities by analyzing their elastic scattering at 325, 550 and 800 MeV incident energies. The present analyses suggest 22 O as a candidate for a bubble nucleus, among even-even N=14 isotones, in the 22≤A≤34 mass range. Conclusion: We have shown that the bubble structure information is imprinted on the nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering differential cross section, especially in the first diffraction peak. Bubble nuclei tend to have a sharper nuclear surface and deformation seems to be a hindrance in their emergence.

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Nuclear Theory

Improved quark coalescence model for spin alignment and polarization of hadrons

We propose an improved quark coalescence model for spin alignment of vector mesons and polarization of baryons by spin density matrix with phase space dependence. The spin density matrix is defined through Wigner functions. Within the model we propose an understanding of spin alignments of vector mesons ϕ and K ∗0 (including K ¯ ∗0 ) in the static limit: a large positive deviation of ρ 00 for ϕ mesons from 1/3 may come from the electric part of the vector ϕ field, while a negative deviation of ρ 00 for K ∗0 may come from the electric part of vorticity tensor fields. Such a negative contribution to ρ 00 for K ∗0 mesons, in comparison with the same contribution to ρ 00 for ϕ mesons which is less important, is amplified by a factor of the mass ratio of strange to light quark times the ratio of ⟨ p 2 b ⟩ on the wave function of K ∗0 to ϕ ( p b is the relative momentum of two constituent quarks of K ∗0 and ϕ ). These results should be tested by a detailed and comprehensive simulation of vorticity tensor fields and vector meson fields in heavy ion collisions.

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Nuclear Theory

Improvements to the macroscopic-microscopic approach of nuclear fission

The well established macroscopic-microscopic (mac-mic) description of nuclear fission enables the prediction of fission fragment yields for a broad range of fissioning systems. In this work, we present several key enhancements to this approach. We improve upon the microscopic sector of nuclear potential energy surfaces by magnifying the resolution of the Lipkin-Nogami equations and strengthening the Strutinsky procedure, thus reducing spurious effects from the continuum. We further present a novel deterministic method for calculating fission dynamics under the assumption of strongly damped nucleonic motion. Our technique directly determines the evolution of the scissioned shape distribution according to the number of random walk steps rather than the statistical accumulation of fission events. We show that our new technique is equivalent to the Metropolis random walk pioneered over the past decade by Randrup and colleagues. It further improves upon it, as we remove the need for altering the nuclear landscape via a biased potential. With our final improvement, we calculate fission fragments mass and charge distributions using particle number projection, which affords the simultaneous calculation of both mass and charge yield distributions. Fission fragments are thus calculated from the quantum mechanical A -body states of the potential energy surface rather than the collective mass asymmetry variable ( α g ) of the Finite-Range Liquid-Drop Model (FRLDM) used in past work. We highlight the success of our enhancements by predicting the odd-even staggering and the charge polarization for the neutron-induced fission of 233 U and 235 U.

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Nuclear Theory

Impurity Lattice Monte Carlo for Hypernuclei

We consider the problem of including Λ hyperons into the ab initio framework of nuclear lattice effective field theory. In order to avoid large sign oscillations in Monte Carlo simulations, we make use of the fact that the number of hyperons is typically small compared to the number of nucleons in the hypernuclei of interest. This allows us to use the impurity lattice Monte Carlo method, where the minority species of fermions in the full nuclear Hamiltonian is integrated out and treated as a worldline in Euclidean projection time. The majority fermions (nucleons) are treated as explicit degrees of freedom, with their mutual interactions described by auxiliary fields. This is the first application of the impurity lattice Monte Carlo method to systems where the majority particles are interacting. Here, we show how the impurity Monte Carlo method can be applied to compute the binding energy of the light hypernuclei. In this exploratory work we use spin-independent nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon interactions to test the computational power of the method. We find that the computational effort scales approximately linearly in the number of nucleons. The results are very promising for future studies of larger hypernuclear systems using chiral effective field theory and realistic hyperon-nucleon interactions, as well as applications to other quantum many-body systems.

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Nuclear Theory

In-medium ?(1232) potential, pion production in heavy-ion collisions and the symmetry energy

Using the dcQMD transport model, the isoscalar and isovector in-medium potentials of the ? (1232) baryon are studied and information regarding their effective strength is obtained from a comparison to experimental pion production data in heavy-ion collisions below 800 MeV/nucleon impact energy. The best description is achieved for an isoscalar potential moderately more attractive than the nucleon optical potential and a rather small isoscalar relative effective mass m ??? ??0.45. For the isovector component only a constraint between the potential's strength at saturation and the isovector effective mass difference can be extracted, which depends on quantities such as the slope of the symmetry energy and the neutron-proton effective mass difference. These results are incompatible with the usual assumption, in transport models, that the ? (1232) and nucleon potentials are equal. The density dependence of symmetry energy can be studied using the high transverse momentum tail of pion multiplicity ratio spectra. Results are however correlated with the value of neutron-proton effective mass difference. This region of spectra is shown to be affected by uncertain model ingredients such as the pion potential or in-medium correction to inelastic scattering cross-sections at levels smaller than 10 % . Extraction of precise constraints for the density dependence of symmetry energy above saturation will require experimental data for pion production in heavy-ion collisions below 800 MeV/nucleon impact energy and experimental values for the high transverse momentum tail of pion multiplicity ratio spectra accurate to better than 5 % .

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Nuclear Theory

In-medium k -body reduction of n -body operators

The computational cost of ab initio nuclear structure calculations is rendered particularly acute by the presence of (at least) three-nucleon interactions. This feature becomes especially critical now that many-body methods aim at extending their reach beyond mid-mass nuclei. Consequently, state-of-the-art ab initio calculations are typically performed while approximating three-nucleon interactions in terms of effective, i.e. system-dependent, zero-, one- and two-nucleon operators. While straightforward in doubly closed-shell nuclei, existing approximation methods based on normal-ordering techniques involve either two- and three-body density matrices or a symmetry-breaking one-body density matrix in open-shell systems. In order to avoid such complications, a simple, flexible, universal and accurate approximation technique involving the convolution of the initial operator with a sole symmetry-invariant one-body matrix is presently formulated and tested numerically. Employed with a low-resolution Hamiltonian, the novel approximation method is shown to induce errors below 2??% across a large range of nuclei, observables and many-body methods.

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Nuclear Theory

In-medium similarity renormalization group with three-body operators

Over the past decade the in-medium similarity renormalization group (IMSRG) approach has proven to be a powerful and versatile ab initio many-body method for studying medium-mass nuclei. So far, the IMSRG was limited to the approximation in which only up to two-body operators are incorporated in the renormalization group flow, referred to as the IMSRG(2). In this work, we extend the IMSRG(2) approach to fully include three-body operators yielding the IMSRG(3) approximation. We use a perturbative scaling analysis to estimate the importance of individual terms in this approximation and introduce truncations that aim to approximate the IMSRG(3) at a lower computational cost. The IMSRG(3) is systematically benchmarked for different nuclear Hamiltonians for 4 He and 16 O in small model spaces. The IMSRG(3) systematically improves over the IMSRG(2) relative to exact results. Approximate IMSRG(3) truncations constructed based on computational cost are able to reproduce much of the systematic improvement offered by the full IMSRG(3). We also find that the approximate IMSRG(3) truncations behave consistently with expectations from our perturbative analysis, indicating that this strategy may also be used to systematically approximate the IMSRG(3).

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Nuclear Theory

Inclusive Electron Scattering And The GENIE Neutrino Event Generator

The extraction of neutrino mixing parameters from accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments relies on proper modeling of neutrino-nucleus scattering processes using neutrino-interaction event generators. Experimental tests of these generators are difficult due to the broad range of neutrino energies produced in accelerator-based beams and the low statistics of current experiments. Here we overcome these difficulties by exploiting the similarity of neutrino and electron interactions with nuclei to test neutrino event generators using high-precision inclusive electron scattering data. To this end, we revised the electron-scattering mode of the GENIE event generator ( e -GENIE) to include electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung radiation effects and to use, when relevant, the exact same physics models and model parameters, as the standard neutrino-scattering version. We also implemented new models for quasielastic (QE) scattering and meson exchange currents (MEC) based on the theory-inspired SuSAv2 approach. Comparing the new e -GENIE predictions with inclusive electron scattering data, we find an overall adequate description of the data in the QE- and MEC-dominated lower energy transfer regime, especially when using the SuSAv2 models. Higher energy transfer-interactions, which are dominated by resonance production, are still not well modeled by e -GENIE.

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